Hot Blooded

“Don’t worry about me.” Danny grinned. “I’m as good as new already.”



I snorted. “You just had your face ripped off. We can take a break. At the very least you need a change of clothes and a nap.” I glanced at the two vamps. “Let’s take this time to figure out what Selene might be using against us. I want to know what her favorite toys are and what magic she specializes in. If we can anticipate what’s to come, we’ll have a much better chance of fighting our way through her obstacles.”


“That may be true,” Naomi pondered. “But as you said before, Selene is not foolish and will know we are accompanying you. She will try to confuse us.”


“Old habits die hard,” I said. “In the end she’ll likely go back to her favorites. I want to narrow them down one by one. We’ve seen she likes her pets. What else does she like?”


Naomi bit her lip. “She loves fire and her beloved whip. She is a brutal being, beyond anything you can imagine. Her lair is filled with hideous devices meant to torture and deliver lasting harm. She will desperately want to finish you off herself, or she will consider it a failure. But I believe you will be able to best whatever awaits.”


I raised my eyebrows. “So are you saying if I wanted to, I could best these Underworld beasties myself?”


“Whoa, whoa,” Danny interjected, sensing my mood. I wanted to get out of here, and speeding things up sounded like a good plan. “It’s my job to keep you safe, and I will chain you to a tree if you even entertain the thought of going out there.”


“Non.” Naomi shook her head. “He is right. They are something different. I am referring to her magic alone. I am over five hundred years old and have been through many trials in my long life, but I’ve never been incapacitated by anything before this day.” Her eyes grew angry. “She has sold her soul for power, but I will not allow Selene to win.” Naomi’s features started to give that telltale vampire shake, which could only lead to the wet putty look of horror.


I was not a fan of the vamp-out.


“Okay, then.” I clapped my hands together, trying to alleviate the emotional tension each of us was now carrying from the long ordeal with the devils. “Let’s focus on something else. Eamon, what’s Selene’s go-to spell?”


Eamon paled, which was a tough thing to do when your features were the color of ivory and bone. His lips thinned as he likely remembered something terrible. It was clear he didn’t want to answer, but finally managed, “The death spell is one of her favorites, meant to inflict as much pain as possible before it finally kills you. It has taken her many years to perfect it. But she has another. A spell that can plays tricks on your mind, convincing you that you’ve killed and tortured the ones most dear to you. It drives you slowly insane as she watches.”




Right as Eamon finished his sentence, a huge boulder flew from beyond the cliff face and into the trees, taking out everything in its path.


It slammed into the dirt not ten feet from where we stood.












“Where did that come from? Did anyone see?” I screamed. The force of the impact had flung us all backward, but being supernaturals, we recovered in an instant. I stood over a dazed Ray, my legs splayed across his body, eyes searching for the next attack. “Boulders don’t just shoot themselves up in the air!” I scented the air, but the only thing I could detect was the bitter scent of the winged devils.


Naomi took flight in a blur. Eamon had disappeared sometime between the boulder’s impact and the recovery.


Danny rushed over to Ray and me, scattering pine needles out of his hair. Tyler had gone to retrieve the cooler and had yet to return, thank goodness. “Whatever flung that rock over the crest was no small being,” Danny said. “Either the boulder was spelled or something massive tossed it. Either way, not a great scenario.”


A large groan rent the air as a hand the size of an armchair reached over the rock face and grabbed on to a lone tree. It bent the small trunk to the ground as it started hoisting itself over the top.


Before we could see what the head looked like, Naomi and Eamon simultaneously landed in front of us. “What the hell is it?” I asked. “Hurry up!”


“We could not go past the tree line because of the devils, but we did go straight above as far as we could,” Naomi said. “It is our belief it’s some kind of mountain troll, based on its size.”