Hot Blooded

“I didn’t technically ‘explode’ per se.” Danny chuckled. “It was more of a force of supreme magnitude that toppled me over for a mere second. But as you saw, I recovered fully and feel better than ever.”



“Danny is not blood-bonded to you already,” Tyler said. “What I’m saying, Jess, is we are too closely related and share too much DNA for you to be above or below me in status. You were right. The absence of any feeling was the key. Once we’re connected on this last level”—his irises sparked amber—“it will change the last of my DNA enough to sever my Alpha bond with Dad.”


“How do you know that?”


“Because you’re not tied to Dad the way I am. He can’t reach you or control you when you’re in your Lycan form.” Tyler ran a hand through his hair and exhaled a long frustrated breath. “I don’t know why I didn’t figure this out before. You must have something in your system that inhibits the Alpha bond. And when we exchange blood, you’re going to give it to me.”


“That sounds way too risky,” I said. “What if you’re never able to get the bond back with Dad?”


Tyler shrugged. “There’s a chance that could happen, but this feels right to me, something we’ve been missing all these years. I’m never going to take over Pack while Dad is alive anyway. And I’m still his son, with his DNA inside me. That will never change. Honestly, Jess, the protective instinct I have when you’re around almost paralyzes me with its intensity; it has ever since we were young. It’s made me crazy with worry all these years. If I have to choose Dad or you right now, I pick you.”


My heart thudded in my chest. “Tyler,” I stammered. I didn’t know what to say. “It feels like too much. Like you’re giving away too much. I don’t want to be responsible for your break in status.” But he was right. Something about it seemed to fit, the final connection that had been missing between us all these years.


Before I could say anything else, he sliced his palm. I extended my hand without looking down. He sliced it cleanly.


“Here we go,” he said, grasping my hand.


He closed his eyes and I followed.


The moment our blood connected, his emotions flared inside me, bright and clear. Everything we had shared as children ran through my mind at lightning speed. All the fights, the battles, the love, and the protection. He was right. This was different from Danny. Danny’s bonding felt possessive.


This felt like home.


“Jess,” Tyler said. “I feel Dad’s emotions in your blood too. He can feel this. I’m sure of it.”


My blood had just connected the three of us.


“It’s all so vivid,” I murmured. His blood seared through my veins, bringing a piece of him with it, just as mine was doing to him.


We both stumbled backward after a minute.


I panted again, bracing my hands against my thighs to catch my breath. Tyler looked up from where he stood a few feet away, his irises blazing full yellow. “The Alpha bond is severed with Dad,” Tyler said. “But I can still feel him from whatever was in your blood.”


I nodded. “When Dad and I took our Blood Oath, I connected with him on a different level. I can feel his emotions through the bond, like I’m feeling yours right now. I can feel Danny too, but it’s very faint.” I glanced at Danny and tried to speak to him inside my head. Danny, can you hear me?


No response, so I tried my brother. What happens now?


I’m not sure, but I feel stronger, just like Danny said. Everything feels a little more enhanced. I was relieved to hear him in my brain. I would’ve been sad if that connection had changed. I’m glad I can still feel Dad, even if it’s in a new way. When we get home we deal with the bond and all the complications. But now we can protect you. It feels right, Jess. I don’t regret it. He turned to Danny and grinned. “So do you want to fight me for status now?” he asked. He put up his fists in the classic fight pose.


“Nope,” Danny responded, his tone mockingly remorseful. “My station above yours, it seems, was short-lived. But no matter; it was still brilliant while it lasted. Maybe when we arrive home, you can go along back to your dad and I’ll just stick around here with Jessica. It suits me just fine.”


I walked over to pick up my pack. Naomi had moved to the edge of the tree line. We’d delayed our day too long. “Do you see any winged devils out there?” I asked her. Who knows if the Underworld would send new ones.


She turned around, looking pensive. “Non,” she said. “I believe they are gone.”


I hoisted the pack on my back and turned to Ray, who had been sitting on the cooler the entire time. Who knew what was going through this mind, and frankly, I didn’t want to know. I didn’t have the energy to answer any of his questions. Mostly because I had no answers.


He stood up. “So what other fun surprises are in store for us on this mountain, Hannon?”


“I have no idea, Ray, but we’re about to find out.”