Geek Girls Don't Date Dukes

Avery took the bottle with a grateful nod. “I thank you, Mrs. Dearborn. My aunt sorely needs this. Her illness is getting worse.”



Cook sniffed and dashed away a tear with the corner of her apron. “Millie was always a sweet girl. It’s one of my greatest regrets that she took ill so sudden. She GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 93


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes


could have made a cook in some great house, for an earl or even a duke after my own time.” She looked into Avery’s face, sincerity thick in her words. “She was the best kitchen maid I ever had, and that’s the honest truth.


You tell her Mrs. Dearborn sends her love, and you take care of her, boy.”


Avery gripped the bottle tightly, bowing deeply.


“You may be assured of that. My mother would have wished for me to care for her youngest sister, and I’ve no intention of shirking that duty.”


Cook straightened her apron and patted her curls.


“Now, I’ve a goose to see to. I take it that you’ll be off to St. Giles this afternoon?”


Hesitation sprang to his mind. He’d not yet spoken to Miss Ramsey, and it might be impossible to do so before the dowager’s rout if he spent the evening away. But what choice did he have? His aunt could not do without this medicine. He nodded.


“I’ll inform Smythe that you were called away.” Cook shooed him. “Now, be off with you. I’ve a basket made up for Millie. It’s by the door.”


“You have my thanks, Mrs. Dearborn.”


She left him in the larder with the bottle of medicine in his hand. Lifting the bottle to catch the beam of sunlight streaming through the crack in the larder door, he watched as the milky medicine bent the light, diffusing it through clouds of liquid. Strange that such a small amount of medicine could cost so much. And strange that such an odd woman as Miss Leah Ramsey had upset his normal balance.


Making up his mind, he shoved the bottle into his waistcoat pocket and headed up the back stairs to find GeekGirlsDontDateDukes.indd 94


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Miss Ramsey. He couldn’t leave her to face the dowager



without warning.


But he must be quiet about it. If anyone were to see him…


No. He’d not dwell on that.


Rounding the corner of the landing, he waited for Henrietta and Sarah to pass by.


“She won’t last out the week,” Henrietta’s snide remark caught his ear. “Mrs. Harper should never have hired her on. I could have taken Fannie’s position, and that’s the truth. This girl cannot possibly do the job.”


“What can Mrs. Harper be thinking, allowing her to serve at the dowager’s rout?” Sarah followed Henrietta, the coal scuttle banging softly against the older maid’s skirts. Avery stood aside and allowed them to pass. They did not acknowledge his presence at all. It was as if he was simply a stick of furniture. Don’t trip on it, mind you, but certainly don’t bother making conversation with it.


The cut had long ago ceased to bother him.


Continuing on his way, Avery mounted the stairs slowly so as to hear Henrietta’s reply.


“I am glad that she shall serve. The stupid girl will anger the dowager, we’ll make sure of that. This afternoon I am to instruct her how to go on. What a job I shall make of it!” Henrietta’s giggles echoed in the stairwell.


Avery’s stomach dropped. Damn and blast. Redoubling his speed, he mounted the stairs two at a time. He must keep Henrietta from ruining Miss Ramsey’s chances of succeeding on the morrow. It really was too bad that he could think of but one way to keep her from her sabotaged lessons.


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Gina Lamm



Geek Girls Don’t Date Dukes




“Are you sure it’s okay for me to come with you?”


Miss Ramsey’s voice floated over his shoulder as he led her through streets. They’d left the fine parts of the West End many minutes ago and were now nearing St. Giles.


“There was no choice,” he said patiently, holding an arm out to stop her from crossing in front of a hack. “The dowager’s rout is tomorrow evening, and if you’re to know how to go on, I must instruct you. Do not worry. Mrs. Harper has been told you’ve been sent on an errand for Cook.”


They continued across the street, and Avery tried not to notice the growing concern on Miss Ramsey’s face as she took in their surroundings. The fine homes had given way to crowded hovels, filth and garbage littering the streets.


The warmth of Miss Ramsey’s body emanated into him as she pressed close to his side. He repressed his desire at her proximity, though it was a damned difficult thing to do.


Gina Lamm's books