Goddess: A Runes Book (Runes #7)

“Why didn’t I see Cora?” Raine asked. “Did you mess with my memories, too?”

Celestia chuckled. “No. Cora used my invisibility cloak the entire time she was there. It was a gift from the goddess for putting up with her difficult son.”

“You love me, woman,” Eirik told her.

I got comfortable in Echo’s arms, my annoyance with him pushed aside. “When do I get back my memories, Celestia? I want to know everything.”

“We need Hayden and Trudy to retrieve them. They work better together. You walked with Raine and her father all the way to the altar and stayed there while the vows were exchanged. You witnessed everything.”

I was tearing up again and laughing.

“We have a couple of pictures with you, too,” Eirik added.

“Really? How?”

“You lowered the hood of the cloak at hyper speed, and Celestia took pictures.”

She chuckled. “I was so scared Raine had seen you when you did that. But Mr. Cooper knew because in one of the pictures, I caught him looking directly at you. We’ll show you the pictures when you come to Helheim.”

Was I ready to meet my biological parents? What if they were disappointed in me? Maybe I should ease in slowly. Go on Friday after school, spend a few hours with them, then come back to my safety zone—the farm. Next time, stay overnight. If we didn’t click, I’d only visit when something big was happening.

“Will Hayden be there?” I asked.

“I’ll make sure she’s there,” Celestia promised.

Raine yawned, and Torin suggested they head home. She didn’t argue. They were on England time, so I knew she was exhausted. She made me promise to let her know once I figured out the identity of the hooded kleptomaniac and when I planned to visit Helheim. I nodded and made promises I had no intention of keeping. She’d been there for me on numerous occasions. I wasn’t dragging her to Helheim until I knew the situation there.

The portal closed behind them, and I turned to find Celestia and Eirik standing. Echo was stretched out on my bed with his hands behind his head as though he wasn’t leaving. I just shook my head.

“You’re leaving, too?” I asked Eirik and Celestia.

“Yes, I’m feeling a little tired, but before we go, we have some news.” Celestia glanced at Eirik. “Can I tell her?”

“I’m starting to think it’s not such a good idea,” he grumbled. “You look tired.”

She punched him. “I’m not. Besides, you suggested it, you big oaf. He deserves a second chance, you said. Without him, Mr. Cooper would not have given Raine away and Cora would not have known about Maliina and the attack by the dark souls. You didn’t just say it once. You said it three—”

“Okay, fine,” Eirik mumbled and covered her mouth. “She talks too much.”

Celestia pushed his hand away and smacked him on the chest. “Watch it, jackass.”

He winked at her. “I love you, Dimples.”

She made a face.

“Are you talking about Dev?” I asked, interrupting their little spat.

“Yes,” Eirik said. “But Celestia must stop after forty-eight hours. Goddess Eir’s orders. Nod if you agree.”

Celestia glowered.

“Baldurson,” Echo called out. “I’d like some time alone with my girl, so let the Little Druidess explain and leave.”

Eirik studied Echo. “You looking for a fight?”

“No. I want to be alone with Cora.”

“I hope she makes you grovel.” Eirik released Celestia. “I hate anything that puts your life in danger, Dimples.”

“I know, but I promise I’ll be careful and do exactly as Goddess Eir showed me.” She waited until he nodded before focusing on me. “I can manipulate my life force and anchor a soul to a body. I did it for Hayden’s mother, and I can do it for Dev. We just need his soul and his body in one place, and time so I can give him some of my life force.”

My jaw dropped. “You can?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes.”

“Ohmigod, Echo mentioned it and said he’s never met anyone who could do it.” Our eyes met. “You knew all along she could.”

He sat up. “Eirik beat me to it. I was going to ask them, but it’s such a sacrifice I wasn’t sure she’d do it.”

“She must take her time so she doesn’t hurt herself,” Eirik cut in. “She gave Tammy too much and ended up in a coma for weeks.”

Shock and awe washed over me as I stared at Celestia. “Yet you are willing to do this for Dev, a stranger?”

“I see it as doing it for you and Raine. Don’t be fooled by Eirik’s scowling either. He also thinks Dev has done so much for you guys and deserves this.”

I could feel the waterworks threatening again. This was even better than the first news. I’d understood Raine’s reason for shielding me against the Norns. It had come from the heart. But Dev was special.

“This could really happen,” I whispered, glancing at Echo. He’d left the bed and was by my side.

“Yes. You saw Hayden’s mother,” he said. “She looks healthy and normal. Celestia can give Dev the same chance.” He glanced at her with gratitude. “Whatever reason you give doesn’t explain your selflessness and generosity. O m 'anam, tha mi' toirt taing dhut,” he added in Gaelic. I understood that. He’d started teaching me the language. “My brothers and I will owe you a debt that can never be repaid.”

“Dev will be linked to me when I’m done,” Celestia said. “I hope he won’t mind.”

I laughed. “He won’t care as long as he’s whole again.”

“I’ll have Rhys bring his body to our place in Miami,” Echo said.

I hugged Celestia, squeezing her tightly until she laughed and wiggled. I waited for the portal to close before turning to Echo. Even though I was mad at him for his stupid suggestion to hide our relationship, I loved him.

“Let’s find Dev and give him the news,” I said.

Chapter 7. My Parents And The Past

“No, we need to talk. Just the two of us.” He reached for me, but I engaged speed runes and evaded his hands. By the time he caught on, I was on the other side of the bed.

“We are going to find Dev,” I insisted.

“It doesn’t matter whether we tell him today or tomorrow. Celestia is not performing the ceremony tonight.” He walked to the bed and extended a hand toward me. “Come with me. We’ll get some food and talk about the future.”

“Which future is that? The one where we pretend we don’t know each other? For how long? What if the goddess says I’m too high up the social ladder for her favorite reaper? What then, Grimnir?”

He groaned. “Hel’s Mist, you are stubborn.”

“That’s funny coming from you. You know exactly how I feel, so no matter what you say, I won’t change my mind. You are either all in or not. As for dinner, I’m eating with my parents here on the farm and you are not invited.”

He laughed, and for a beat I just stared at him, my insides melting. He was such a beautiful man. The next second, he’d engaged his speed runes. I did too, but I was too late. My heartbeat spiked as he looped one arm around my waist and gripped the back of my head with the other. His eyes dropped to my lips.

“I told you there were things I’m still better at than you,” he whispered.

“Like what?” I challenged, and flames leaped into his eyes, making them glow.

“Like this.” I expected a possessive kiss, but he pulled a full seduction, taking his time and savoring my response. I was still mad at him, but he knew what I loved. When he lifted me and lowered me onto the bed, I was surprised. I’d been sure he’d head for the portal.

He settled beside me, still giving me slow, sweet kisses, his hand running down the side of my body until it closed on my knee. He lifted my leg aside and settled in the space. I loved the weight and the feel of him. He lifted his head and studied me.

“You ran away from me,” he said.

Ednah Walters's books