Goddess: A Runes Book (Runes #7)

“I’m a nurse and know how therapeutic it is to hear the voices of loved ones while in a coma. Richard has been reading to her.”

“I used to volunteer at an assisted living facility. My charges loved to have me read to them even though they’d act like my presence bothered them.”

“How sweet. We need more young people helping the elderly at such facilities and nursing homes. Why did you stop?”

“My work with souls made that impossible.” I stroked Celestia’s hand and focused on her. “Listen, Celestia. I know we just met, but I’ve come to see you as my sister. You are strong, funny, and unstoppable, so I know you can beat this. Please, fight and come back to us. Not just for my brother, but for our family. The goddess and Baldur miss you. She’s told me so many stories about you and how you’ve helped her people. You should see the hall and the grounds. It’s packed with people who want you to get better. My brother is miserable without you. I haven’t seen him smile since I got here, and he’s walking around like a piece of him is missing. And I want a chance to really get to know you, so please come back.” I leaned down and kissed her.

Everything went black, but this time, I knew what was coming. Black gave way to the snowy landscape and the crowd of onlookers yelling for blood. Two fighters in the arena were beating the crap out of each other while we watched from the hallway behind the glass wall. Once again, I recognized a bloodied Echo. Wincing, I averted my eyes and found Raine standing beside me, her hazel eyes glowing. What was she doing in my vision? Beside her was Trudy, her eyes glowing, too. On my other side was Hayden and… Celestia?

The scene faded, and I stepped away from the bed, grinning. Celestia was going to be okay.

“She’s going to be okay,” I told her father. He and Genevieve studied me with doubtful expressions. “Sooner than you know it. You’ll see.”

“We’ll be leaving later today, but we’ll be back,” Genevieve said. “My shift starts tomorrow morning, and Zack’s father doesn’t know about realms and the gods. He thinks we are in Europe somewhere, visiting Celestia and her fiancé. And Richard”—she indicated Celestia’s father with a wave of her hand—“has a department to run. We’ll return later in the week. Celestia’s vitals are normal, and they are keeping her hydrated with that concoction Maera feeds her. I don’t know what’s in it, but she’s in good hands.” She stroked Celestia’s hair. “She’s loved here.”

“She is, and she’ll be okay,” I added again, wishing I could tell them about my vision. I bade them goodbye and left the room. The guards saw me coming and bowed. I recognized Creed.

“Morning, Creed,” I said.

“Morning, young goddess. How is Celestia doing?”

“The same, but she’s going to be okay. She’ll wake up soon.”

He nodded. “Thank you. Can I open a portal for you somewhere?”

“Yes, to Eirik. I need to talk to him.” A portal opened before I finished talking. “Thank you.”

“I didn’t do it,” Creed said.

Had I just opened my first portal? Grinning, I went through it and entered a room that looked like a den, except it was done in ivory and gold. Gilded reliefs bordered its marble walls and picture frames. Eirik and Baldur sat by the fireplace, talking, and both got to their feet when they saw me.

“She’s going to be okay, Eirik. I saw a vision of her at the fight, and she was fine.”

“Vision?” he asked. “Since when do you get visions?”

“Since Kayville. I saw Mother take my blanket. I didn’t know she was the one, but I guessed from Celestia’s reaction.”

“Your mother did what?” Baldur roared.

“It’s okay. She returned it, and I kind of understood why she needed to confirm I was the real Einmyria. We even discussed it when I got here.”

Baldur was still scowling.

“She apologized,” I added.

He frowned. “Your mother apologized?”

“Yes. It’s in the past.”

“About your visions,” Eirik said impatiently.

“Yes, I, uh, had some of the scenes from the wedding before you guys told us what happened. They could have been just memories, but they were so vivid I’m convinced they were visions. And I’ve had two since I came here.”

I was surprised when Eirik believed me without question. “How did she look?”


His eyebrows slammed down.

“No, I mean she looked okay, but she was worried about Echo, who was being crushed by a giant.” I gave Baldur a pointed look. “Has our father told you what he’s planned for Echo?”

Unease flittered across Baldur’s face while Eirik’s mouth twitched.

“It’s not funny,” I snapped.

“We’re talking about Echo, Sis,” Eirik said. “He’s like a cat with nine lives. He’ll be fine.”

“Not according to my vision. It is a barbaric practice, Father.” I glared at Baldur.

“I can call it off if it makes you happy, Daughter,” he said.

“No,” a familiar voice said from behind me, and I whipped around. Echo stood in the doorway. “May I come in, Golden One?”

Baldur nodded, but he threw me a worried glance.

“What do you mean by no?” I asked. “You haven’t seen my visions, Echo. I will not have you reduced to ground beef while I watch.”

He closed the gap between us and cupped my face, not caring that my father and Eirik were in the room. He peered at me. “I’ll be fine, sweetheart. I promise you. The parts you didn’t see are when I’ll be winning.” He smirked, and I punched his chest. He didn’t even have the decency to wince. “I need to do this.”

“No, you don’t. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I know you. I know you’re worthy of my love and I’m worthy of yours.”

“The rest of the realm doesn’t know that. I’m doing this for them, so they can leave us alone for the rest of our lives. Don’t you want that? Just you and me in our happy bubble, everyone else looking in and wishing they could be us.”

“You are silly.”

“But right because I’m going to make you the happiest woman in all the realms.”

“I know.”

He kissed me right in front of my father. “You don’t have to watch me fight if you don’t want to.”

“Of course, I have to watch you. What kind of a fiancée would I be if I’m not out there cheering for you?” Shaking my head, I turned and focused on the Throne Hall. “I’m going to check out the competition.”

The portal opened to the Throne Hall, but it was empty, except for the guards. Creed appeared and led the way once I explained where I wanted to go. A wide doorway led to the Waiting Hall, where a crowd was gathered, some seated on benches and others on the floor. Most of them were Dwarves from Eastern Gj?ll Pass, Creed explained. The regular-sized ones were J?tnar. Unlike the Throne Hall, this room had more benches and mirrors on the inner walls, which made the crowd seem even larger. The first ones to see me nudged the ones next to them.

“Einmyria,” whispers spread across the room. One by one, they dropped to one knee and bowed.

“Tell them not to do that, please,” I said.

Creed yelled something in a language I didn’t understand, and the people rose. They still stared and whispered. Some inched closer, cutting us off. Creed and his team tried to stop them, but they were determined. I told him to stop.

“You are Einmyria,” one Dwarf said.

“Yes, I am. Thank you for coming to see Celestia. She will be okay because she can feel how much you love and need her.”

A woman of regular size with a baby in her arms walked around the crowd. The guards moved as though to intercept her, but once again, I stopped them.

“My baby would not be alive if it weren’t for Celestia. She healed her when she was still in my belly,” she said.

“Are you also from Eastern Gj?ll Pass?”

“No. I’m from Ironwood Forest, J?tunheim.” She nodded at a group of about ten adults and children. “That’s my family. Chief Skavnir will be coming, too. We couldn’t wait. The second the traders came with the news, we left.” Her chin trembled, and tears filled her eyes. “Celestia must get better. She’s a gifted healer. We only have one like her in the south, and he is old.”

Ednah Walters's books