Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1)

His eyes held too much knowledge. Did he remember, or was she so easy to read? Her heart hurt even while her body moved against his. “Shane—”

“This is your place, little one. Take it.” His mouth wandered over hers, kissing the corners of her mouth, the center of her lips, angling her to dive deep. So deep. His tongue slid against the roof of her mouth while he held her still. Held her where he wanted her.

He lifted his head. “Make the offer.”

Damn him. She bit her lip, knowing she was fighting the inevitable. “Fine.”

“Not good enough.” His mouth enclosed the soft flesh where her neck met her shoulder. She moaned deep in her throat, waiting until his head lifted for his gray gaze to pin her.

“Fine. I offer sex.” Please. Let it be enough. God. Leave her something.

“Not enough.”

She pushed against him. Getting nowhere. “What the hell do you want?”

His eyebrow rose. Perfect control. She wanted to make him lose that. “Everything, Josie. You already knew the answer.”

She had. She’d known exactly what he would demand the second she let him take her in the office. Could she risk her heart again? Ride the wave until it ended. Her body craved. Her heart needed. What if? What if their relationship worked out this time?

“Trust me. Please.” His eyes darkened to a hue not even close to gray.

Some things were inevitable. She faced her greatest hope and her possible downfall. She knew herself. For Shane and Shane only, she’d jump. Such a terrible risk to take, and the only one with a reward that would be worth it. She’d never stood a chance against him. “Okay. Take it all.” He would anyway. He’d always held her heart. Why pretend otherwise?

Triumph lifted his chin. His lips met hers in a kiss so full of emotion, tears sprang to her eyes. Slowly, so slowly, he entered her, his body fusing with hers. Taking hers. Protecting hers.

She fastened her thighs against his hips, her hands digging into his arms. He started to plunge faster, thrusting with perfect control. Not a chance, buddy. She grabbed his butt, yanking toward her while rearing up and nipping his chest. Leaving her mark.

He paused, mid-thrust.

Her teeth released, and her head hit the pillow.

A vein pulsed in his neck. Crimson spread across his high cheekbones. Those dangerous eyes darkened to midnight as they pierced her. His biceps undulated like the muscles of a stallion wanting to run, and his cock swelled inside her.

Her breath caught. She’d never seen him so on edge. Then, knowing full well what she was doing, she allowed a challenging smile to curve her lips.

His control snapped.

Hard fingers dug into her hip as he thrust hard and to the hilt. Fire lanced inside her, sparking each nerve. She cried out, arching into him, her eyes widening on his.

His nostrils flared. His breath panted out. He slid out and slammed back in, his eyes glittering, his hand in her hair. Keeping her in place. The headboard smashed against the wall.

Hard and fast he thrust, taking them both higher and hotter than ever he’d permitted himself to go with her, taking him beyond his keen rein. An unbelievable ball of heat uncoiled fiercely within her. This was more than sex—more than man and woman. He was all male, taking a female. Her heart hammered with the knowledge, and she clasped her ankles at his back.

Close, she was so close. Her eyes shut. Electricity zapped through her. With a sharp cry, she broke, ripping through the waves.

He pounded harder, faster, finally grinding against her and murmuring her name in that deep Southern drawl as he came.

She relaxed back into the bed, her mind spinning. He’d lost control. The darkness hid her trembling lips. Maybe things could be different this time. Though, as her heartbeat slowed and reality returned, she had to wonder. Was that a good thing?

Chapter 14

If her personal life wasn’t a big enough mess, her professional life was blown to bits the next morning. A tornado had ripped through her office. Josie sucked in air, her head pounding. “How did this happen?” Shredded papers covered the floor. File folders had been torn, spreadsheets ripped in two. Cabinets teetered empty and overturned. Anything breakable… broken. She bent down to finger the shards of a ceramic vase she’d made during one outing with Vicki. Of course, Vicki had gone to the art studio to flirt with the owner, but Josie had enjoyed creating the vase and then painting the dramatic colors all over the sides.

She avoided the desk. What she’d let Shane do to her on that desk—

“I don’t know. The police were here for hours earlier to process everything and look for prints.” Shelia bent to pick up a pile of papers. “They said we can clean up now.”

Josie glanced behind Vicki. The rest of the tenth floor didn’t look any better. Whoever had torn through the CPA firm’s space had done so with a vengeance. “Thanks for calling me.” She’d been at Trenton Industries going through their files all morning.

Johnston stalked down the hall, his normally pleasant face set in hard lines. “Anything missing?”

Rebecca Zanetti's books