Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1)

He squinted, a smile playing on his face. “Just the two of us?”

“Yes.” She took another bite, the pineapple cooling the pepperoni on her tongue. It’d been two years since she’d enjoyed the combination of flavors. “You were on leave, and as a new accountant at the firm, I only had one day off.” The memories rushed through her, bringing both pleasure and the pang of eventual loss. “You bought me a dress.” He’d already taken her heart, but with the white dress, he’d stolen her soul. The white silk had been perfect, better than she’d ever dreamed.

He inhaled. “I can’t wait to remember that day. While my brain is fuzzy, my emotions are clear, Josie. I know I loved you.”

A tingle started at her heart and spread through her entire chest. She pushed the feeling aside. He couldn’t make such a claim without his memories. No matter how badly she wanted to believe him. Even if she did learn to trust that the love was real, he’d still left her alone. She cleared her throat. “So how’s the research going?”

He gave a short nod, letting her off the hook. “Not great. But I’ll find what I need.”

“Good.” They needed answers before another attack came. Josie pushed the pizza box aside and grabbed the file on Agers Hardware, a small hardware store whose owners weren’t as good at record keeping as some of her other clients. Good thing she knew her job. She’d find the deductions the young couple needed to pay the IRS less.

Shane went back to typing. Hours passed. Finally, Shane looked up at her and frowned thoughtfully.

Did she have pizza sauce on her face? “What?”

He studied her, his eyes the color of a stormy sky. Not moving an inch, he kept his focus entirely on her, as if she were the only thing in his world. Tension thickened the air around him, his predatory stillness a warning that he’d soon lunge.

Memories assailed her. She’d forgotten the feeling of being everything. Her heart picked up its pace, and heat slid through her veins like a fine whiskey. Desire slammed into her abdomen. With just one look from him, electricity zipped through her body to pulse between her legs.

His nostrils flared. “I remember you.”

Chapter 12

Josie struggled to stay calm as she stared at Shane. “You remember me?”

He frowned deeper and rocked back in her office chair. “Yes. At a coffee shop. You were wearing a blue yoga outfit that showed off your ass.”

Josie snorted out a laugh. “The day we met.”

“Yeah.” Shane focused on her face, his smooth Southern drawl deepening. “Some guy was bothering you. I asked if you needed help.”

“I said yes.” She wrinkled her nose. “I felt like such a wimp. But you helped.” Her hero. Right from the first moment. He’d stepped in and dragged the jerk outside. Then he’d come back inside and bought her an iced coffee. “You said I was smart, not wimpy.”

“I remember.” His gaze ran over her face. “Your hair was shorter and you had a tan.”

“It was California. You had a darker tan, too.” And biceps that made her want to take a bite. So maybe now he could explain why he’d been stalking her before that day. She cleared her throat. “Remember anything else?”

“Not yet.”

But he would. What would happen then? “Did you find anything about your past?”

Shane kicked back in her chair, overwhelming the gray leather. “Not really. My military record is good; lots of missions dealing with problems on our soil. A couple of biological problems from factories.” He frowned. “There’s more. I know it. But I haven’t gained access yet.”

“What about your brothers?”

His face turned to stone.

Josie studied him. He seemed like one cold bastard. But he wasn’t. Fire burned hot through him, so hot he forced ice into himself. To keep control. God, she used to want to make him lose it. Completely. Just with her. Only with her. She licked her lips.

Sparks flashed into his eyes in response. His gaze dropped to her chest.

Her nipples hardened to sharp points. She licked her lips again and swallowed. Her nerves fired. Oh man, this was a bad idea. “Shane. Stay focused.” Her voice came out breathy.

“That tone. I remember it.” His voice lowered to a rumble that wrapped around her heart. “Sexy as hell. Almost as if you’re whispering, your breath heating my cock.”

Jesus. The way he talked. Husky. Male. He used to whisper her name in her ear as he came. As if she was the only tether he had to this life. As if she was everything he needed.

Desire slid to temper. She wasn’t everything he needed. He’d left. “Knock it off. It isn’t going to happen.” Liar. The word echoed through her head. She was such a liar.

“Yes, it is.” His eyes darkened until nearly black. “Maybe not right now. I’ll wait until we figure this out.” He leaned forward, forearms on her desk. “But make no mistake. It is going to happen.”

Rebecca Zanetti's books