Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

When he supposedly ran off to the colonies, she came to be in my employ.” Lady Chesterfield patted Leah’s cheek. “Muriel has told me the most fantastic stories about a woman named Jamie Marten, and you know, I am inclined to believe her. A young woman who trav-eled through a bureau’s mirror in order to find her true love. A bureau that has recently been purchased by the Duke of Granville. Now quickly, before they know we are missing. Are you also here to search for your true love, as Jamie was?”



Hope and relief slammed into Leah’s forehead, and she swayed unsteadily. Her yes came out half gasp, half laugh.


Lady Chesterfield grabbed Leah’s hands and held her steady. “And do you need assistance in that quest?”


“Holy crap, yes. It’s tough to land a duke without any help. But why would you want to help me?”


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Even though Leah desperately wanted to grab Lady



Chesterfield’s help with both hands and take off running, possibly do some parkour down St. James’s Place, she couldn’t help but be worried that this might be too damn good to believe.


But the woman’s smile was as sincere and kind as any she’d seen. “Because I’ve had my own dear husband, and he was everything to me. Now that he’s gone, I can amuse myself as I damn well please. And I like you, dear. You remind me of a very young Amelia Florin, and that’s the truth.” She pressed a delighted kiss to Leah’s forehead. “Now, we must plan. Presenting you into society will not be easy, but we can do it if we are careful. Here’s what you must do to avoid suspicion.”


As Lady Chesterfield outlined her plan for the next twenty-four hours, Leah’s excitement grew. Firstly, no more chamber pot emptying. Lady Chesterfield laughed when Leah offered to be a parlor maid in her house too.


Leah didn’t hide her relief at that. Everyone knew she wasn’t cut out for the domestic servitude life.


After sponging off Lady Chesterfield’s skirt with a damp cloth, they returned to the party. Leah was careful to keep her face calm and her hands steady as she tended to the refreshment table, but damn was she dancing inside. This was it! This was the way she’d imagined her trip into the past. She’d go to balls and routs and teas and soirees, and masques and house parties and hunts and rides in the park…




She jumped. “Yes?”


“Fetch a fresh pot of tea,” Mrs. Harper sniffed. “Silly girl, whatever you are dreaming of I can never know.”


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


Damn skippy, Q-tippy, Leah thought with an internal snort. They didn’t have drugs good enough to give Mrs.


Harper a dream this awesome.


And in just a little while, Leah would be living it.


The rest of the evening proceeded uneventfully, fortunately. After two near disasters, Leah was petrified that the third time would be the charm. She managed to keep quiet and out of the way of the other servants and guests. But it was kind of tough to stay away from the duke. Now that she knew she’d get a chance to meet Wymond— holy shit, his name was Wymond?!?— on


equal ground, she had to avoid him as much as possible.


Their only time together so far had been so brief and unmemorable, at least for him, that Lady Chesterfield thought it would be best to keep their real introductions for society. After all, if anyone figured out that Leah was a servant, the duke wouldn’t look at her twice— certainly not to figure out if she was good enough to marry.


So despite her desire to get to know him, Leah kept her distance while the party wound down, and he and the dowager said farewell to their guests. When there were only a few old women left, he kissed his mother on the cheek and took his leave.


Leah sighed in a mixture of relief and disappointment.


Oh well. It’d all be worth it in the end.


She was hefting a tray toward the kitchens when she passed Avery in the hallway.


“Hey,” she said, pausing for a second. “I didn’t embarrass you too bad, did I?”


He gave a half smile. “Get about your duties, Miss Ramsey. No time to be dawdling now.”


She smiled back, curious at the heavy twinge in her GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 132


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chest as she turned and walked away from him. Avery.


She hadn’t thought about leaving him at Granville House. He’d been so kind to her, the only real friend she’d had in this time before she met Lady Chesterfield.


And honestly, she wasn’t sure how she’d get along without him.


She set the tray in the bustling scullery and stepped out into the area to catch a breath of air. The late afternoon wind was chilly, and she shivered. Tilting her chin skyward, she closed her eyes and filled her lungs.


Things were so odd here. Everything, not just the lack of electricity and the ridiculous workload— the way she felt.


Back home, she knew what she wanted. She always acted first and thought later. But here she found herself second-guessing every move she made. What had caused this crisis of confidence? Could she fix it? Should she?


Gina Lamm's books