“Just don’t go absolutely crazy when I’m trying to make the hole bigger for you.”
The sun was setting by the time the twenty foot high walls surrounding Frost Arch came into view. My stomach gave an uneasy lurch as we drew closer. I peered out of the window and gasped.
It was autumn, yet hanging over Frost Arch was a dark black cloud that clearly had snowflakes falling from it. I gaped. Impossible. We were a mere hundred meters from the high stone walls, and it was perfectly sunny and warm here! I stared, trying to comprehend the scene before my eyes.
I wasn’t imagining it. Yes, a large snow cloud hung over the exact proximity of frost arch, only snowing within its boundaries. Not a flake of snow fell outside of its walls.
I gave myself a shake and concentrated on what I was supposed to be doing.
It was time for me to start burning away at the wooden crate.
I gave my fingers a click and held it to the box when a small flame flickered there. I prayed that I wasn’t going to get bitten.
“Don’t worry.” I reassured.
After a few minutes some of the wood had burnt and fallen away. I still couldn’t see what was inside the box, even with the fire at my fingertips lighting up the carriage. Once the hole was the size of my hand I heard the carriage come to a rumbling halt in front of the large wooden doors flanking the entrance to Frost Arch. I hurriedly opened my duffle bag and held it to the hole I had made in the box, covering it completely so I couldn’t the creature. To my surprise I hadn’t been imagining my little animal friend all along. Sure enough, I heard a scurrying, and a weight plonk into my bag, then hold very still after it had made itself comfortable on a pile of my clothes. By the weight of it this animal it seemed it would have fit into my arms nicely. I turned the small wooden box so the hole was facing against the back seat, and would only be noticeable when Jefferson went to retrieve it, long after I would be gone.
Outside the carriage, Jefferson was talking to a guard at the gate.
“Just another delivery to the marketplace.” I heard Jefferson’s muffled voice confirm.
“Your papers please.” The guard asked in a bored voice. I peered through the foggy glass window, and caught sight of a tall, burly man with a deep blue uniform. The uniform depicted a large coat of arms. The main feature of the coat of arms was a sparkling snowflake.
I watched as Jefferson handed a bundle of parchment to the guard, and I wondered what they were. Did you need special papers to come into Frost Arch? It seemed ridiculous.
The Guard of the Gate peered over the documents in his hands, and after a moment or two he seemed satisfied.
“Are you carrying any other passengers with you?” The guard drawled, handing back the documents.
“Uh … Oh!” Jefferson exclaimed only just remembering that I was indeed in his carriage, “I almost forgot! Yes. Little Avalon. She doesn’t have any papers yet though. I was gonna drop her at the Power Seer on my way to the Marketplace though, honest.”
The guard ignored Jefferson and walked around the carriage. He peered at me through the window. I looked at him closely now, and noticed that he was quite handsome. Maybe five years older than myself, with thick ringlets of dark hair curling around his ears. I gave an embarrassed smile.
The guard tapped the glass, “No papers?” His voice was muffled.
I shook my head abruptly. What did that mean? Was I going to be let in? What were these paper things that I needed anyway? Criminal records? Birth certificate?
The guard nodded and indicated that I should get out of the carriage. I was a little frightened. Grabbing my Rucksack I clambered from the carriage.
“What is the nature of your visit to Frost Arch ma’am?”
I paused, not quite sure how I was supposed to answer. My reasons for being here were rather private, but all in all I was coming to Frost Arch to live, and work. Anything to distract me from myself.
“Residency?” I chirped, unsure
The guard nodded flashing a smile at me, which changed his whole face. I looked anywhere else but his glinting white teeth.
“In that case you’ll need to get yourself some papers from the Power Seer. He’s just beyond these doors. I hope you don’t mind ma’am, but it’s my duty to take you to the Power Seer Headquarters for Power analysis. All residence of Frost Arch must undergo this procedure I’m afraid.”
He had totally lost me from the word “Power Seer”. I didn’t know what that was, but I didn’t like the sound of it either. Power analysis? It sounded as though there were going to document and record my ‘talent’. But what on earth for?
I followed the guard and made my way past the front of the carriage, where Jefferson held onto the reigns.
“Thank you for the lift.” I smiled at him, wondering how he would take the loss of his cargo. Would he try and find me?