Lion's Share

His fingers hooked the sheer lace stretched across my hips, then tugged it slowly down. So slowly I started to complain—until he kissed the point of my left hip. His mouth was warm, and soft, and…several inches from where I truly wanted it.

A needy sound rose from my throat. Jace bit my hip gently, just the graze of his teeth against flesh, as he slid that scrap of material down my thighs, skimming my overheated skin with his fingers. He let go, and the lace fell, but his hands continued their slow exploration until he lifted first my right foot, then my left, to push the fallen garment away.

His hands crept back up and slid over my backside. Then he lifted my right leg and I caught my breath when he hooked my knee over his shoulder. He forged a trail of kisses up my thigh, and my pulse raced faster with every drop of fire left in the wake of his lips.

Anticipation pooled inside me, hot and aching. At the first smooth stroke of his tongue where I’d never been tasted before, my eyes fell closed and every muscle in my body tensed beneath the delicious, wet pressure.

Jace groaned, and the sound rumbled through my most sensitive places. His next lick was longer, the next deeper, and by the time his fingers slid inside me, an exquisite spiral of friction and pressure was already building, teasing me toward a peak I’d only ascended once before.

“Oh…” I breathed, and Jace groaned again. His tongue worked faster, his fingers moving gently, applying pressure inside, and my hands slid into his hair. “Oh…” Pleasure erupted in a hot wash of sensation, and I lost all mastery of language. Jace kept moving, stroking, as I clenched around him, until I exhaled and let my head fall back against the wall again.

Then reason returned, and I remembered what I’d really wanted. “Oh, no, I wanted to…”

Jace smiled up at me, and new flames kindled where his hand was still nested. “We’re not done.” His fingers slid out of me slowly, trailing forward and up, and I shuddered as the touch triggered blissful aftershocks. He stood, and I reached for his waistband.

“We should be in my bed,” he whispered as I tugged on the denim restraining his button.

“Why? You seem more than adept at…upright.” I pushed the button through its hole, and his pulse spiked.

Jace groaned as I pushed his jeans down. “I want to do this right, Abby.”

“You already are. You’re the only thing I need.”

“Say that again.”

I slid his boxers down to follow the denim, freeing the hard length of him. “I need you, Jace.”

He growled and lifted me, his hands digging into my hips. He throbbed against me, hot and ready, and suddenly my eagerness wavered. “Is it… Will it hurt?”

“I don’t think so. You’re ready, physically,” he said, and I could hear how much he wanted me in every word he spoke. “So ready.” But his self-control was a thing of legend. If I told him to wait, he would wait. “If this is what you want.”

I nodded, my pulse racing. “I want you.”

Nothing I’d said had ever been truer.

His pupils dilated, and his heart beat harder. “We’ll go slow. If you want to stop, just tell me.”

I nodded again, and he glanced at the armchair in the corner, just a foot away. “That might be easier, this time.” His grip on my hips tightened as he sank into the chair with me on his lap. “You’re on top. You’re in control.”

“But I don’t…know what to do.”

Jace grinned and pulled me down for a kiss. “We’ll figure that out together,” he whispered without truly pulling away from my mouth, then he was kissing me again, one hand in my hair, the other on my hip. He arched beneath me, rocking against me, and that simple motion triggered an orgasmic aftershock and pulled a guttural moan from deep in my throat. My body had only ever found pleasure in his touch, and it knew what to expect. What it wanted.

I decided to listen to my body. To forget everything else.

I closed my eyes and rocked against him.

Jace groaned, tense beneath me. Throbbing against me. “I have never in my life wanted anyone like I want you.”

The truth of that echoed deep in his voice. In the cadence of his heartbeat. I could taste it on his skin. I could feel it in my soul. And suddenly, I felt powerful. He wanted something only I could give him. I rocked forward one more time, then leaned down to whisper against his ear. “Show me what to do.”

Jace’s eyes fluttered closed, and his hand tightened on my hip. “You’re already halfway there. Rise up on your knees.”

I did, and his fingers slid into me. Testing. Teasing. My body remembered that part, and when I clenched around him, he groaned and removed his hand. “A little higher,” he said, and when I complied, he guided himself into position beneath me. Against me. “Do you want to feel?” he asked, and when I nodded, too fascinated by the possibility to articulate, he guided my hand to where our bodies met, and my eyes flew open. My gaze met his, and for once, he wasn’t grinning. He was watching me, desire burning behind his eyes. Flushing his skin.

Rachel Vincent's books