Goddess: A Runes Book (Runes #7)

Just like Maliina had marked me, and I survived her evil ass. “Did you always know you were different?”

She laughed. “I’m a Witch, Cora. Even though I’m Immortal now, I’ll always be a Witch. And yes, I’ve always known I was different. Tammy encouraged me to embrace my abilities when they first appeared and helped me master them. Embrace who you are and you won’t have anything to fear, she often said.”

If only my parents had felt that way. “What are your abilities?”

“Power of persuasion. I can get inside your head and make you do and say things. Mess with your memories, so you forget them.”

“Like Norns?”

She grimaced. “I’m not at their level, unless I work with another mind controller. Then I can give the Norns serious competition. Alone, I just mess with teachers and difficult customers.”

I liked her. Something about her reminded me of Raine. “Do you ever wonder about your biological parents?”

She made a face. “Not anymore. I used to, but now I have no interest in meeting them. They lost their chance when they let me go.”

“Let you go?”

“Not all Orphans lost their parents. Sometimes they were given away.”

I knew that wasn’t the case for me. I almost wished it was.

“We were in J?tunheim and Svartelfheim, and word spread fast that some of the orphans were back. I didn’t see a crowd of parents beating down the doors, trying to claim them. Your boyfriend, Eirik, Celestia, and a bunch of us claimed them instead.” She bit her lower lip and scrunched her face. Despite her nonchalant attitude, she was hurt by their indifference. “So, no, I have zero interest in meeting mine. So why the interest in orphans?”

I hesitated. I’d wanted to tell Raine first. “I’m like you. I came from the other realm and was adopted.”

She didn’t look surprised. “When did you find out?”

“Earlier this week. I’m still processing. On top of that, my biological parents want to meet me. I’m not sure I want to.” I shook my head. “My life was perfect until now.” That wasn’t exactly true, but I’d accepted my ability to see souls and why. That was no longer true. “I used to see souls when I was younger. I guess that’s my special ability, but my adopted parents wanted to spare me, so they used runes to block it and homeschooled me for a while. When I started seeing the souls again a year ago, they tried to block my ability again. It didn’t work the second time, so here we are. Do I have that energy you mentioned, the one connecting the orphans?”

Hayden shook her head. “No, or I would have felt it the second we met.” A weird expression settled on her face. “So you really don’t want to meet your parents?”

“Nope. I have no interest in Immortals beyond Echo and my friends. Echo hopes to appeal to Goddess Hel so I can visit his home, and that’s about as far as I planned to go. From the stories I’ve heard, she’s not nice. I try not to say anything about her to Echo because he’s loyal to her, but I’m scared of visiting her hall. What if she decides not to let me go? What if she comes between us? I’ve heard she’s very petty.”

“Oh, crap,” Hayden muttered.


“I think you need to stop listening to anything anyone says about her. Don’t watch movies or read comics about her. She’s nothing like that. She’s tough, yet willing to compromise. Firm, but loving. Ohmigod, you should see her with Celestia and Eirik. She even took in one of the orphans no one wanted and adopted her. And your, uh, her husband, Eirik’s father, is so amazing. Every time I visit, he insists on giving me hugs and warming me. He is a god, yet he’s not pompous or pretentious. You’ll love them.”

Somehow I doubted it. “How often do you visit?”

“A lot. Celestia got hurt and stayed there for a while, so her father and I would visit her. Even Zack came with us. He is Celestia’s cousin.” Something in her voice said Celestia’s cousin meant something to her. “I love it there so much I’m hoping I become a Grimnir some day.”

Maybe the place wasn’t as bad as I’d thought. “What’s Celestia like?”

Hayden grinned. “She’s the best, and the craziest Witch I’ve ever met.”

No wonder Eirik was chummy with Witches. “Crazy how?”

“She’s very proud of her powers. She can astral project to places before or after something happens. Her father is the police chief of our town, and she helps him solve crimes. When you meet her, ask her how she and Eirik met.”


Hayden grinned. “I love the story, but it’s hers to tell, not mine. But she and Eirik are amazing together. He took her to Asgard to meet his grandparents. That’s where they are now.”

“Now, that’s one place I wouldn’t mind visiting. I’ve heard great stories about it.”

“Me too.” She glanced at her watch. “I gotta go. I promised my mother I’d watch the store while she and some of her friends went to a soccer game in California. If you need to know anything else about the other orphans, or if you want to meet more, let me know. We’re keeping in touch now that the threat is gone. My mother and other parents are trying to help the ones who’ve been kept in special homes for years because their parents couldn’t cope with their abilities.”

Like me. So my parents weren’t the only ones who couldn’t cope with my powers. Maybe I was being hard on them.

“A group of local Immortals are starting a special school, Mystic Academy, so hopefully they’ll find a place there.”

Hayden laughed. “So it’s true about the school. Eirik had mentioned a special place for Witches and Immortals, but we didn’t think it would happen so soon.”

“It’s happening. They’ve already selected a location and are renovating the rooms.” I stood. “I’ll be in touch if I have questions.”

“Anytime. Now that I’m not being forced to go to school, I’ll be at the shop a lot, unless I sneak off to visit Celestia in Eljudnir.”

She made it seem like it was nothing, yet despite all her positive comments, the thought of visiting the realm still filled me with dread.

“I can’t wait to meet her.”

“She’s awesome.” She opened a portal to the room with the large table and turned, a frown on her face. “Could you tell Echo to swing by the store? We’ve had a couple of Idun-Grimnirs visit us for no reason. Mom’s really spooked because we don’t know if someone is about to die or if they’re shopping for new robes. They never talk.”

“Idun-Grimnirs? Raine’s husband is one, but for Valkyries.”

“Oh, these are nothing like Torin. They are old and ancient.”

“Okay. I’ll tell him.” I waited until the portal closed before I went looking for Echo. He wasn’t in the kitchen, and neither was Dev.

I pulled out my phone and texted Raine. “Where r u?”

“StubHub @soccer game,” she texted back.

Was that where Hayden’s mother and her friends were headed? Wait a second. Hayden had mentioned Torin. How did she know him? “Do you know a Hayden Ferrand?”

“No. Who is she?”

“An Immortal girl I just met. So what’s happening? Soccer or something Witchy?”

“Both, but I have it covered,” she texted back, adding emojis.

“K. Let me know if you need me.” When I’d had problems with dark souls, Raine, the Valkyries, Grimnirs, Immortals, and even the souls had all stepped up to help. We were like one giant family, so I knew she’d call if she needed me. The way the souls had rallied for me during the prom had shown everyone I had loyal followers. I might not have a special ability to hurt someone with a wave of my hand or an artavus, but I had them and they’d do anything for me.

I turned off the phone and opened a portal to the farm. My room was in total darkness, and right by my bed was a woman in a cloak.

Chapter 4. My Brother

I do not want to deal with a soul right now. Souls were not supposed to come into my house.

Ednah Walters's books