Fool's Quest (The Fitz and The Fool Trilogy #2)

So you are Changer?

No. This can’t be allowed. I blocked myself from her.

I thought the riders would be messengers or lads out for a gallop. When I glanced back furtively and saw Perseverance bearing down on me, leading a saddled and riderless horse, my heart sank. Priss. Bee’s horse. I did not recognize the second rider until they drew closer. Then I was shocked and almost angry to see Lant. As he reined in his mount beside me, he was pale, his face drawn with pain. Could there possibly be any more problems for me today? “You should be recovering, not taking a horse for a gallop,” I greeted him. I tried to keep my words bland before Perseverance.

Lant’s expression went sour. “And should not you be at Buckkeep, preparing to ride out tomorrow with your guard?”

There were a hundred possible lies to answer that question. The most believable would be to say that I was limbering my horse and myself for tomorrow’s long ride.

“I’m going after my daughter,” I said. “Now.”

He stared at me, then gave a tight nod. “And Lady Shine,” he added.

I looked at Perseverance. He met my glare calmly. “Lady Bee will wish to ride her own horse home.”

Fleeter resumed her pace, and the others fell in on either side of us. I itched to ask but waited.

Lant gave in first. “I went to visit Lord Chade, to let him know I’d be leaving tomorrow morning. It is my habit to visit him at least once every day, even when he is incapable of reasoned conversation, and I did not wish him to think that I was abandoning that courtesy. Today, he was rational for a short time. He asked me to recount our conversation. When I did, he told me I’d best make my way to the stables right away if I was to catch up with you.”

“And I thought for a bit when he told me to saddle his horse,” Perseverance added calmly. “And then I followed.”

I held my words behind my teeth. I did not want either of them with me. I had no idea what I would find, if indeed I found the raiders at all. I wanted to be free to travel swift and alone, and in the end to be as stealthy or as savage as I judged necessary. I had brought the carris seed for my own use. I did not want to offer it to Lant, injured as he was, and I would never give it to a mere boy like Perseverance. When I had control of my voice, I spoke calmly.

“I told you that if your injuries held you back, I’d go on without you, Lant. That still holds. And Perseverance. You are to return to Buckkeep Castle right now.”

“I understand that,” Lant said, but his words had the sharp edges of humiliation. It was hard for me to care.


“Sir.” He had not changed his horse’s pace and he did not look at me.

“Did you hear my order?”

“I did, sir.”

“Then obey.”

He did look at me then. His eyes were very bright and I knew he fought the tears forming in them. “Sir, I cannot. I made a promise to Steward Revel. He found out I was teaching Lady Bee to ride. He was not sure he approved, but after I promised him I’d see she came to no harm on a horse, he said he did not think he had to report what we were doing. And when our lessons with Scribe Lant were to begin, he summoned me again, and said I must always be ready to defend her, in the schoolroom or indeed anywhere in Withywoods. And I promised him again. Defend her I did. Even though she and I had had a bit of a tiff a few days earlier. It’s as if I swore my loyalty to her first, before I swore to you. So I think only she can tell me to abandon her.”

“That’s the most convoluted logic I have ever heard.” It wasn’t. The Fool could do much better than that to get his own way.

Perseverance said nothing. I thought of ordering him even more sternly to return. And if he still refused, what then? Kick him? Poke him with my sword? The boy was more than stubborn. He was intent on becoming a man. Soon enough, Fleeter and I would outdistance both of them. And then he could be helpful to Lant in returning to Buckkeep. A fine prince I was. I could not get even a stable boy to obey me. I tried to summon the will to insist.

My Wit made me aware of her a heartbeat before her weight hit my shoulder. I flinched at that landing, and Fleeter flicked an ear back in a query.

“Fitz—Chivalry,” the crow announced. She set her feet more firmly in the fabric of my coat and used her beak to push the flap of my collar out of her way.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded of her, not really expecting an answer.

“It spoke!” Perseverance exclaimed.

“It’s a crow!” Lant exclaimed as if perhaps we had not noticed. Breathlessly he asked, “Is she your Wit-beast?”

“No. She’s not my Old Blood companion.” I had never demanded the current usage of anyone and I did not have time to wonder why I did so now, for Per immediately pleaded, “Would she come to me, do you think? She is such a beauty.”

Robin Hobb's books