Haunting Echoes

“I don’t want to cause you discomfort.”



“It’s worth it. I love you, Michael. I’ll do whatever I have to in order to be with you.” It was true, and Amaia was sure of her decision, but her stomach still lurched at the thought of never feeding again. In the grand scheme of things, it was a small price to pay. “I have to bury the body. It won’t take long.” She picked up the corpse and carried it behind the building, gesturing with her head for Michael to follow. The forest was only two hundred yards away. She would be able to see him the entire time. “Stay here. I’ll only be a moment.”


Michael looked all too happy to stay propped up against the brick wall and nodded his understanding. In less than five minutes, she was back at his side, wiping the dirt from her hands.


“It’s done. You won’t have to worry about me killing any longer.”


Michael cupped her neck with his hand and drew her to him, pressing his lips to hers. Amaia marveled that his mouth, while different from his past forms, was still familiar. Something about recognition made everything seem so right.


“What was that for?”


“For being so incredible. Thank you.”


Amaia held his eyes and knew that he truly saw her in a way no one else ever had. She felt exhilarated and frightened at the same time. How could she answer a man who believed these things about her? She couldn’t. “We’ll have to keep moving. We can stay a few days at a time in boardinghouses, but that’s it.”


“I don’t care. I’m getting everything I’ve spent my whole life wanting. We’ll see the world together.”


“This isn’t going to be a sightseeing tour, Michael. You don’t seem to understand the danger I’ve placed you in.”


“And you don’t understand just how important you are to me. I never want to die alone again, Amaia. I’m tired of it. We’ll do what we have to. Trust that I know what I’m saying.” His hand caressed her face, and his eyes looked past her into a different lifetime. “That’s always been your issue: trust. From the moment I met you, you’ve never trusted that I mean what I say, that I know my own heart and mind.” His sight returned to the present. “Nothing could make me believe that a life with you isn’t worth whatever tribulations we’ll face. Not even murderous vampires.”


“You couldn’t even stand to watch me kill that man, and that was a painless death. You don’t know the horrors vampires are capable of, the horrors I myself have committed.”


“I won’t pretend that I’m at peace with the way you’ve had to live, but it’s been a necessity for you, and it wasn’t your fault. As for the strength of my stomach, don’t you worry. I’ll face anyone or anything that threatens you.”


He still didn’t understand the darkness of Amaia’s soul, and he probably never would. The thought of his unconditional love drowned her. She needed to break the mood. “Please, don’t do that. It’ll be harder for me to protect you if you’re facing down the danger. If we should find ourselves with another vampire or two, please stay safely out of the way.” Amaia’s lips curved into a smile.


“Oh, you don’t think I can protect you?”


“I don’t think you can arm-wrestle me, Michael, much less destroy a bloodthirsty vampire.”


Michael gasped in mock affront. “You wound my pride, madam.” Scooping her into his arms, he cradled her to his chest. “But I think you may be right, so let’s not test your theory. I need to maintain some dignity.”


“Of course. Besides, you take care of me in all the ways that matter.” Michael kissed her softly on the lips, then she rested her head against his shoulder, relishing the feel of being held in his arms.






Chapter 44



Stockholm, August 1819



“Amaia, this isn’t going to work.” Michael sat on the bed in the room they had rented for the night.


Fear ran down her spine. She had expected this. It shouldn’t be a surprise. “I understand. You need to live your own life. I never wanted it to be like this for you, always on the run.”


Michael’s eyebrows met in the crease between his eyes. “What? No, Amaia, you’ve misunderstood my meaning.” Amaia relaxed a little. “I can’t sleep chastely with you every night.”


Oh yes, Michael and his morals. “That won’t be a problem. I don’t sleep. I can even leave the room if you like.”


Michael chuckled. “I’m not a saint, Amaia. If the only way I can have you is outside of wedlock, then so be it. I’ll not waste any more time when I have so little of it left. I can’t live with you without being with all of you. We’ve been together before, there’s no reason to hold off for marriage, especially when we’re going to be living like man and wife. If you’ll have me, I’d like to make love to you.”


Caethes Faron's books