Land of Shadows

Jade rode on into the night. Her necklace continued to pulse with a faint yellow light. She could feel its knowledge, its wisdom. She knew she was getting closer. There was some kind of three-way bond between herself, the necklace, and him. It was strange, knowing something before ever having the experience. Magical insight was a difficult thing to explain or even comprehend. It felt more like emotion than actual thoughts or images. It was more of a feeling.


All of a sudden, that feeling took a dark turn. Again, it was not any sort of image that popped into her head, but she knew he was in trouble regardless. He was in danger, and his life was more important than hers. The necklace pulsed angrily now, like a rabid heartbeat. It was imploring her to move at a breakneck pace. Into the night sped the assassin as her black robe flapped behind her like the wings of a demon. However, with the power of death that pulsed through the assassin, a demon would be less formidable.




There was flint and steel in the leather bag, so Eric was able to start a small fire before the rain started. They both knew a fire could easily attract unwanted guests, but after everything they had been through they just didn’t care. The rain was really coming down now and they wanted to try and stay somewhat warm.


Aena had found a waterskin, small pot, and some tea in the sack as well. It was exactly what they wanted right now. Aena poured two hot cups from the pot she brewed and handed one to Eric. They sat in silence for a moment, sipping away.


“So what are we going to do when we get to Taron?” she asked in a soft voice. “I mean, we don’t have any money, and there is only a little food in that sack. There isn’t even a change of clothes.”


Eric kept sipping his tea in silence for a moment, considering the question. “I’m not sure, to tell you the truth. I just know it’s important to get there. As long as we have each other, I’ll think of something.” He set down his tin cup and placed his fingers on his temples, rubbing in circles as his head began to throb. “What the—? My head.” He tried to stand up, but his legs would not support him. He stumbled to the side and fell, kicking his tea cup over in the process.


Eric looked over at Aena as he lay on the ground. There seemed to be two of her circling each other. Then the two images of her began laughing as they moved toward him. “How sweet,” the far-away voice echoed. “We will be together? Well, I have a better idea. The Dark Lord wants you alive, and for that I will be given eternal life!” He shook his head violently, trying to stay focused. The two images finally came together as one, but the single image was now holding a dagger and still moving toward him as he tried to inch away, worming along on his elbows and backside. “I’ll have to remove your feet and hands to make you less dangerous, of course. But don’t worry, that’s nothing compared to what the Dark Lord has in store for you!”


“N-no…st-stop,” he muttered as he tried desperately to stay conscious—a battle he was on the verge of losing. Right as she positioned herself on top of him, she whirled around suddenly to deflect with a ringing clang a blow from the speeding dagger that was hurling toward her head. She followed the action with two backward handsprings and landed in a low crouch, holding two crossed daggers defensively in front of her face.


Eric was fighting hard to stay conscious as he slapped himself in the face repeatedly. Again he saw two figures in black robes, but they were facing each other this time and did not seem to be the same person, although their snakelike movements were awfully close. Crackling lightning lit up the immediate area, revealing two grim reapers circling each other, both wielding a dagger in each hand. Each shifted their daggers from pointing down to pointing up and back again by rolling them individually across the backs of their hands as they stalked one another in a tight circle. Only trained killers with marvelous dexterity could have made the shifts look so effortless. They each made it look as easy as breathing.


For all Eric knew, they were fighting over who would kill him first. He had to move, but his body was shutting down. How could she do this to me? He watched helplessly as the reapers continued to circle, switching blade angles constantly, looking for a chink in the other’s defense. One struck out at the other in two viper-like slashes, each parried solidly by a set of daggers, followed by return strikes that were just a fast. The probing shots continued as each one tested the speed and skill of the other with quick strikes sent out as feelers.


Jeff Gunzel's books