Forever (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 5)

Mina thought about using him to destroy Teague, but then she saw all of her friends still at the mercy of the rest of his army: Brody held captive by Claire, Ever pinned down in the hands of an ogre, Nix and Charlie surrounded by his griffins, and she still hadn’t seen Nan. She couldn’t save them all.


Go home, Giant. Mina commanded. Go back to the Fae plane, and live a happy joyful life. Let no man, woman, beast, or Fae control you again. You are your own mind.


He stared at her, and his eyes still glowed. He turned to walk away, probably to try and find a gate still open between the planes.


Oh, and one more thing. She mentally called out after the giant. He paused in his step and turned.


Thank you for saving me.


She wasn’t sure, because she was still controlling him, but she thought she saw the barest hint of a smile cross his large face.


Teague stood before her. He looked irritated as he signaled his horde to fall back.






Chapter 9




They weren’t happy at Teague’s orders, but Claire released Brody and backed away to be quickly surrounded by Grey Tail and Lone Tree. Ever yelped as the ogre dropped her on her bottom. One by one, members of his army moved away and scattered among the wreckage of the fairgrounds.


As soon as the giant disappeared, fire and rescue teams swarmed the area. Men in uniforms ran to those injured on the ground, and the GMs quickly phased and tried to hide their true selves again. Those that couldn’t hide their Fae side quickly made themselves scarce.


Nix got up from the ground and helped Charlie to his feet. His red hair stood out against his pale skin. “That was too close.” He reached out and ruffled Charlie’s hair. “And what about you, Mr. Siren? I’ve got a distant cousin.”


Mina ran over and hugged Charlie, fresh tears of relief pouring down her face. “Oh, Charlie.”


She ran her fingers up his face. He was still warm to the touch, and his fever seemed to be out of control, but he looked fine. In fact, he glowed with power.


Ever waddled over to Mina as she rubbed her backside. “How are your wings?” Mina asked.


“Could be better. I thought they were goners for a sec there. But it’s going to take more than an ogre to ground Ever Farindale.” She turned and slowly flapped her deep purple and blue tinted pixie wings, wincing in pain.


Mina turned and scanned their group for Brody, but he’d disappeared. She couldn’t see his blond head anywhere. She was about to turn and go look for him when Constance called her.


“Mina.” The muse spoke softly.


She turned to her high school music teacher, with her short gray spiky hair and wing-tipped glasses. Her skirt and top were torn and dirty, but she didn’t look injured.


“You came?” Mina said incredulously.


“We got our injured safely hidden with another inactive sect of Godmothers down in San Francisco. This one wasn’t going to let us abandon you.” She pointed to Nix, who blushed until his skin matched his hair and shoved his hands in his pockets.


“But how did you know where to find me?”


Constance sang a few notes and held out her wrist. A small dragon landed there and immediately began to dance around in excitement.


“Of course. Anders. How could we have forgot about him?” Mina exclaimed.


“You were meant to. He was supposed to follow you, and—when you were in trouble—come find us. There was a small group of us already on our way back to the Guild to try and salvage some of our archives when he found us. Sorry, this is all we had.” She gestured to those standing behind her.


Mina couldn’t help but zero in on Ferah, with her untamed red hair, standing among the GMs. She spoke wildly to the others.


Ken Wong separated himself and came over to them, whispering hurriedly to Constance. “Ferah says we have to leave. The police are asking questions, and we are a very large group standing in the open. We’re sure to draw speculation.”


Constance nodded her head. “She’s right. We must leave. But first I need to ask you, Mina, what happened? Why did he leave?”


That was one question she wasn’t ready to answer, especially not in front of her friends and brother.


She turned away. “He’s toying with us, trying to intimidate me by showing he can strike any time and anywhere.” She turned back to Constance. “What I want to know is what about Charlie? Did you know he’s Fae?”


“Part-Fae,” Constance answered. “And yes. So are you.” She grabbed Mina’s arm and walked closely beside her as their troop made a hasty exit, not out the front fair exit, but by the back bus-barns.


“Your mother was a powerful siren. When we learned what our future held, and how it depended on the Grimm family defeating Teague, we tried to strengthen your bloodline with Fae blood.”


Chanda Hahn's books