Full Blooded

James strode into the room behind me.


He came up close, stopping only inches from my back. He radiated some much-needed strength in my direction and it calmed me by a few degrees. I ventured a quick peek over my shoulder. His nostrils flared, a growl reverberating deep in his chest. His face was as steely as I’d ever seen it. He knew what it was going to take to convince this Pack I was not their enemy, and his face told every wolf in the room where his loyalty stood.


A new smell permeated the air.


It was strong and acidic, the scent of anger mixed with aggression—almost a challenge. The hairs along my arms bristled and my wolf began to pace agitatedly in my mind. She growled a low threatening sound. Easy, I warned, we won’t win this one. It’s not the time to wolf out, believe me. She quieted, but ignored my words completely as she kept watch.


James’s body stiffened behind mine as the smell grew more dense. I darted a glance at my father, who continued to quietly scan the room with a watchful eye. He was allowing his wolves the opportunity to take in the new information, and while they processed it, he gauged their reactions.


My brother, seated next to him, had assumed a similar vigil, most likely waiting to see which wolf’s neck he’d have to snap first. I couldn’t tell which wolf had issued the challenge, because my senses were stuck on werewolf testosterone overload. Likely it was more than one. And because there were so many wolves in here, I was almost certain no one could pin an accurate read on the aggressor.


James stepped forward, coming shoulder to shoulder with me.


His voice was strong and clear. “Jessica is not weak. I’ve seen the results of her fight firsthand. Those of you who perceive her to be an easy target will be sadly mistaken. From this day forth, she will be protected by the Rights of Laws of this Pack—to the death.” His eyes targeted certain wolves, and they dropped their gazes one after the other. “I vow it in my name.” He clapped a fist to his chest above his heart.


There was an immediate stirring.


The Rights of Laws was our bible. It contained all of our lore, passed down through generations. It was a physical text outlining the ways of the wolf, dating back several thousand years. When my father had become Alpha it had been entrusted to him, though to my knowledge it had been damaged in a fire more than three hundred years before he’d inherited it. I’d never seen the book, but it was said chunks of text were missing and some pages had been burned and charred beyond recognition.


A Primary Law stated that no werewolf, with the exception of the Alpha, or at the Alpha’s directive, could attack another werewolf without just cause, outside of a challenge to Pack status. Pack challenges were their own event, and treated with great ceremony. The penalty for attacking without provocation was death. No in-betweens, just plain death. If a wolf broke this law, his punishment would be meted out by the Alpha, or a wolf designated by the Alpha.


James had just in effect told a roomful of wolves—his Pack mates—that he would kill any wolf who chose to lash out at me without just cause. It was a heavy threat since James was the second most powerful wolf in the Pack. His strength and killing prowess were legendary.


My father gave a curt nod of approval to James, before he added, “There will be no Pack challenges issued against my daughter until the matter of the dead rogue is addressed. There will be no exceptions. A direct threat against my daughter, by this rogue, will be treated as it should—as a threat against Pack.”


The buzzing in the room reached a feverish peak. Wolves hated change and their body language clearly showed it. Many tensed, growling under their breath, shuffling their feet. They weren’t going to be won over easily, if at all.


There was a wisp against my consciousness. Don’t worry, Jess, Tyler said softly. Even if it doesn’t look that way, the majority of us are behind you and will protect you no matter the cost.


Won’t the cost be too much, Tyler? I couldn’t bear to think of something happening to my brother or father, to any of them, because of me.


That’s what Pack Law dictates, Jess. And that’s what we’ll do.


I think someone forgot to tell the wolf who attacked me last night that he was bound by Pack Law.


He wasn’t one of ours. We don’t know who he is yet, but Devon’s working on it. He was definitely a rogue, but there’s a good chance he was hired by someone outside of any Pack.