Forever (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 5)

“Go,” Mina answered. “It’s more important that you find help.”



Ever gave her a long look, a silent communication. “We’ll beat him Mina. For what he did to your family.”


Mina only nodded. If she spoke, Ever would be able to read the doubt and fear in her voice. She needed to act scared, not wired up.


As soon as Ever left, Mina locked the door after her. She sat at the kitchen table and watched the clock’s second hand tick. Then, she went back up to her room, laid across the covers of her bed and waited for the end.






Chapter 15




“Mina…” The voice drawled out her name, the whisper echoing throughout the room.


Mina sat up in bed and stared around her empty bedroom, the hair on the back of her arms lifting with the flow of power that radiated throughout the room. The air was so full of magnified Fae power, she could almost choke on it.


It was the mirrors. Not only were they distorting the looking glass to keep Teague from spying on her, they also seemed to be bouncing his power back on itself and magnifying it.


“Why do you try and hide from me, Mina… Mina… Mina?” Teague’s voice was unmistakable, as was his tone of displeasure. He was using power to amplify his voice, causing it to scatter and repeat through multiple mirrors.


“I’m not hiding. I’m right here.” She threw off the cover and stood next to her bed. His image faded in and out as he tried to see her. The mirror-protection was working. He couldn’t focus on her.


“Ah, I see what you’ve done. But you can’t stay in the circle forever. Have you gone back on our deal?”


“Of course not. But I want a guarantee you won’t go after my friends,” Mina yelled.


“Give me the dagger, and I’ll leave your friends alone. No other bargains will be made. I could send a Reaper after your brother right now to help you understand the necessity of following through.”


Her body started to tremble. How could she win against him? Despite what Ever said, here, now, in this moment, she doubted her strength. If she risked the fight and lost, she’d only guarantee the death of everyone she loved. A tear slid down her cheek. “Okay, you win. Take the dagger, but leave my friends and family alone.”


“Step away from the circle,” he demanded.


Mina stepped away from the protection of her circle. A glow of light appeared under the hallway door. The knob turned, and the door opened. Teague.


He came in and studied the display of mirrors. “Very impressive for a human.”


As he moved toward her, she backed up. The back of her knees bumped against her bed.


He chuckled at her fear and reached out for her face. She turned away, but he gently plucked a strand of hair off her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “Where is it? Do not make me ask again.” His voice was softer than she expected.


Her eyes flicked to her nightstand and back to him.


Teague pulled open the small drawer filled with her hair brush, numerous hair bands, and pens. His hand lingered over her blue notebook of Unaccomplishments and Epic Disasters. He pulled it out, flipped open a few pages, and skimmed them.


“You really are bad luck, aren’t you? Some would say cursed.” He tossed the notebook onto her bed. “Of course, that could be in part because of me.”


Teague reached back in and dug around until he pulled out the dagger. He stared overly long at the small missing tip. His free hand touched the spot over his heart where the tip lay. An expression of contemplation flickered across his face, and she saw a chance.


“Teague,” Mina whispered his name. “That dagger is evil. It’s changed you. If you’d let me help you, we could remove the rest, and you’d be back to normal.”


“And why would I want that?” His eyes went dark, and he turned on her. “I’ve never felt so alive… so powerful… so in control of my own destiny.”


“Fine. So does this mean it’s over?” she asked. “That you’ll leave me and my family alone?”


He turned to her, his face lighting up in an evil grin. “I’ll spare your friends, but I’m not done with you.” Within seconds, he was pressed up against her, his hand cupped around her face, his thumb just brushing the corner of her lip.


Mina’s breath caught as he leaned forward to kiss her. She pinched her eyes shut, scared to fight, scared to breathe as his lips barely brushed hers.


“My only wish,” he whispered, “is for you to share my fate.”


Her eyes shot open. The dagger glinted as his arm lifted to plunge it into her.


“No!” Mina screamed and reeled backward falling onto her bed.


Her fall made her even more vulnerable. He smiled.


The door burst open, and Ever exploded into the room flying straight for the dagger in his hand. She grabbed his wrist mid-lunge and yanked backward.


“Now, Mina!” Ever shouted, as she struggled with Teague to pull him closer to the their target.


Chanda Hahn's books