Enslaved: Eternal Guardians series

“I won’t. I’ll put a sign on the door that anyone who comes in has to wear gloves. Will that do the trick?”



“Yeah, that’ll work. And I’m sure it’ll raise all kinds of questions regarding what sort of contagious disease I have.”


Screw what anyone thinks.


Titus couldn’t help it. He chuckled at her thought, then regretted it when pain stabbed his cracked ribs again. He pressed a hand against his side, breathed through the burn. “Zander’s one lucky SOB, you know that?”


“Remind him of that when you see him. He’s still mad at me about Max. Do the others know? The Argonauts? About touching you?”


“We’re guys, Callia. We don’t go around getting touchy-feely with each other.” When she frowned, he added, “You think I need them looking at me as more of a freak than they already do?”


That would never happen.


He leaned his head back against the pillow. “Trust me. It would.”


She was silent for several seconds, and though thoughts ran through her mind, he tried to ignore them. But words got through: awful, sad, lonely. Words he definitely didn’t need to hear.


Just when he was about to tell her he didn’t want or need her pity, she turned for the door. “Don’t worry, I won’t mention it to any of them. Try to get some rest while I get that sign up.”


He trusted her to keep his secret. But he knew when she was playing the avoidance card. And no matter what weird shit was happening with him, what was going on outside these clinic walls was a thousand times more important.


“Callia.” When she glanced over her shoulder, he asked, “Where’s Gryphon?”


She was careful not to meet his eyes. You don’t need to hear this right now.


“Yeah, I do. Where is he?”


She hesitated, then finally sighed in defeat. “No one knows. The Argonauts are all out looking for him. It appears he climbed out his window, scaled the castle wall…No one’s entirely sure how he got out, but he did, and he got by Nick’s guards without anyone noticing.”


Skata. “Nick’s gotta be pissed.”


“He is. His healer had to put twenty-four stitches in his arm. He was going to kick Gryphon out of the colony tomorrow. Orpheus was going to go with him. I’m guessing Gryphon figured that out and ran before it could happen.”


“Gryphon wouldn’t want O sacrificing anymore for him. What about Theron?”


“Theron wasn’t sure what to do about the situation and he didn’t have time to decide. Before he could come up with a solution, Gryphon bolted.”


“Shit. Nick’s men will kill him if they find him first.”


“I know,” she said quietly. “Which is why the Argonauts are out looking for him right this minute. Theron left Phineus here to make sure we were okay, but the others…they’ll find him, Titus.”


Titus ground his teeth and pushed the covers off his legs. “It wasn’t his fault. I should be helping to look for him.”


Callia rushed back to his side of the bed. “No way. You’re in no condition to move yet. Even superhero genes need time to work.”


“Get out of my way, female.”


Callia held her bare hands up. “Don’t make me use these again.”


Titus glared up at her, then remembered the way her emotional transfer had knocked him on his ass. Dammit, he hated the fact he was so freakin’ weak. Not physically—at least not normally—but emotionally. Just the slightest touch from another person could cripple him.


He clenched his teeth in frustration, but eased back against the bed again, not wanting a repeat of the I’m-a-giant-* ordeal. Especially in front of Callia. “Maybe I’ll just rest for a few more minutes.”


“Smart ándras,” Callia said, lowering her hands. I really didn’t want to zap you again. “I’ll be right on the other side of that door if you need anything. And don’t worry, I’ll be sure to keep you updated as I hear news.”


That didn’t leave him feeling all reassured. It only pissed him off even more.


She moved to the door, paused, and looked back. “Phineus was right. Most people wouldn’t be nearly as forgiving after what Gryphon did. You’re a special man, Titus.”


No, he wasn’t. He was cursed. And not only did he know why, he also knew he deserved it.


“Save your praise for someone who’s worthy.” He closed his eyes, blocking out her way-too-gentle eyes as he tried like hell not to hear her thoughts. “I just know what it’s like to be tormented by voices. And trust me, yours and everyone else’s are nothing compared to the voice that’s haunting Gryphon. I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone.”




A shiver racked Maelea’s body. Startled, she jolted awake. Confusion hit as her eyes adjusted to the weird glow. Something hard pressed against her face. Bracing one hand beneath her, she pushed up and looked around.


The cavern. The underground waterfall. The river. Trying to escape the half-breed colony. Gryphon.