Iron Dominance

“Just remember, I’m the one with the ultimate say. And I guarantee, you won’t always, one hundred percent, like what I do. But that adds to the fun.”



She shot him a suspicious look at that. “A last thing to remember, and this is important. I have rules. I have to. It’s not just you and me—there’re hundreds who rely on me, look to me for leadership. I can’t have you questioning me in public. If I give an order, I expect to see it obeyed. I’m speaking specifically of last night when you walked away from me. Do that again and there will be consequences. On the other hand, if you want out of this, I’ll endeavor to find somewhere you can live without the PME coming after you. Is that all clear?”


“Um. Yes. It’s clear.”


He let her think about everything he’d said, in silence. For a while they sat together, finishing off most of the delicacies and listening to the wind rustling the tree tops, and the plop of water as fish searching for bugs popped to the surface.


“Now, I’d like to hear about you. Something that’s not in that report.”


He took a sip from his glass. “Come, tell me something? Anything. I’ll listen.”


“This isn’t what I’m used to.”


“What? Bodyguards don’t get to talk? Do you have friends?”


She shrugged.


“Right.” He suppressed his annoyance. How was he going to get her talking? She was so different from his previous consorts.


He began to clear away the food, and after a moment, Claire joined him at his side. They put everything back into the basket, except for the bowl of strawberries, which he whisked from her hand.


“Now. We’re going to play a game. Sit there. Kneeling.” No dalliance this time; he made that a command.


She opened her mouth but did as he asked.


He waited until she sat with knees together on the plaid rug, stretching those leggings in many appealing directions.


“You said that you’d not made love to a man before?” Red spread across her cheeks. Still so easily embarrassed by sex? “So, I was your first lover?”




“Then, I’m honored that you gave me that privilege. And I hope I didn’t disappoint you.”


“Ah.” This time he got a smile back. “No, Theo, you definitely didn’t disappoint me.”


For once, he was the one in shock. She’d smiled at him and called him Theo.


“Good.” He put a wicked twist to his own smile. “I’ll have to make sure my record stays impeccable. Give me your hand.”


With only the slightest hesitation, she extended her arm. He turned her hand over, then stroked her palm.


Fascinated, he watched the shifting colors in her irises, like clouds and sunlight passing through.


“I said I wouldn’t tie you up with ropes yet. I also said that ropes aren’t the only form of restraint.” He kissed her palm, then gave each fingertip a brief touch of his tongue. Ah, yes. Her eyes widened the slightest. He curled her fingers into her palm, let go of her hand.


She blinked at him, the tip of her tongue coming out and resting in the middle of her upper lip. Clearly, she was thinking about his words. He’d like to suck that little pink tongue into his mouth while he kissed her…or have her lick his cock.


“What are you planning?”


“You’ll see soon enough.”


She shut her eyes. The sunlight haloed her hair in gold. She was so beautiful. Yet, he thought wryly, he valued the smile she’d just given him more than the prettiness of her hair.


“Sit up on your knees, Claire,” he said softly.


Slowly, she did so.


“Straighter. Good. Now, I’m going to answer your questions, and you will answer mine. If you answer me, I will reward you with an instruction, and some food.” He plucked a strawberry from the bowl.


“What?” A tiny crease appeared on her forehead.


“You’ll see. My first question, and I’ll warn you in advance—this means those leggings come down—tell me your earliest memory.” He dangled the strawberry. The lure, of course, was not the fruit.


“Wait. So, I have to answer you, and then you’ll make me take off my clothes? And if I don’t answer you? What happens then?”


“I’m not sure. Perhaps, I’ll spank you…perhaps not. Depends on how much you’ve said. Do you want this to go further or not?”


Her eyes looked fathomless as pools, yet deep down, he glimpsed a rising swirl of desire. He waited, grinning, the strawberry rotating on its stalk where he held it between finger and thumb.


He’d tried just plain asking, and she’d still held back. Dankyo was right. He had to know more about her. If she couldn’t handle honesty, he’d be better off sending her away, no matter how that tore him apart. With his political connections and all those under him, there was too much at stake.


He aimed to make this talk fun. And with this game, he’d blurred the lines of who held the reins and who did not. He made up the rules and the consequences. She had the choice of opting out.


“I…” Claire opened her mouth a few times, ducked her head.


Cari Silverwood's books