Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

“The right people are betting against you. And you must make sure that they win.”



Avery stilled, spearing Prachett with a look. “I cannot throw the match. The purse is too— ”


Prachett’s laugh cut him off. “Oy, Russell, you lost your purse when you refused to fight today. I had to pay my men to convince you. You’ll fight, and you’ll lose, and your life is the only prize you’ll claim.” Prachett stepped close, his men shadowing him. “If you wish to live, you’ll make sure to allow Peters the victory. If you do not…” The glint of a knife flashed, and a sharp prick lanced his side. Avery froze, impotent anger crushing over him. “Peters will win. And make it look good, lad.


I have use for you later, so I should hate to leave your body for the dogs tonight.”


The knife disappeared, and Prachett and his lackeys walked away.


With a roar, Avery plunged his fist into the earth.


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Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes









The crowd cheered at such an expression of violence and rage. He ignored it, focused only on his impossible predicament.


He must win, for his aunt to survive. He must lose to keep his own life. Avery slammed his eyes shut and shoved himself upright. What a damnable mess. There was no answer, no way out of this conundrum.


“Russell?” The duke’s voice pierced his confusion.


“Is all well?”


Avery dragged a heavy breath through his lungs. “Yes, Your Grace. My apologies.”


The elderly duke nodded. “Many of the Fancy are counting on you today, my lad. Give us a good showing.” He gave a smile, then strolled toward his private viewing box. The rest of the Fancy, tonnish ladies and gentlemen who supported and enjoyed the fights, were spread around him, all too eager to enjoy the bout with the Duke of Granville.


His employer wanted him to win. He needed to win.


But Prachett would kill him for it. A dark grin spread across Avery’s face. He knew what he had to do.


All too soon, it was time for his match. Jenks and Tarley, Avery’s knee-man, huddled in the corner for a quick word.


“He’s favoring ’is right side as he moves. Mayhap an old injury. Pound him there and you’ll be home for an early supper.”


Thanking Jenks for his advice, Avery turned to his adversary.


The boy was young, a half-score years his junior. Tall and muscled, he was fairer than a day in June. Must have been of Scandinavian descent.


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


His young opponent spat in the dirt before offering Avery a respectful nod.


Avery returned the gesture, and both raised their bare knuckles into the traditional fighter’s stance.


The fight master called them to order, and then they were off.


Avery circled his opponent calmly, looking for an opening in the young man’s defenses. It was easy to discern from Peters’s movements that he’d been trained by Jackson, who was highly regarded as the master of fighting. A dark smile crossed Avery’s lips.


This boy may have been trained by Jackson, but Avery had been nursing hellfire in his soul. Letting his baser nature take control, he grunted at the impact of the boy’s fist. First blow was done.


Avery’s own knuckles connected.


Peters staggered backward as the throng roared.


Regaining his feet, Peters rushed toward Avery again.


The valet was ready for him and used his opponent’s forward momentum to deliver a blow to his midsection.


Peters coughed but returned a punch of his own to the side of Avery’s head, leaving his ears ringing like cathedral bells.


Avery shook his head as Peters staggered off him, gathering his senses. This would not be a simple fight, so he must collect his thoughts and plan.


The fight wound on, the combatants trading blow for blow, the crowd jeering and celebrating by turns, and Avery growing more and more weary.


He dodged a blow that Peters aimed at his face and laid one across the chin. Peters grunted in pain, spitting blood. His right arm sagged as he coughed.


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Sensing his opening, Avery pounced. Right, left, one after the other, blows rained down on Peters’s right side.


Across the ribs, the hip, the belly, the shoulder, Avery peppered his opponent with vicious jabs. Jenks had been right. Peters went down only seconds later.


Sides heaving with exertion, Avery stood over the man. The cheers surrounded him, yells and whistles of approval coming from all angles.


Except for one.


In one corner of the ring, Prachett stood silent, murder in his gaze.




Leah smiled so hard she thought her face would break.


She had never felt so pretty in her whole damned life.


Gina Lamm's books