Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1)

With a growl, Shane yanked the gun from her grasp. He stepped back, flipping on the safety. “I’ve about had it with your defiance, angel.”

Fury. Pure, raw, and deadly, rage raced through her to light her veins on fire. She saw red. Jumping forward, she pivoted and shot a hard kick into his gut. He blocked her with a casual swipe of his hand on her foot.

One eyebrow rose. “Sit down, or I’ll sit you down.”

The tone. Low, dangerous, and commanding. He’d never used it with her before. Never. She faltered, her gaze on the sofa.

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to hear the truth. Finally. “I’ll listen. Then I’m leaving.” With a huff, she flounced to the sofa and sat.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He stalked to the deep cherry wood cabinets in the kitchen and placed the gun on top of one. Where she couldn’t reach it. Then he returned. “You want me to stop treating you like something fragile? Make sure you understand what you’re asking for.” Cushions dipped as he sat next to her on the couch. Broad hands wrapped around her arms and lifted her from the sofa.

She yelped, pushing her hands against his chest, struggling.

“Stop.” He sat her on his lap facing him, her legs straddling him. His hands manacled around her arms, holding her in place. “You want the truth. Sit here and take it.”

His eyes glittered an angry gray. The hard thighs beneath her heated her butt.

Desire, unwilling and unwanted, caused a swirling in her lower stomach. “Fine. Give it to me, then.” He wasn’t the only one who could play word games.

“We targeted you because of Fuller Labs.”

She stilled. In a million years she hadn’t expected his answer. “Why?”

“Scientists at Fuller used to work with the commander. We think. Some of Fuller’s research includes genetic engineering.”

Her mind spun. “Who’s the commander?”

“The monster who trained us from birth. The man in charge of our program.”

“You remember?”

“Yes. Everything but the last two years.”

His childhood was sad and had damaged him. But he’d made the choice as an adult to use her—to hurt her. Right now she needed to let go of her dream of a happy ending. “So you used me to get their financial records?”

“Yes.” Shane’s voice remained steady. “I monitored their finances before and then during our marriage.”

Sharp knives slashed through her insides. Only true force of will kept her from doubling over. Even so, tears pricked the back of her eyes. “Wait a minute. All of my computer problems—the ones you helped me to fix…”

He shifted. “Yes. I messed with your computer to gain access to the files.”

No wonder her laptop was always having issues. She’d been so grateful to Shane for fixing the problems. The bastard had created the problems.

Heat blazed between her ears. Memories followed suit. All those late nights when he was supposed to be working, where was he? All those little coincidences of her files being slightly rearranged in her office gave her a clue. “Did you break into my office, too?”


She shook her head. “How? I mean, they had cameras.”

“I took care of the cameras. Apparently nobody really checked them, because there was never an outcry.”

There was never an outcry because nothing had ever been taken. There was no warning.

Another memory almost had her scratching at his face. “What about when I fainted the night we went to pick up the file folders I thought I’d forgotten?” She’d never fainted before—and she’d been sure she’d taken the right folders home.

He flushed a dark red. “I hid the files so we had to go back to your office, and ah, you didn’t faint.”

She’d come to lying on the sofa in her office, and Shane had been so concerned, so gentle. “You knocked me out?”

“Yes.” His eyes darkened. “I’m sorry.”

He was fucking sorry? Rage had her almost seeing double, while hurt pounded through her entire body. “You asshole. Why did you marry me?” She struggled to keep her lips from trembling. “Why not just continue to screw me?”

Shane gave a short nod of his head. “Marrying you was not part of the plan. Believe me, my marriage pissed off my brothers to no end.” Emotion deepened his voice. “I wanted you, Josie. Still do. With everything I am.” He tugged her closer. Pain twisted his lips, and his eyes glimmered. “I knew I shouldn’t marry you. I knew what the danger would mean. But I convinced myself I could keep you safe.”

Such pretty words. “You lied to me. The entire time we were married.”

“Yes. I abandoned you, thinking it would keep you safe.” He looked up and shook his head, his nostrils flaring. “I didn’t know how badly it would hurt you, and I’m so sorry.” His voice lowered to guttural, his pain palpable.

Rebecca Zanetti's books