Land of Shadows

Jade’s room was similar to the boys’, with only a few minimal differences. For one, there was one big bed instead of two. It was so large and soft, she thought she might sink in and never get out. But the other difference was far more welcome. A tub filled with soapy hot water had been drawn just before she arrived.


She eagerly stripped down and sank in all the way up to the back of her neck. The warm water felt so wonderful, she thought she might just sleep in the tub tonight. After soaking for only a few minutes, a light knock came at the door. Jade rose up a few inches and looked over her shoulder, not knowing exactly what to do. She couldn’t exactly stand up and get the door right now.


She gasped as the door slowly creaked open and Queen Ilirra peeked into the room. Jade sank deep into the water, suddenly feeling very small and insignificant. “I’m sorry to disturb you, child,” said Ilirra, not bothering to avert her eyes. “I hope you found the accommodations adequate, Jade.”


“Oh. They are more than adequate! You should never have gone through all the trouble!” Jade babbled nervously as she sank so deep into the bubbles she resembled a frog hiding in a pond with only its eyes exposed.


“Nonsense, Jade. You three are my honored guests.” The Queen’s voice was soft and comforting, yet authoritative at the same time. She drifted over to the dark oak nightstand and picked up the white ivory-backed brush that lay there. “I’m so glad you’ve come back to us,” she said, waving the brush in the air with every word as if conducting a band. “I know we were going to talk in the morning, but—”


“Oh no, it’s fine. I’m wide awake!” Jade said in a shaky voice. But it was certainly true; she was definitely wide awake... in the presence of the Queen!


Ilirra smiled as she glided toward the tub. “May I?” she said, giving the brush a slight shake in the air. As if Jade’s eyes couldn’t get any wider, now they were large blue moons. She wants to brush my hair? Ilirra didn’t wait for a response as she knelt down behind the tub and began applying long, smooth strokes through the girl’s jet-black hair.


“You know, Jade, I can still remember when you were just a baby,” she practically whispered in her ear. Jade twitched a little at the conversation becoming so personal so quickly. “I knew way back then you were destined for great things. It was hard waiting all these years to learn of your safety. When Tamera and Grimton never returned from Brinton, I thought—”


“They never came back?” asked Jade, starting to sit up but for some reason splashing back down deep into the water, again with only her head exposed, and just barely at that.


“No dear, they didn’t,” the Queen’s voice rang deep with concern. “That’s why we lost contact for so long. We weren’t sure where you were at that point. But you’ve come home now, and I see you’ve accomplished the task you were burdened with.” There was a long pause as silence hung in the air. “Are you sure it’s him?”


“Yes,” Jade replied without hesitation. “He is in possession of the necklace, for one thing.” But then she quickly changed the subject all of a sudden. “And just so you know, I don’t care what happened to Tamera and Grimton! They were cruel!” The Queen paused only for a moment before she continued brushing in long, slow strokes. “Please tell me about my parents!” Jade blurted out of nowhere. She had obviously been holding that in for some time now. This time the Queen stopped brushing in mid stroke. There was an awkward moment before she carried on.


“I’m afraid there isn’t a whole lot I can tell you, my dear,” she said in a sad voice. “I can tell you one thing for sure. They loved you very much and were devastated to see you go.” Her voice cracked a bit as she forced out the words. “But it was for the greater good. You were born into destiny, Jade.” She slowly wrapped an arm around Jade and placed her cheek against the back of her head. She held the embrace for a long moment. “If you aren’t too tired, I would love to hear as much as you’re willing to tell me tonight.”


“I would be honored. But first, could you turn around so I can get my robe on?” Jade said, turning red with embarrassment. Ilirra smiled at the pure innocence of this girl—this warrior—who held so many social insecurities. She complied with the innocent request before turning back around. They sat on the large bed together and talked well into the night.


Jade told her everything that had led her to this very moment. She even told the Queen about the warrior who was fighting here in the arena and the part she played in his current situation. Jade asked if there was any way Ilirra could have him pardoned. She regretfully told her that she didn’t have the authority. The slavers were their own entity and had full authority over their contract, but added that she would send a messenger to the head slaver and have him name his price. There was always a chance she could buy his freedom.


Ilirra hated the games anyway. It was nothing but a barbaric form of crowd control. If she could release one soul from their grip, all the better.






Chapter 12

Jeff Gunzel's books