Full Blooded

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I answered. “What do you mean, ‘what I am’? I’m a lone female in an all-male race—a freak, an anomaly, something to fight about.” I was leaving out the violet eyes, the Lycan abilities, and communication via brain waves with my sibling, but she shouldn’t know any of that. She couldn’t possibly know about that.


Her canines were retracted, because when she opened her mouth in a macabre kind of glee all I saw were rows of straight, neat teeth. “I had not thought it was possible for you to be—how shall I say?—unaware of your … situation.” She put her hands together in a pseudo clap and paced away from me, toward a mural of torture painted along one huge wall. Lovely. “This is very interesting indeed. It puts us in a decidedly different position.”


I didn’t like the eerie glint coming from her voice and neither did my wolf. What’s going on? Do you know what she means by my “situation”? My wolf paced agitatedly. She raised her hackles and continued to emit a low growl, essentially telling me this wasn’t exactly the right time for a heart-to-heart. I took the hint.


That the Vampire Queen knew more about me than I did was less than optimal. It was actually sucky, and put me at a huge disadvantage. “It seems I’m at a bit of a loss here. If you could—” I started.


“They come.” Her head snapped to the doorway and the two shrouded figures simultaneously drifted toward her.


“Who’s coming?” How long had I been out anyway? I looked around, but there were no clues to what time it was.


“I have little interest in starting a war with your … kind.” She curled her lips. “But I am very certain we will meet again, little wolf girl, and that time may be very soon indeed.”


My kind? There was some faint commotion coming from outside the room now. My heart sped up. It took me a second, but the final puzzle pieces of my kidnapping snapped clearly into place. Valdov hadn’t mistaken his Queen’s request. His plan had simply been foiled by a rather large and furious Alpha werewolf. If my father hadn’t arrived on the scene, I’d probably be cuffed in a dungeon right now being snacked on like a canapé.


I was tired and pissed off. So far my Pack had gone to war, I’d been hunted down and taken by the vampires, a splinter werewolf group was highly organized with a detailed plot to kill me, Selene the Evil had struck down my new mate, whom my body ached for right this minute, and to top it off, it all pointed to me being exactly what everyone had always feared I’d be: The End of Things as We Knew It.


I wanted no part of it anymore.


Shouts echoed along the corridor, coming closer every second. I glanced at the Queen, who seemed to be entranced by the commotion, apparently gearing up for the werewolves to bang her door down. She’d forgotten me, or I was beneath her notice, either one worked.


My voice came out in a snarl, surprising us both. “Hey, Queen.” Her head shot to me in a snap. “I take it when my father arrived in the woods it put quite a crimp in your plans to blame my unfortunate ‘disappearance’ on the New Order wolves—or whatever the traitors are calling themselves?”


Her eyes narrowed to slits.


“Isn’t that how all this was supposed to shake out? I bet it took some patience on your part to incite fear over the years to a few well-placed wolves to form your precious ‘alliance.’ But it’s not an alliance at all, is it? You’ve been running the show the whole time, orchestrating your puppets along the way.”


“The witch has taken your lover,” she hissed, completely surprising me once again. Then I watched in horror as her features changed ever so slightly as they began to slide down her face, and then, without warning, her power hit me fully in the chest like a bolt. I doubled over instantly, gasping for breath, clutching my front.


Holy shit she’s powerful.


“You pathetic little girl,” she spat. “You tarry where you do not belong. You do not question me. I only allow you to sit here—a weakling of a shifter— with the air still in your lungs because I deem it to be so. You should be prostrate on your knees in homage to my kindness. I will not tolerate your insolence, and I certainly do not answer to you for my actions.”


I had no time to do anything other than hold my chest and try to breathe again when the doors burst open and my father bounded into the room, followed by, to my relief, James and Tyler, and about fifteen other wolves who were unfamiliar to me. All of them in their human form.


“Eudoxia,” my father snarled as he strode forward. His wolves fanned behind him, all of them growling.