Lion Heart

De Clare took a deep drink, enjoying the attention, and Rob’s hand wrapped warm around mine.


“I will say,” de Clare began, “that England has never been more resplendent, more proud and glorious. York was the first major city we went to, and the beauty we saw there—beyond compare.” He glanced round, taking in the warm smiles before going on. “The redheads, the blondes—Lord on high, I saw one bit of fun with the best—”


“Enough,” Isabel said.


De Clare laughed heartily.


“Quite enough,” Isabel repeated. “Or do you need to be removed from the table, de Clare?”


“With so lovely a dinner companion—” he started, pulling Margaret’s hand and trying to drag it to his mouth.


She pulled away with a gasp, and even her father glared.


“Don’t touch me,” he mocked. “Like you don’t enjoy a man’s hands on you.” He shrugged. “You’ll learn to like my touch soon enough, wife!” he crowed, drinking more wine.


“De Clare,” Leicester said, standing. “You’ve had enough for one night. Why don’t you absent yourself?”


De Clare got to his feet. He weren’t drunk at all, just an ill-mannered brute. “Very well, Father. I’m sure you know best.”


Leicester frowned. “Don’t mock the bonds of marriage,” Leicester said. “You will not refer to me as such until it’s true.”


De Clare laughed and turned back to Margaret. He leaned over her chair and took her chin, kissing her full on the mouth.


Leicester’s scowl burned red.


De Clare let her go, and quit the hall.












Winchester returned, roaming the palace like a moody beast. Rob tried to keep him out of doors as much as he could.


Allan spent much of his time in London. He wouldn’t tell me for sure that Kate agreed to our plot, only that he knew she would come through when we needed her. It weren’t reassuring, and the days were passing faster.


We received word that Eleanor and her party would arrive by nightfall five days after Leicester. No one had heard when Prince John would come, but I could feel him drawing close like a gathering storm.


Leicester declared that his daughter would be married on Sunday, two days after Eleanor were meant to arrive.




Margaret didn’t come to the gardens anymore. She didn’t want to see de Clare, she didn’t want to see Winchester. I rather thought she wanted time to grind to a halt before Sunday ever came, but that weren’t in God’s plan just yet.


The nobles gathered in the garden. Rob and Winchester seemed engaged in a serious debate with Suffolk, and I could no longer walk aimless in a strange place where nature were made careful and pretty instead of wild and free.


David followed me as I left the gardens, but I waved him off. I didn’t want to be followed; I just wanted to be alone.


There were a little brook past the gardens, and I crossed it, walking through a field and making for a copse of trees ahead. The farther I walked, their tittering whispers faded out, replaced by birds talking animatedly to one another, flying and swooping above me. The blades of long grass in the field slid against one another, shushing me, and the sun beat down on all of it, making it glitter.


Inside the copse of trees, the air were cool and fresh, and I shut my eyes, wishing myself back in Nottingham.


Just a few days more, I promised myself. And all this will be finished.


As soon as the trunks of silver arrived with Eleanor, we could spring into action. Prince John or not, we could protect the realm, and we could be free.


I stayed as long as I could, hiding in the trees, trying to draw on their strength. Maybe Prince John wouldn’t arrive until the next day, and we could finish this after Eleanor arrived.


As I crossed the brook to come back to the castle, riders on the road kicked up dust to come around the curve, slowing at the gate. My blood went cold and still as I saw Prince John riding at the forefront, and he saw me clear in the sun.


His horse and men stopped as the portcullis were raised, and I curtsied. “Prince John,” I greeted, tight-lipped. “Welcome to court.”


He dismounted, coming to me with a bright, false smile. “Lady Huntingdon. My God, you just keep on turning up alive, don’t you?” He laughed like he’d said something funny, coming close to me. I backed up. “You know, it’s simply so difficult to enlist able men these days. So next time I try to kill you,” he said, meeting my gaze, “I’ll be the one holding the blade.”


I stopped backing up as the gate opened full and knights came out, taking the prince’s horse and men inside, keeping people between us. Prince John gave me a grin and inclined his head to me, walking into the palace.




Eleanor arrived within a few hours, and when she did, she called me for a private audience. “You did as I asked?” I said.


“Hello, my darling granddaughter,” Eleanor said, embracing me. “So lovely to see you.”


“I know you like your manners, Eleanor, but now is hardly the time.”


She looked wounded. “There is always enough time for exquisite manners, Marian.”