Enslaved: Eternal Guardians series

“You’re safer here than you are in the human realm.”



He knew that too. He also knew that what Orpheus was doing now, letting them both go, he wasn’t doing as an Argonaut, but as his brother. And that it would mean the end of Gryphon’s days with the Argonauts. “What will you tell Theron and the others?”


One side of Orpheus’s mouth tipped up. “That I finally came to my senses.”


“You’re gonna bring down a shitstorm of trouble. Not just from the Argonauts, but from the Council as well.”


Orpheus’s smirk turned into a full-fledged grin. “I’ve been on the straight and narrow for several months now. It’s time I did something to shake things up. Besides, Lucian’s still considering retiring, which means I’m still in line for his Council seat.”


“You’re an Argonaut now. They’ll never let you sit on the Council.”


Orpheus’s eyes sparked with challenge. “All the more reason I’m gonna push for just that.”


Gryphon didn’t doubt that. When Orpheus put his mind to something, he usually found a way to make it happen. He closed his hand over his brother’s forearm, locking them together. “I owe you. For…a lot more than I can ever repay.”


“Just take care of her. That’s all the payment I ask for. She’s special, Gryph.”


“I know.” Emotions closed his throat. “And I will. I promise.”






Chapter Twenty



“Wow,” Skyla said, brushing her blond hair back from her face. “I didn’t see that one coming.”


Maelea twisted her hands in her lap. Part of her was relieved she’d been able to tell someone what had happened between her and Gryphon. The other part was scared to death, now that it was out there. “I know. I didn’t see it coming either. Neither of us planned it.”


“No one ever does,” Skyla said with a curl of her lips.


“What’s going to happen to him?” Maelea asked.


“I don’t know,” Skyla answered. “I’m new to all this Argonaut brotherhood stuff. But it’s not just the Argonauts he has to answer to. The Council of Elders here—the lords that advise the queen—found out what happened at the colony. And somehow they found out about the string of daemon remains he left from Montana to British Columbia.”


“That wasn’t all his fault,” Maelea cut in. “I was responsible for a few of those kills myself.”


Admiration swam in Skyla’s eyes. “You were, huh? Good for you. I always knew you had it in you. But regardless”—she frowned—“the Council’s always looking for any excuse to undermine the Argonauts. I have a feeling this could turn into a political nightmare.”


“I could talk to them. Tell them what really happened.”


“Uh, no.” Skyla’s face grew wary. “They get one whiff of you and things will go from bad to worse. Remember Nick’s reaction at the colony when we showed up with you?”


Sickness brewed in Maelea’s stomach as she remembered back. Yeah, Nick had not been happy to see her.


“The Council will freak if they think Gryphon did anything to draw Hades’s attention to the Argolean realm,” Skyla added.


Maelea hadn’t thought of that. She didn’t want to do anything to make things worse for Gryphon.


“I need to see him,” she whispered, almost afraid to say the words out loud.


“I don’t know if that’s going to be possible,” Skyla answered. “At least right now. He’s with Theron and the others. And Orpheus. Orpheus is more than a little pissed at him.”


“Because of me.”


“He cares about you.”


Maelea knew that. She also knew that Orpheus was wrestling with his own guilt, where she was concerned. He felt responsible for bringing her to the half-breed colony. For exposing her to Hades. For putting her in Gryphon’s path. But he had nothing to feel sorry for anymore. In fact, if she could thank him right now, she would. “He has no reason to be mad at Gryphon.”


Skyla’s face softened. “I’ll try to talk to him. See if I can smooth it over.”


If anyone could, it would be Skyla. She had a way with Orpheus. She—


The French doors that led to the balcony pushed open. And Maelea’s heart lurched into her throat when Gryphon stepped into the room. “Oh my gods.”


She didn’t remember pushing off the bed. Didn’t remember crossing the floor. But she would forever remember the way his arms closed around her with stinging force when she reached him. The way his eyes brightened. The way he whispered “Sotiria” and lowered his mouth to hers with a fierceness that stole her breath.


She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him back with everything she had in her. Didn’t even care that Skyla was watching.


Worry filled his light blue eyes when he finally eased back. “You’re okay? I saw you fall. I was so worried.” His gaze strayed to her forehead. “Skata, your head.”


Her fingers passed over the bandage near her hairline. “It’s okay. It’s not bad. I didn’t even need stitches.”