Keepers of the Flame (Trilogy Bundle)

chapter Four

He was going to kiss me. I knew he was going to kiss me and I wanted it almost more than I'd wanted anything in a very long time. I knew that a kiss from him could mean potential heartbreak, especially if he kissed and ran like he'd done the last time. But even knowing that, I still wanted it. Besides, there was something different about him.

“I'm going to kiss you, Lu,” he said softly, his deep voice doing funny things to me so that I could only nod.

When he still didn't kiss me I opened my mouth to tell him to get on with it but he placed a finger over my lips.

“Hear me out. This is not like the last kiss we shared. If I kiss you now, you need to know that there's no going back.”

I frowned in confusion. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? I was afraid to hope. “What do you mean?” I whispered.

“It means that if I kiss you, then we're together. You and me, Lu. No more dates with random guys.”

“Now wait a minute!” I drew back in annoyance. Was this simply the act of a jealous man? Even though I sort of liked the fact that he was jealous, it showed he had strong feelings for me; I did not want to be kissed out of jealously.

“No. I don't want to kiss you out of jealousy. I won't deny that I would like to personally crush the dumbass who took you out today, but it's only because he did that before I could.”

I thought I'd protected my thoughts from him, but I must have been more agitated than I guessed. “You know what? Just kiss me already.” I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and, pulling him close, kissed him.

He closed his eyes and moaned and kissed me right back. The force of emotion was so strong that I closed my eyes in reaction. His arms went around me and pulled me closer to him, all the while we were kissing. Before long, we slowly went down onto the bed. He lay down and pulled me over him, without breaking contact. I sank my hands into his hair like I'd longed to do for so long and his hands lazily caressed my body. Even though I wouldn't have minded, his hands never once strayed and moved firmly between my arms and my waist. Finally he broke the kiss and nuzzled my neck.

“We have to stop now, Lu,” he murmured into my neck.

I trembled, never realizing how sensitive that part of my body was. “I don't want to stop,” I moaned.

He laughed softly and lifted his head to look at me. “I know, neither do I. But if we don't stop, we will do far more than kiss and I don't know if you're ready for that. Are you?”

There was a slightly hopeful tone in his voice and I longed to say yes. But I knew I wasn't ready to take that step just yet. So I just hid my face in his chest and said nothing.

“I didn't think so,” he said with a hint of regret, then dropped a kiss on my head. He gently moved me off him and sat up. “I need to be on my way.”

I looked at him then quickly looked away. There was something I needed to ask him but I wasn't sure I could handle rejection from him just then. Still, I decided to take the risk. I turned to him and took a deep breath. “Willyouspendthenightwithme?” It came out in a rush.

“What?” He asked and I knew he'd heard me, and strangely enough, that calmed my racing heart.

“I asked if you would spend the night with me,” I said more clearly. “I'm scared,” I admitted. His kisses had taken my mind off things, but I hadn't forgotten that I'd just been shot at. I was scared of having to go through something similar to what took place eight months ago, when I'd had to battle for my life.

“You do test a man's self-control, don't you?” He sighed.

I smiled then because I knew he would stay. “Thanks,” I whispered.

He carefully tucked me in and dropped a kiss on my mouth, almost as though he couldn't resist doing that. Then he lay down on top of the covers. I thought I hid my disappointment but it must have shown somehow because he turned and kissed me again.

“It's for the best, sweetheart,” he said, gently stroking my hair.

He'd called me sweetheart. It was the first endearment he'd ever used on me and it gave me a warm feeling inside. I yawned once and tried to fight the sleep that was slowly invading me.



“Does this mean you're now my boyfriend?” I asked on a yawn.

“It means you're never getting rid of me,” I heard him say just before I fell asleep.


When I woke up the next morning, I knew he was gone. I wondered briefly if I'd dreamed it all but I saw an indentation on the pillow where his head had rested. There was a note sitting right in the middle of it. With a smile I picked the note and sat up. Leaning against my headboard, I opened it and felt my smile widen as I read.

Last night was the best night of my life.

Thank you for being there.

Your boyfriend,


I hugged the note to me and grinned. I had a boyfriend! And not just any boyfriend either, I was Dylan Farley's girlfriend. I repeated it to myself so that it would sound more real. “I'm Dylan Farley's girlfriend.”

It was still difficult to take in. After thinking about him for eight long months and pining for him, he'd finally made the move. I couldn't wait to tell Claire, but I didn't want to do that over the phone. I checked the alarm clock by my bedside and yelped. It was already eight a.m. and I had a class at nine a.m.

I jumped up and rushed into the bathroom. I got ready in record time and stopped in front of the mirror to make my hair into the French braid I'd fallen in love with. I headed for the door, then paused. I walked back to my dressing table and picked up a tube of rose red lipstick. Carefully, I dashed a little over my lips and rubbed them together. Nodding in satisfaction, I rushed out.

Katrina was waiting for me on my way out and she thrust an apple into my hands.

“Sleep well?” There was a weird note in her voice and I turned to look at her searchingly. “Oh come on, did you think you could sneak a man in here and I wouldn't know about it?” She rolled her eyes.

“I didn't sneak him in!” I protested.

“Whatever,” she waved a hand in dismissal. “Hurry up now. He's not going to be waiting forever.”

Who? I wanted to ask, but I caught sight of the time and yelped again. “See you later, Katrina!” I called and rushed out.

Outside the house I came to an abrupt halt. Sitting out there in a BMW convertible was my very own boyfriend. He smiled at me and I felt my face light up in response.

“Hurry already! You're running late for class.”

I didn't need any further urging as I rushed down the steps and jumped into the car.

“Hi,” I said breathlessly.

“Hi,” he said and leaned down and kissed me. Right there, outside my home. Probably in full sight of Katrina and the entire world!

Leaning back into his seat, he smiled at me. “Did you mind my kissing you just now?”

If I'd had any doubt about his intention, I guess he just put that to rest. I shook my head and smiled shyly. “Nah.”

“Good,” he said and pressed on the gas.

As we flew through the town on our way to the college, I felt like I was soaring several thousand miles above ground level. I was finally in a real, adult relationship with the guy I was crazy about. Nothing could go wrong.