Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

Leah’s brows lifted. “Even if you thought you might have feelings for someone else?”



Eliza lifted the bucket full of spent ash and faced Leah with a matter-of- fact expression. “If I were so lucky as to be promised to a man of standing, then I should wed him. There are not many so lucky in the world, miss.”


Leah’s damp palms slid down her skirt. “I see. Thanks for your answer.”


“My pleasure, miss.” Eliza nodded. “May I fetch something for you before I go?”


“No, I’m fine.”


Eliza bobbed a quick curtsy and took her bucket from the room.


Leah’s heart thudded against her ribcage and she resumed her pacing. Okay. She could do this. Open mind, keen observation, and level head. For the moment, she had to play the part and get to know the duke. Lady Chesterfield would expect it. But while she did it, she’d be thinking, planning. She’d find some way to fix this.


She ground to a halt and glared at the ceiling. Damn it, why did Avery’s stupid face keep popping into her head at the most inconvenient times? Stupid, handsome, silent face.


“Oh, Miss Ramse…er, Miss Ram, there you are.”


Lady Chesterfield fluttered into the room, trailing her violently purple shawl behind her. “Lord Granville has arrived for your turn about the park. Make haste, my dear.”


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes









“I thought you had other plans today,” Leah said wryly as Lady Chesterfield dragged her toward the foyer.


“Oh do be quiet, girl.”


Feeling suspiciously like she was about to take a nosedive into the fang-covered pit of the sarlacc, Leah followed Lady Chesterfield into the foyer, where His Grace was waiting. He greeted her with a polite smile.


“Miss Ram, you are looking quite fine.”


“Thank you, Your Grace,” Leah said as she accepted her wrap from Graves. “You look very nice today too.”


He offered her his arm, and she took it. With a last glance at Lady Chesterfield, Leah walked with the duke toward the high two-wheeled carriage with its pair of black horses.


She didn’t say anything as he helped her into the carriage. She didn’t know what to say, or what to do even. It had been easier last night, while surrounded with other people and with music, albeit bad music, to distract her. And with Lady Chesterfield, who seemed to thrive on conversation with the duke. But here? They were alone, other than the maid who rode silently on the back of the phaeton, to assure Leah’s respectability. Kind of a nerve-wracking turn of events. Leah swallowed hard and screwed a smile to her face. Hopefully it looked normal.


The duke smiled at her once he’d settled into the seat beside her. “Shall we be off?”


She nodded and pulled her wrap closer around her. “Yes.”


His head tilted and he furrowed his brow. “Pardon me, but have we met before? I know we were introduced last evening, but your face is somehow familiar.”


Leah laughed nervously. “Oh no, Your Grace. I only GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 191


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


got here last week, and before that I lived far away.


There’s no way we could have met.” She patted her hair self-consciously. Pull it together, Ramsey. Don’t blow it, or Lady Chesterfield might get in trouble because of you.


“I see.” He seemed to take her explanation. The reins flicked over the horse’s backs, and they were off toward the park.


He was quiet for a moment, and Leah used the time to compose herself. She had to keep it together and figure out a way out of this mess.


“Miss Ram,” the duke said as they turned into the park, “may I be frank with you?”


“Please,” she said, sitting up straighter. It’d be great to have someone tell her what the heck to do.


“I am not in the habit of squiring young ladies about.” His voice was soft, higher pitched than she’d have liked, but it wasn’t a girly voice. He was easy to listen to, actually.


“Then why are you taking me? Not that I’m not enjoying it, because I am,” she hastily corrected herself.


He glanced over at her. He was attractive, she had to admit. Maybe she was just intimidated by his age, position, and obvious wealth. Not out of the realm of possibility. Kevin had been rich, and she hadn’t exactly fit in with his family.


“That is the question, is it not?” He rounded a corner on the park’s path, and the scattered other carriages along the way had disappeared. She swallowed the sudden knot in her throat. They were alone.


“Yes. I guess it is.” She stared straight ahead.


He cleared his throat. “Perhaps it is best to admit the truth. I am entertaining the notion of marriage.”


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Well, shit. She dropped any pretense of looking forward. “What?”


Gina Lamm's books