Keep Me Safe: A Slow Burn Novel (Slow Burn Novels)

And then the images covering his secrets shattered, sending shards of agonizing pain blistering through her skull. Warm blood spilled from her nose, but she ignored it, knowing this was it.

She went utterly still, refusing to even breathe as she waited for the pieces of the puzzle to assemble. They coalesced and took shape right in front of her very eyes until the pieces were one solid image hanging in the air for her to see.

It was like pushing back a curtain and seeing the unthinkable.

Oh dear God!

“No!” she screamed. “Back! Get back! There’s a bomb!”


CALEB froze when Ramie’s scream rent the silence. There was a split second when everyone seemed frozen, looks of absolute what the fuck reflected in their expressions.

Then everyone dove in opposite directions, rolling and scrambling for cover. To Caleb’s horror, Ramie tripped in her haste to descend the fractured wooden steps of the trailer. Time slowed and he hoarsely yelled her name as he dove for her, trying desperately to get on top of her.

He grabbed her wrist, yanking her against his body before turning and propelling them both behind the Hummer they’d driven to the scene. And then an explosion rocked the earth beneath them.

An orange fireball erupted around them, heat scouring their skin. The very air seemed to be on fire and the smell of smoke choked Caleb, making it impossible to breathe.

Debris rained down on them from the sky, pelting the vehicles and their exposed bodies like a storm from the bowels of hell itself.

“Ramie!” he shouted.

They’d been separated in the blast. Smoke was so thick that he couldn’t see her. He felt frantically along the ground in front of him, to the side and then behind him. She’d gone down underneath him but the explosion had ripped him away from her and flung him several feet.

He heard coughing but couldn’t be sure who it was.

“Caleb!” Dane yelled.

“I’m here!” he yelled back. “I can’t find Ramie!”

“Here,” Ramie croaked.

He followed the sound of her voice, crawling on hands and knees until finally he fell on her as he nearly mowed right over her. Rage overtook him when he saw that a burning piece of wood had hit her square in the middle of her back. He wrenched it away from her and then rolled her frantically over.

“Ramie, thank God. Are you all right? Damn it, I can’t see anything!”

“I’m okay,” she said faintly. “Or at least I think so. I can’t really feel anything right now.”

The woozy note to her voice worried him. He waved the smoke from his vision and then placed a hand over her forehead, lowering his head so he could better see her.

“Don’t move,” he said urgently. “We don’t know the extent of your injuries.”

Damn it, he shouldn’t have been so rough when he rolled her over, but he’d been desperate to make sure she was breathing, that she was alive.

As the smoke began to clear, Caleb got a better picture of the area and he stared in horror at the leveled space of land where the trailer used to stand. One of the vehicles that had been parked too close to the home had been blown over on its side. Men were sprawled in every direction. It looked like a military zone that had just been air raided.

Trees were on fire. The long grass around the trailer had been flattened by the force of the explosion. Windows were busted out of the remaining vehicles and a tree had been knocked over, T-boning another SUV.

“I need help over here!” Eliza yelled. “Man down!”

“You help her!” Caleb hollered at Dane. “I’ll take care of Ramie!”

Where the hell was everyone else? With bodies scattered everywhere it was impossible to tell who was okay and who wasn’t.

Several groans, mutters and curses arose as everyone began stirring. Then to his relief he heard Detective Ramirez urgently calling for backup and ambulances, radioing their location to dispatch.

Detective Briggs crawled to where Caleb was hunkered down over Ramie. Blood streamed from a cut in his forehead and a large bruise was already forming on his jaw. He spit blood on the ground and then asked, “Is she okay?”

Caleb’s eyes narrowed. “I think she’s a hell of a lot better than you. You should lie down, man. You’re spitting blood and even I know that isn’t good.”

“Just a busted lip,” Briggs said in disgust. “This son of a bitch has to go down. Now he’s conspiring to take out an entire police unit?”

Caleb made a sound of agreement. As he glanced back down at Ramie, his hands began to shake. He touched her cheek and then ran his fingers down her body, checking for any bleeding wounds that required immediate attention.

God, he’d come so close to losing her. If she hadn’t touched the railing. . .?.??He closed his eyes, unable to continue with the current direction of his thoughts.

She wouldn’t have been the only one to die. Thanks to her everyone looked as though they were moving at least.

Maya Banks's books