Haunting Echoes

“Lawrence gives me that.”



“The bond between child and sire is strong, but it doesn’t compare. Not really. You don’t see my or Liam’s maker here, do you? There’s a reason you only swap venom-blood with your mate. There is no deeper connection than giving yourself to another and taking some of them into safe keeping. That’s why a mate’s death is so devastating. They are literally taking a part of the other to the grave.”


Still, if Lawrence saw no reason to mate, then she didn’t know why she would either. That didn’t stop Amaia from being curious. “Is it like falling in love as a human?”


“It’s much stronger, more intense. Why, were you in love as a human?”


“Yes, but I’m having a hard time remembering the emotion. I don’t understand it.”


“You’re still young. It takes time to remember those human emotions, and you’ll honestly never feel them the same way as you did then.”


At that moment, gray eyes entered her mind and bore into her soul with their fire. Amaia gasped and shook her head, willing the image to dissipate.


“What is it? Does Lawrence need something?” She heard concern in Meg’s voice.


“No, it’s nothing.” Not even Lawrence knew of her visions. Amaia didn’t need to tell Meg about them to know that it wasn’t normal for a vampire to be haunted by her first kill.





By the time they arrived in Vienna, Amaia and Meg were the best of friends. Amaia didn’t know how. She didn’t even particularly want a friend, but something about the other woman lured her. Once Meg had it in her head to befriend Amaia, Amaia didn’t think she had much choice in the matter. At any rate, it was nice to have someone to talk to, someone besides Lawrence who could call her by her proper name.


“It’s time for your friends to leave.” Lawrence was in Amaia’s new room in the house Zenas had purchased for them, helping her unpack and settle in.


“What? No.”


“No?” Lawrence’s tone was dangerous, but Amaia didn’t care. She was always doing as she was told and hardly ever asked for anything in return. “What do you mean, no?”


“I want her to stay.” Amaia put down the dress she held to look him in the eye.


“She got to see you and confirm the truth of the rumors. It’s time for her to leave.”


Amaia’s eyes narrowed. “That’s why you said our destination aloud. You wanted her to follow us. You wanted there to be rumors about me.”


“Rumors add to your power and prestige. And I wanted you to learn more about mating.”


That caught her off guard. “Why? It’s a terrible weakness. I don’t understand why anyone would do it.”


Lawrence raised his brow. “Some say it makes one stronger.”


“It makes you weak. Anyone who has the power to cause my death has too much and is not a friend.”


“Good.” Lawrence nodded. “I’m glad you realize that. Now that the lesson has been learned, she needs to go.” Lawrence returned to unpacking.


“But I like her. Please, Lawrence. I need a friend. I enjoy her company. I need to be able to be myself sometimes. I get so lost in all these identities I take on. Please. I won’t let it interfere with my work. I promise.” Amaia grasped his arm, willing him to meet her eyes.


Amaia held Lawrence’s stern gaze. She wouldn’t let him look away. This was too important to her. Finally, his face relaxed. “Fine. But if I judge she’s a bad influence on you, I won’t hesitate to send her packing.”


Amaia grinned and threw her arms around Lawrence’s neck, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you. I promise you won’t regret it.”


His arms wrapped around her. “I hope not. It’s worrisome how easily your charms work on me when I’m the one who taught them to you.”


Amaia stepped back. “Don’t worry. It’s only because I’m your favorite child.”


“You’re my only child.”


“Exactly. Don’t go making any more.” Amaia grinned and skipped from the room, on her way to tell Meg the good news.






Chapter 7



Vienna, May 1646, 2 years, 3 months later



Caethes Faron's books