Forever (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 5)

Brody had been quiet for most of the celebration. Obviously, something was weighing heavily on his mind. He kept looking at Charlie and frowning. He was the deep thinker of the group, so Mina figured he was also recognizing the problem at hand.


With Charlie having just turned ten and Mina not yet eighteen, without a legal guardian, they would be taken away, and their little family torn apart. It was possible a foster family would take both, but there would be no guarantee.


He finally broached the subject to Mina by pulling her into the hallway “What are you going to do about Charlie?”


Mina held up her hand and shook her head. “I’m not ready to go there just yet. I need to take it day by day.”


“Mina, you can’t take care of him by yourself.”


“Please, Brody, I don’t even know what to tell the police or social services. That my mom was taken by a death omen? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Well, I do. And I don’t want to be sent to a mental institution.”


He sighed, and she put a hand on his arm. “Just give me a few days, and I’ll figure out what to do.” She already knew though. Terrylin made sure Mina knew her plan. And she had to admit—it was a good plan. A little crazy… but good.


He didn’t look pleased with the idea. “Okay, but I’m worried about you.”


“Believe me, I’m worried too.”


Ever cleared her throat, but her expressions said she felt bad about interrupting them.


“What’s up?” Mina asked.


“We need some supplies. Stuff that can help us in time of need.” She waved the paper in the air in front of Mina.


“I don’t know.” Mina hesitated, thinking it was going to be a huge list of weird items to ward off Teague. She grabbed the paper and breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a list of food items—and tons of candy.


“What?” Ever said dryly. “Were you expecting something else?”


“Yeah, I guess things like shrunken heads or bat guano and stuff.”


“Relax. You just need groceries. You’ve got nothing in the fridge to feed the hungry posse. I told you. This is a time of need. How can you not hear my stomach growling?”


Brody laughed. “It is almost noon.”


Mina frowned. There was usually plenty of food in the fridge, but then, they always did their grocery shopping on Saturdays, and that hadn’t happened.


“Besides, it might be good for Charlie to get out of the house and away from here for a bit.” Ever took the paper back from Mina and fidgeted with it.


“Yeah, you’re probably right.”


They went back into the kitchen. Charlie was now up and smiling. Mina looked to Nan who gave the slightest head shake. Mina had hoped that Charlie would continue to talk since he did yesterday, but he seemed to have reverted back to his quiet self again.


Nan came to stand by her and gave her a quick, reassuring hug. “What’s the plan?”


“Food,” she answered.


“That’s a good plan. I like that plan.” Nan grinned.


Mina couldn’t help but smile. “Of course you do. You love food.”


“Hey, I’m a growing girl, and I can out-eat a boy any day. This awesome figure is totally a pizza and chocolate ice cream body.”


Brody flexed his bicep. “Burgers and fries.”


Ever laughed and smiled. “Lollipops and Pixy Stix.”


Nan’s eyes went wide. “You’re serious?”


“Pixies love candy,” Mina explained. “I mean really really love candy.”


Ever pulled a lollipop out of the pocket of her dress, tore off the wrapper, and shoved it in her mouth, which had already been full with other candy. “Yep.” She swirled the lollipop to her other cheek so she looked like a giant chipmunk. Then, she popped it out of her mouth and held the stick. “But we can’t just live on candy. We need to get stuff for my Grimm. I’m not going to let her starve.”


“I’m not going to starve,” Mina argued, but Ever held up her hand.


“Nope, starve. You’re worthless.”


“Oh gee, Ever. Seems like you’re back to your chipper self.”


Ever looked down at her yellow dress. “Not yet.” She waved her hand, and her dress transformed into black pants and a top. “Now I’m back to my chipper self,” she said. “Let’s get you some supplies.”


“I don’t know, is it safe to take her out, with that maniac after her?” Brody looked over to Mina for affirmation.


His question mirrored her very own fears.


“That’s fine. We can stay in this house forever, but let me just say that Teague can come and go in this house as much as he wants. Since Jared has been here, Teague technically has too, and the wards won’t keep him out.”


“You’re right,” Mina said. “We can’t cower from him forever. I think this will show him we’re not scared of him.”


Nan’s hand shot straight up in the air. “I’m scared of him.”


Charlie grabbed her hand, pointed to himself, and shook his head no.


“Well, if Charlie’s not scared then I’m not scared,” Nan amended.


“Okay, but we don’t go anywhere alone. We stay in groups. You got that?” Mina said.


Nan made a salute, and Charlie copied her, slipping his hands into hers.


Brody smiled at Mina. “Aye, aye, Cap’n.”


Chanda Hahn's books