Infinite (Incarnate)

Ride the dragons to Menehem’s lab? Ride the dragons?


I glanced over my shoulder. Sam just stared blankly, while Stef and Whit seemed at a loss for words. Riding the dragons would get us there much more quickly, but then we’d have to trust them not to kill us.


Still, if they wanted to destroy the temple—and therefore the song they feared so much—they needed the poison only we could provide.


But Sam wouldn’t be able to do this. There was no way he’d ride a dragon, even if it had good incentive not to drop him onto a mountain. We’d have to run all the way to Range.


“No,” I said. “We’ll walk.”


“No. We’ll never make it on our own.” Sam strode forward and stopped beside me. His knuckles were white around my flute, but his voice was suddenly strong. “We accept your offer.”


Acid Breath took us in for a long moment before nodding. It was a slow, heavy movement that looked foreign on his serpentine body. <Let us outline the terms of our agreement.>


I raised my voice. “Very well: you will not hurt any of my friends. Not now, and not after we destroy the tower. When the tower is destroyed, the cycle of reincarnation will end, and so will the threat of the phoenix song.”


<Yes. The same must go for us. We will not harm you—or the one with the song—but you will not use your lights against us. You will not use your shadows against us. You will not use the song against us. If either side breaks these conditions, our agreement is off.>


And we could go back to trying to kill one another like normal. Great.


Acid Breath wasn’t finished, though. <None of you will play music. Especially not him.> The dragon tipped his nose at Sam.


I turned toward Sam. “Are you sure about this?”


His expression was hard, his mouth set into a line. Stiffly, he handed my flute to me and said, “We agree to the conditions.”


<As do we.> Acid Breath lowered his head again and a low, broken chatter started among the dragons.


<I knew they would.>




<Aren’t we? Humans with that power, it’s too dangerous. They could end us—>




I pressed my flute to my chest, feeling the keys, the polish, the engravings on the silver, still sharp and new.


“Are we going now?” Whit asked, coming up behind us.


“I think so.” Best to get there as quickly as possible and send the dragons on their way. I didn’t think any of us would be able to sleep the rest of the night knowing there was a trio of dragons just outside our tent. “Stef, we’ll need some kind of harness. We don’t want to fall off.”


She nodded. “I already have an idea.”


Cris hovered around us. -We can’t protect you in the air.-


“It’s fine.” I offered him my hand, and a tendril of shadow circled my fingers. “You can reach the lab quickly, right?”




“Be there when we arrive. We’ll be fine on the dragons. They need us.”


-I don’t trust them.-


“Me neither.” I smiled, though the expression was grim. “But I trust they want the temple destroyed.”


-They want the phoenix song destroyed. That just happens to be inside the tower.-


Sam lowered his eyes. “Let’s hurry and get this over with.”


While Stef worked on harnesses, I helped Whit take down the tent. Sam packed all our bags, constantly shooting worried looks at the dragons. His expression stayed dark, and shadows haunted his eyes.


Though humans had learned to make things fly generations ago—like air drones—most people held a strong belief that humans were born without wings for a reason. None of us were happy about this, but if we could get back to Heart early, that would make this worth it.


“I already rode a dragon over a valley.” I tried to smile as I closed my flute case and double-checked the straps. “It will be fine.”


“They dragged you through trees.” Whit shook his head. “Orrin will never believe we’re doing this.”


“No one will.” I couldn’t even imagine Sarit’s expression when we told her.


“I don’t believe we’re doing this.” Stef held up two rope harnesses. “Now pay attention. All of you.” She motioned at the dragons, too.


<What are those?> Acid Breath’s words buzzed through my head, making the world spin for a moment. After this, I never wanted to speak to a dragon again.


“I’ve made two harnesses. They’re to hold us secure. They’ll go over the dragons’ head and settle just above the wings. They shouldn’t impede flight at all. There’ll be two people to a dragon.” She glanced at Sam and me. “I assume you’ll want to fly together.”


Sam nodded, never looking away from the ropes in Stef’s hands.


“All right. There’s also a ring here in the front for our backpacks. Since we’ll be riding double, I don’t want our bags to get in the way. They’ll hang like pendants.” She looked up at Acid Breath. “I assume you can handle that.”


Meadows, Jodi's books