Land of Shadows

As they got closer to the gate, wagons and horses began to bog down as the guards questioned folk one at a time, finding out their business in Taron and that sort of thing, rather routine for a large city. Both Eric and Jacob were failing miserably at trying to seem like locals, as their wide eyes and open jaws easily gave them away. Their old, ragged clothes did nothing to help. Meanwhile, Jade sat on her white horse looking like royalty with her head held high and her back straight as a board.


Jacob had a mind to make idle conversation with a couple of girls that had pulled up beside them, sitting comfortably in a baby blue carriage that was pulled along by four large black horses. He almost jumped out of his skin when the two of them hung partially out the window to get a good look at him as well. They were almost certainly sisters, given how much they looked alike. Both had light brown skin with long straight black hair and large, glistening dark eyes. Even though they were speaking softly to each other and not to Jacob, he could hear them well enough to know their speech was very different from his. He had never seen people who looked that way either.


“Did you think Bryer was the only town in Tarmerria?” Jade said with a sarcastic smile. “You two need to become more educated of the world around you. Yes, of its dangers, of course,” she eyed the pretty girls openly, “but of its beauty and diversity as well.” She backed her horse up a bit to get closer to the cart. Once there she leaned over and began muttering something to the girls that sounded like complete gibberish. The two boys stared in awe as the dark-skinned girls’ faces lit up. Of course they replied in the same tongue, although in a much faster tone. Jade turned to Jacob and said in a plainly sarcastic voice, “She finds you desirable!” as she held her hands out wide as if conducting a band.


Jacob blushed a deep red as he looked away. He was never shy with girls, but somehow this was different. He truly felt like a small fish in a big pond. “They are from Dronin, guys, a large city far to the west, nestled within the Apili mountain range. Don’t worry, they aren’t used to boys who look like you two either,” Jade said with a sheepish grin, seeing how uncomfortable both had become.


She pulled her horse back to its original position when she felt she had tormented them enough. True, Jade was still getting used to the idea of having friends and the normality of being social, but there was one thing she had learned for sure: Teasing boys was fun!


Her smile started to fade as they approached the front. The large metal gate was wide open as a steady stream of wagons, folk on foot and riders were flowing out on the other side of the road. The guards were not bothering any of them, but the stream heading in were being questioned briefly before being allowed to pass, mostly just a quick “state your name and business here in Taron.”


A short, fat, balding man with an oversized brown robe was jotting down the names as they were being given. The two large guards, each wearing shiny chain mail armor, were doing all the questioning. Each was adorned with a green square on his breastplate with the yellow star at its center. Duplicates of the flag could be seen lined along the top of the wall in many forms. Some were actual flags flapping slowly in the light breeze, while others were permanent posters nailed to the wall, displaying the Queen’s crown.


The three began to get nervous as their turn approached. The wagon in front of them slowly pulled on into the city as Jade led the way up to the guards sitting high on her horse, trying to at least seem confident.


“State your names,” the sleepy-eyed guard said in a dry, bored voice. He had clearly been here a long time, and asking the same two questions to every single person they saw would put anyone to sleep. They replied in order, each trying to sound confident and sure.


“Jade Ethrista.”


“Jacob Couture.”


“Eric Aethello.”


“State your business,” the guard said, now appearing even drowsier than before.


“We will be inquiring—”


We have business with the Queen!” Jacob blurted out over Jade’s carefully considered words. She just slapped her hand to her forehead, wishing to be anywhere but here at the moment. “Common Eric, show him the necklace!” Jacob said, pointing directly at Eric’s neck. The necklace was tucked away and not on display of course. Eric did not make a move, recognizing the seriousness of what Jacob had just done.


“The Queen, eh?” said the guard, lifting one eyebrow and seeming quite interested all of a sudden. “Am I to assume you stole a necklace from the Queen and are bringing it back out of the goodness of your heart? Horror flooded through each of them as their chests began to quiver. The truth of it was, that necklace looked like it could bring in enough money to buy a small town.


Jeff Gunzel's books