House of Darken (Secret Keepers #1)

“We missed you too, Mom,” he said with a chuckle as she finally let him go.

“I have missed you all so much. I’ve argued with your father about sending you to Earth, but he continues to say that we have no choice.”

It was hard to believe she was their mother. She looked only a few years older than me. Her hair was long and thick, hanging in a silky sheet to her waist. Her eyes were blue, just like Jero’s, her skin darkly tanned.

She was beautiful and regal. Wearing white linen pants and a tunic top, also white, everything about her screamed money and class, just like her children. As she hugged each of them, holding so tightly, a look of absolute joy on her face, I was starting to understand where the pure kindness from each of the Darkens came from.

Star snorted as she was squished tightly. “Mother, I have been gone for two days.”

The woman pulled back, holding her daughter at arm’s length. “Longest two days of my life, sweetheart.”

Finally, after greeting each of the Darkens, she noticed me standing there. Awkwardly. I wasn’t sure how I would be received. I half expected her to treat me like an interloper in their lives, but she took me completely by surprise when she wrapped her arms around me. I was stiff at first, but this lady held the same power as the rest of her family, and eventually I relaxed enough to lean in to her, the flowery scent she wore wrapping around me.

Thankfully she didn’t hug me too long, or I might have done something embarrassing like cry. She was so loving and motherly, and after just speaking of my parents, my heart was raw.

“Welcome to the House of Darken, Emma,” she said when she pulled away. “I have heard a lot about you. Oh, and please call me Ambra. We don’t stand on formality here.”

I was grateful for that, because I’d had no idea what title to call her.

“Thanks so much for allowing me to stay with you, for offering your protection,” I said, a smile forming on my face. Why did I continue liking this family so much? I was turning into a mini Darken-stalker.

She waved her hand at me. “Anytime, darling. Think of us as family while you stay here. I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling, venturing to a new world.”

“I’m loving it actually.” I was practically grinning now. “Once in a lifetime chance to see something as spectacular as your world. I consider myself lucky.”

“Ambra, melerde,” said a man’s voice, “bring them all inside. We have much to discuss, and very little time.”

The tall, imposing male was perched in the doorway. I had no idea how long he had been there watching our exchange, but I immediately brushed my hair back and tried to make myself look a little more presentable. I had absolutely no doubt who he was – the overlord.

“Come, your father has been anxiously awaiting your return,” Ambra chimed, as she stepped forward into her husband’s arms.

I took a moment to examine Daddy Darken. At the most, he looked to be in his late twenties, but his eyes, and the distinguished way he held himself, told me that he was much, much older than that. He had dark hair streaked with caramel tones like Jero, short on one side, symbols carved into the dark strands. His eyes were a very dark brown, close to Lexen’s, but without the starlight sparkles of his son’s.

The Darken parents were exceptionally beautiful, which explained why their children were all supermodel material. Amazing genetics. The overlord, whose name I learned was Roland, greeted each of his kids in the same way Ambra had, with hugs and soft words.

The Darkens were blessed in more ways than just exceptional looks and whatever powers this world provided them. They had something that could not be bought: unconditional love, support, and acceptance. It made me more than a little jealous. I was so often alone. Even when my parents were alive, they had been busy. So … yeah, I had been alone a lot.

A pity party for another day.

“I’ve had some food prepared, so we should eat and catch up,” Roland said as we followed him and Ambra into the first room of their home. The large, open entry had lots of thick dark rugs scattered about. There was also a sitting area surrounded by plants. It was warm and inviting.

Lexen caught my eye as I gazed around. “It’s beautiful,” I said, needing to express my awe. “Feels really homey, even being so … huge.”

“I have missed it here,” he admitted. “There is nothing else to compare.”

I let out a low snort of laughter. “Yeah. Guess I can kind of understand why you were such an assh—” I cut my curse off, glancing at his parents, who were leading us up a set of white stairs. “Why you don’t particularly care for Earth. Our world is not like this.”

“It has its positives, gorgeous,” Jero added with a wink.

I pointed my finger at him. “No winking. No flirting. And for the last time, my name is Emma.”

He grabbed that finger and used it to pull me closer. I was already teetering on the edge of a stair, and that action tipped me fully off balance. I would have fallen if Jero hadn’t caught my arm.

“Whoops,” he murmured. “Sorry about that. Overestimated my strength. Just wanted to pull you close enough to say you love it, my flirting that is.” He didn’t wink this time, but somehow it still felt like he had.

“Jero, leave the poor girl alone,” Ambra scolded, standing on the first floor already, waiting for the rest of us to get upstairs.

“She loves it, Ma. I promise.”

Ambra shook her head, an indulgent smile on her face. Poor thing, she couldn’t see past her son’s charm. I hit him with my elbow as I marched up the stairs. Lexen, Marsil, and Star were already a few steps above. Jero was last up but somehow first into the room with the long, food-laden table.

I ended up next to Lexen, who sat on the right side of his father. I still had not seen any guards, which I made a comment about. Roland flashed a broad smile at me, and it was just like Lexen’s. When he bothered to smile that was. “The draygones protect the overlords. No one messes with the draygones.”

Fair point. I wouldn’t be messing with a dragon anytime soon.

Daelighters entered the room dressed in simple white tunics. They were carrying platters of food. I didn’t recognize anything, but I did notice there were a lot of fruit and vegetable looking items, and very little meat. I spent a lot of time looking over the selection before carefully selecting a few berries. In appearance and taste they were a mix between a strawberry and a blackberry. I also tried something in a pastry shell filled with a white creamy sauce.

“Meat is a rare luxury here on Overworld, or at least in our sector,” Marsil said between mouthfuls. “For the most part, we eat what we can grow.”

I swallowed down another berry, enjoying the mix of tart and sweet. “I’m not a huge fan of meat,” I told them when my mouth was empty. “I’ve learned recently that when I’m hungry I’ll eat anything, but if I had a choice … meat would be last.”

Ambra looked concerned then, her brow crinkling as she reached across from the other side of the table and grasped my hand. “You’ve been hungry? Why? Is Earth running out of food?” She swung her head toward Roland. “The stone is supposed to stabilize their world, stop the destruction of crops and other food sources.”

I rushed to the poor overlord’s defense. “Oh no, it is nothing to do with that. My parents were … they … I…” My breathing got rapid I tried to choke out the words. It was going to be one of those days where I could not talk about it, could not even think about it without the intensity of the pain threatening to rip me apart.

“Her family was killed in a house fire,” Lexen finished, his voice rumbling in a low octave. Somehow he knew my story without me even telling him it all. “Her file was quite extensive.”