Gunmetal Magic

A muscle in Raphael’s face jerked. My goodness gracious, I’d hit a sore spot. Aunt B, his mother and the head of Clan Bouda, was a legend. Boudas were wild, and she ruled them with sweet smiles and razor-sharp claws. One look at Rebecca and Aunt B would have an instant apoplexy.


Raphael’s eyebrows furrowed. “My mother’s approval isn’t necessary.”


Aha. “Does she know that?”


Ascanio approached, carrying a coffee mug on a platter, with a small jar of sugar and a cup of cream.


“She is a terrible woman,” Rebecca said.


Ascanio froze.


I stared at Raphael. Are you going to let it slide? Honestly? Aunt B was his mother, but she was also his alpha, and Ascanio was a member of the clan.


Raphael leaned toward Rebecca, his voice intimate but firm like steel wrapped in velvet. “Sweetheart, never insult my mother in public.”


“She insults me. And you don’t do anything about it.”


Ascanio focused on Raphael, waiting for a cue. Aunt B ruled the clan, but Raphael was the male alpha.


Raphael leveled a warning stare at Rebecca, but it had no effect.


“She’s rude and spiteful—”


Ascanio picked up the jar of sugar and emptied it over Rebecca’s head. The white powder spilled over her hair and dress.


She gasped and jumped off the chair.


“Oh no!” I opened my eyes wide. “I’m so sorry. Teenage boys are such a clumsy lot.”




Raf? What was he, her poodle?


“Why don’t you go outside and wait for me in the car,” Raphael said.




“Go outside, Rebecca.”


She marched out of the office, pouting. Raphael’s eyes sparked with a deep ruby glow. He looked at Ascanio, as if deciding what he should do about him. The boy ducked his head and said nothing, his gaze firmly affixed to the floor.


Ascanio was a talented young shapeshifter, but I had fought beside Raphael. He could go through a room full of Ascanios in seconds and leave none of them alive.


“Ascanio,” I sunk so much quiet menace into the word, the boy froze, as if petrified. “Did your alpha look like he needed help?”


Ascanio’s voice was clipped. “No, ma’am.”


“Go outside and wait until I come to get you.”


Ascanio opened his mouth.


“Outside. Stay in the back lot. Don’t speak to Rebecca.”


He clamped his jaw shut and took off. A moment later the back door closed.


Raphael had shattered my heart into tiny little shards and they were hurting me. Never in all of our time together had he so much as mentioned engagement. And now he had found a pretty, empty-headed idiot and he was going to marry her. Why her? What was she giving him that I hadn’t?


The answer came to me in a painful burst. She was there for him. I hadn’t been. I’d shut him out. I’d thought he would wait while I sorted myself out. My own damn fault.


I leaned forward, my voice steady. “Are you high?”




“Did you smoke something before you decided it was a good idea to flaunt her in front of me? Maybe you ate some weird-looking mushrooms?”


He smiled at me. It was a brilliant Raphael grin, sharp like the edge of his knives.


“You know I could kill her before you could stop me.”


“No danger of that,” he said. “That would mean you’d act like a shapeshifter and we all know that’s not going to happen.”


Ouch. “My memory must be malfunctioning. I don’t remember your being this cruel.”


“People change,” he said. “Did you expect everyone to pause their lives while you were having your little pity party? Was I supposed to sit there and wait like a good boy, until you were ‘in a good place’?”


It hurt so much, I was beginning to go numb. “I didn’t bar my door. My phone still worked. If you wanted to get in touch, you could have.”


“Please! You think I have no pride? I loved you, I cared for you, I offered you a place in the Pack beside me, and you betrayed everything that was important to me. How did that turn out for you, Andrea? Was it worth it?”


I winced. “No. It wasn’t.”


“My door wasn’t barred either.”


He had saved it all up since the night we’d fought. Now everything was coming out.


“You betrayed me, you let the Order treat you like shit, and then you hid in your apartment. That wasn’t the Andrea I knew. I thought I could count on you. I thought you had my back.” His face was a furious mask. “I would’ve done anything for you.”


I would have done anything for him, too. If it had been him in that Wolf House, I would’ve run there so fast, the entire Order wouldn’t have been able to stop me. My other self was howling in my ears, loud, so, so loud…


“You spat on everything I am. You picked the knights over my people, which means you picked your precious Order over me.”