Land of Shadows

He drifted toward the demon without hesitation, unable to control his own actions. “Written in the stars, you say!” he exclaimed as all eyes fell on the person they no longer recognized. His voice began to gain intensity as he marched methodically toward the floating image. “The world of men will unite against the darkness, Demon!” He raised his hand into the air as he stood right in front of Dragot. His voice boomed far too loudly for any human. It was deafening as it echoed off the walls. “You think humanity fears your pet Krytoes? That we will tremble before him?” Dragot’s eyes held the look of panic as he drew himself back, but he had nowhere to go. “HE...WILL...TREMBLE... BEFORE... ME!” Eric clenched his hand into a fist and twisted it in the air as whatever connection Dragot had to this room, whatever gateway he had been using, was instantly severed. The image disappeared in a blinding flash of green.


He instantly collapsed to the floor as everyone rushed to his side. Jade sat next to him as she placed his head on her lap while urgently calling out to him. After a minute or two, his eyes fluttered open. She hugged him so tight he thought he might pass out again. “Do you remember anything, child?” asked Berkeni in a rush. “How did you do that? Forming a gateway is difficult enough, but to sever it so easily! How did you do it?”


“I...I remember everything, but it wasn’t me!” Eric replied with a puzzled look on his face. Everyone now shared the same confused expression. That is, everyone except Morcel. This whole time his face had remained quite level and calm. You would have thought he had seen this before! Eric continued, “Well, it was me, but I couldn’t control my actions. I didn’t know what I was saying or doing!” He stood up, still a bit wobbly, and dusted himself off.


“There is something else here! Here in the room!” said Berkeni in a sudden panic. Weapons were drawn once again within seconds of the urgent notice. Heads were on swivels as they tried to look everywhere at once, not looking forward to any more surprises. Azek was taking all this quite seriously now, after what he had just witnessed. He could no longer deny his own eyes.


“It’s OK,” said Eric, looking to Berkeni before his eyes calmly scanned the ceiling. “It just wants to use you as a vessel. Everything will be fine, I promise.” Why did I say that? Why do I know these things all of sudden? Berkeni eyed him with a sheepish look and a tight smile. He could now clearly feel the presence and agreed with Eric’s assessment.


“You certainly have the gift, don’t you, child?” said Berkeni, placing his back to the wall as he closed his eyes. He stood there for a moment, not moving or saying anything. Then, after one or two blinks, his eyelids began to flutter rapidly, faster and faster like a hummingbird’s wings, until they just stopped. Eric motioned to Jade with a nod of his head in the direction of Berkeni. She hesitated at first, looking at the old man with his eyes wide open, staring at nothing. But when Eric smiled at her, she knew it would be fine.


Jade crept over to the small man as his eyes remained glazed over. Then, as his head slowly turned toward her, his eyes seemed to clear, as if seeing her for the first time. “Jade, sweetie, is that you?” came the quiet voice with a familiar tone, a voice she thought she’d never hear again.


“B-Ben?” she said in choked whisper as her eyes moistened. Her lip began to quiver as a single tear escaped and ran down her cheek.


“Sweetie...I’m so sorry, but I don’t have much time.” Jade’s mind spun relentlessly. So many things she wanted to say and to ask, forgiveness being the first. Is this real? “Sweetie, I just need you to know that I’m OK. Everything is fine, and I don’t want you to ever worry about me, OK?” The voice began to lose strength, as if it were being drawn away.


“Ben! Ben, please don’t go!” she yelled as she shook Berkeni back and forth by his shirt.


“Never blame yourself for what happened that night! Jade, you coming into my life was the best thing that ever happened to me,” the voice said as it faded away.


Jade turned away, her eyes filled with tears. But not every tear was born of sadness. She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. When she turned, it was Ilirra, whose eyes were no dryer that her own. She knew it was inappropriate, not the proper way to behave in the presence of a queen, but she couldn’t help herself as she embraced Ilirra in a tight hug that was returned with just as much warmth. “Ladies, it’s time,” came a soft, patient voice from behind as Berkeni put a hand on each of their shoulders.


Jade reluctantly let go as she started to glide toward Morcel, whose face still looked as if he had been watching clothes dry. “I can’t imagine how all this must seem to you, so I won’t hold you to your oath. If you don’t want to accompany us, I understand,” she said as she nervously poked a finger into her palm.


“Little lady, after what I’ve just witnessed,” the warrior said with one eyebrow raised, “you couldn’t possibly stop me!” Jade smiled and clapped her hands together in a giddy fashion as the chants by Berkeni started up behind her.


Berkeni kept up the mindless song as a blue spot began to form on the wall. The spot began to grow and grow until it gave the appearance of a giant mirror. But instead of the room’s reflection being shown, they could see the dead forest. It was crystal clear, and seemed so close. “Hurry now! It won’t last long!” he said in a strained voice.


Jeff Gunzel's books