Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle)

chapter Five

In the end, I decided to compromise. I left a note on my bed for Dylan telling him I'd received a text and quoting the message I'd received. I knew that I was taking a risk going alone and that leaving that note was a gamble. A gamble that he loved me enough to check on me later and discover my note. If he was still ensconced with raven locks and didn't bother to check on me, then I would have to find a way to get Katrina out on my own.

I could have zipped through the air and found myself in Greenwich, but I decided to take the train for two reasons. First, I wanted to buy myself some time and second, I was no longer completely familiar with London and didn't want to literally land in a situation that was beyond me. Besides I had a good idea that's what the kidnapper would expect me to do. Hanging around vampires, I'd come to realize that they could not fathom that a vampire might act and think like a mortal. I sometimes thought that I was more mortal than vampire; goodness knew how many times I cursed my vampire heritage.

Aboard the train from Knightsbride station, I sent the kidnapper a message.

What about my grandmother?

We were approaching Green Park station where I needed to change trains before I got a reply.

If you followed instructions, she will be safe.

What did that mean? She was either safe or she wasn't. I was not in the mood for nonsense and his penchant for cryptic messages was beginning to get to me. I just knew it was a he. He seemed to be enjoying the entire cloak and dagger thing a little too much for my liking. It was almost as though he'd taken Katrina for the sake of taking her. I didn't know any women who operated that way. They usually did things as a means to an end.

I'm the one you want. You tell me if she's all right or I will not show up!

The train had come to a halt so I got out and entered the train that would take me to Canary Wharf, where I would change trains yet again for the Greenwich train.

I'd settled into a comfortable seat when I decided to check my phone. Sure enough, the creep had replied.

You are in no position to demand anything. You show up or you say goodbye to your grandma.

I dumped the phone in the pocket of my jacket in disgust. This guy was unbelievable. The phone beeped again and I dug it out. It was another text message from him.

And if you're thinking of not showing up, I will find you and not even the protector from HQ will keep you safe.

I felt a frisson of fear run through me then I decided to get angry instead. The creep thought he could control me using fear, but I was damned if I was going to let him do that to me!

Close to an hour after I left Knightsbride station, I finally got out at Greenwich station. I took a taxi but got down at the Greenwich Business Center complex, deciding to walk the rest of the way. It wasn't as though I wasn't in a hurry to get to Katrina, because I was. But I was afraid. I knew I was walking into a trap, how could it be anything else? But I had no idea what to do to avoid it. It was like I was the proverbial sacrificial lamb, but I was feeling anything but sacrificial at that moment. I had not asked for all this, it had just come to me. Now I needed to figure out a way to save my grandma and save all of humanity in the process. Well, maybe not all of humanity, but the vampire portion of it, anyway.

I had just turned into the street where I'd lived with my family when the stone on my neck began to tingle in warning. I looked around me furtively, it was very late and the street was deserted. I couldn't see anyone else walking around, yet I had that undeniable feeling that I was being watched. It turned out I was right because a few houses from my destination, I was suddenly surrounded by a group of vampires. It was almost as though they'd materialized from the darkness. I came to a halt and stared at them, heart pounding. When they just stood there without saying a word, I became impatient.

“All right, which one of you is the leader here?”

There was no answer from any of them. I nodded like I'd expected their silence.

“Fine.” I said placing a hand on my waist. “Take me to your leader.” I spoke slowly, pacing my words as though speaking to the terminally stupid. I was being deliberately provocative, I knew. But I figured I had nothing to lose.

“You're to come with us and you are to come in peace.”

I turned to the one who spoke. Unlike the vampires who had come at me last year, these were unmasked. I gazed into his green eyes as I addressed him.

“You outnumber me. There are what, eight of you? I don't have much of a choice, do I?”

“You're to come with us and you are to come in peace.” He repeated.

I frowned. This was odd. “Who is your leader? Where is my grandmother?”

“You're to come with us and you are to come in peace.”

I felt a chill run down my spine as I took a second look at those green eyes. They were completely dead, not a single sign of life in them. Whatever this was, it was several times worse than I'd imagined. I began to wonder what I'd let myself in for.

“Lead the way.” I gestured.

They immediately formed a half circle around me, with green eyes leading the way. If any of the residents of that street had peeped out of the window, they would have thought we were mafia hit men out to make a hit.

I walked silently, using all my willpower to keep my knees from knocking together. As we got closer to the house, I fought down nausea and tried to draw strength from inside me. To distract myself I tried using telepathy to reach Katrina.

Grandma? Are you there?

My darling!

I felt relief course through me when she answered back.

Where are you? Are you okay?

Calm down love. Tell me something, are you actually coming to Greenwich?

I'm just a few houses down the road.

Is Dylan there?

No. They asked me to come alone if I wanted to see you alive.

Oh goodness! O Lord! Child, what have you done? Turn around now and keep going!

I faltered at the panic in her voice. But Katrina, what about you?

Are you not listening? Forget about me!

I can't do that. Besides, it's too late. I'm already at the door.

Have mercy...oh have mercy!

Green eyes opened the door to the house and I followed him inside. The stone was so hot; I could feel the heat all over my body. It was almost as though it was trying to consume me. Yet it was not burning me. The air was filled with the smell of evil; I was practically choking in it. I looked at the foot soldiers who had escorted me to the house and one by one, they melted away until I was standing alone in what must have been the living room. There was nothing of the home I grew up in and I felt both relief and disappointment. I felt a presence and turned.

“Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss High-and-Mighty herself.”