Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1)

Matt shrugged. “I didn’t give him a choice. Of course, I’ve no doubt he’s been looking for Audrey and her deranged mother on his own.”

Yes. His love and the scientist who’d created them. “How are you sure he hasn’t found them?”

Matt cut his eyes to Shane. “Because they’d be dead.”

“So you want him still on the ranch?”

“No. He’s chomping to get back in the field. If you take Josie to Montana, then you can take over the intel during the final three months.” Matt signaled and changed lanes.

Nate deserved a time in the field since he’d been cooped up so long. Shane cleared his throat as his brother focused back on the road. “There’s something I’ve never asked.”

“Then don’t.”

His brother certainly knew how to cut to the chase. Yet it was time for answers. “Do you really think Audrey set Nathan and the blue team up? She seemed so kind to have engineered so many deaths.”

“I think so.” Matt’s hands tightened on the steering wheel.

“Why? Why would they do that?”

Matt shrugged. “Because they could? To get Nate back in line? To get us all back in line? Maybe to show us that there would never be a normal life, we’d never be truly free.”

“They had to know it would backfire.”

Buildings flew by as Matt accelerated. “I assume they thought Nate would attack the commander or try to escape—anything that would give them the excuse to kill him.”

Which was why they all were located at the base camp at the same time. “To motivate the rest of us. To show us the consequences.” As twisted as it sounded, the interpretation made sense. “They miscalculated.”

“Damn straight.”

Shane shifted his bruised body on the seat. “Nate is living to find Audrey. What happens when we finally catch up to her and the commander?”

“I don’t want to think about that.” Matt pulled around the corner and parked next to a deli. “Something to worry about on another day. Go get your wife. I’ll wait here.”

Shane nodded and jumped out of the Jeep.


Josie clutched her hands together, her gaze on the side mirror of Tom’s truck. “They’re still behind us.”

Tom tightened his jaw. “Okay. Let’s slow down and get a look at them.”

Panic caught Josie’s breath in her throat. The two men in the truck weren’t trained. An accountant and a construction worker… they couldn’t deal with the people Shane dealt with. She was about to get her friends killed. “No. Just get off the highway—hurry.” Had the commander found her?

Daniel shook his head. “We need to see who it is.”

Tom nodded. “Trust me.” He pulled into the right lane and slowed down.

The van wavered, and then sped up, coming abreast of their vehicle.

Josie cringed back into the seat, her eyes wide. A teenager drove the van, his cell phone to his ear. He sped up, and the logo for a local bread company shone on the side.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Josie huffed out a laugh, settling back into the seat. “I feel foolish.”

“See what Dean is doing to you?” Tom shook his head.

“Yes.” Though there was nothing wrong with being a little bit paranoid. That way nobody could sneak up on her. She doubted either man in the truck would appreciate that logic. “Please take me to the hospital.”

“You have to rethink your dependence on Shane.” Tom sighed. “Is there any chance you’d let me buy you lunch before you spend the entire day at the hospital?”

“No.” She turned a rueful smile on him. He was such a great guy… she needed to find someone for him. “I know you don’t understand, but I really need to be with Shane right now.”

“I do understand, Josie.” Tom reached beneath his seat.

Silver flashed.

Pain lanced across her skin as he slapped a cuff around her wrist, hooking it to a bar set between their seats.

“What the hell?” Fire ripped through Josie as she tried to yank free. “Are you kidding me?” First he had Shane arrested, now the man cuffed her? “Listen, moron. I am staying with my husband.” She yanked back, slamming her feet against the floor. Pain ripped through her shoulder. “Let me go.”

“I can’t.” Tom’s jaw hardened.

“Whoa. What the hell, man?” Daniel reached over her lap and tugged on the cuff, his eyes wide. “Let her the fuck go.”

Josie started. Hearing the mild accountant swear was almost as surprising as the handcuffs. Almost. She took a deep breath. Okay. “I appreciate you’re trying to save me from myself here.” Searching for reason, she calmed her voice. “But I’m not in danger, and I know what I’m doing.”

Tom’s teeth flashed in a parody of a smile. “You stupid bitch.”

Josie’s heartbeat sped up. Adrenaline ripped through her veins. “Excuse me?”

“Hey, wait a minute now. Knock it off,” Daniel hissed. “Let her go.”

“No.” Tom reached down alongside his door, grabbed a gun, and pointed it at Daniel. “Shut the hell up, Danny Boy. I don’t need your crap right now.”

Rebecca Zanetti's books