
“Yes, we were.”



He moved closer. She moved back again. Damn, he liked this nervous side of her. Way more than the seductive one. What would she do if he kissed her? Like he’d wanted to kiss her in the hallway of her apartment? Those lips were made for kissing. Plump, tender, so damn sweet, he was sure they’d taste like candy.


“We were right about…” He maneuvered her around until her back hit the wall, slapped a hand against the surface to trap her between it and him. “Here. Weren’t we?”


She pushed against his chest. Didn’t budge him. He leaned close, stared at her enchanting lips, and imagined them opening to take him in. Her mouth would be warm and wet and, he bet, just as slick as her sex. The need to taste her overwhelmed his senses. He moved in, saw her eyes widen in surprise.


He liked that he threw her off-kilter. Liked that she was remembering all too well how they’d fit together. He wanted that fit again, this time with her mouth locked tight to his as he drove inside her.


“Yeah,” he said, staring at her lips, “we were right here.”


Just as he moved to kiss her, she turned her head, offering her neck instead. “Maelea is just inside.”


He focused on the pulse beneath her skin, remembered how sensitive she was there. “Ghoul Girl’s asleep, trust me.”


“That’s like asking a mouse to trust a starving lion.”


“With you, sweetheart, I am a lion. An insatiable lion.”


She tensed when he nuzzled her ear. And he smiled at her nervousness. It meant that whatever this was, it wasn’t the same thing she had with all her marks. He wasn’t stupid enough to think she was tagging along with him and Maelea because of him—or even Maelea, as she wanted him to think. She was here because Zeus had sent her to get the Orb. And still that didn’t stop him. Not yet. He was having way too much fun tempting her.


Her hand rested against his chest but she didn’t push, and the way she tipped her head farther away told him she liked what he was doing.


He kissed the soft, soft skin beneath her ear. So it wasn’t her mouth. He’d take her mouth later. When he slid inside her.


She drew a deep breath, let it out slowly. Her body relaxed against him. “I…uh…thought there was to be no touching.”


“With my hands. You never said anything about other body parts.”


Her throat worked as she swallowed. He followed the movement with his eyes and brushed the tip of his nose across her jaw again, barely scraped his lips over her neck.


“Someone could walk by.”


His lips curled as he pressed them to a mole at the base of her throat. “That makes it more exciting. And I don’t remember you objecting in that apartment.”


“I obviously wasn’t thinking clearly then. I seem to have that problem when you’re around.”


His chest expanded. He liked that. Liked it a lot.


He nudged her knees apart with his leg, pressed his thigh between hers as he kissed her neck again, as he pressed his lips to the electric skin just behind her earlobe. A tremor ran through her body, one that made his jeans even tighter.


“I know how to ease that problem.” He skimmed his nose across her earlobe again, inhaling a deep whiff of her sweet scent that went right to his head like a drug, pressed his leg just high enough so his thigh rubbed against her mound.


Her chest rose and fell with her deep breaths. She was definitely aroused. Probably already wet.


Gods knew he was aroused. Ever since she’d shown up at Maelea’s house, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking of her. Shit, that was a lie. He hadn’t stopped thinking of her since he’d seen her at that concert. It didn’t matter that he’d already had her. He wanted her again. Here. Now. However he could get her.


He breathed hot against her neck, watched as the pulse in her throat picked up speed. Her fingers drifted down his side to rest on his hip, dangerously close to the bulge in his jeans. And his blood heated to near boiling at the thought of her fingers so close to his cock.


Her gaze followed her hand to his hip, hesitated. She swallowed, as if she was imagining taking her own delicious sample.


He swelled harder against his zipper, imagined her mouth around his shaft. He didn’t dare move his hand away from the wall for fear he’d forget all common sense and take her, losing their bet before it even got started. “You’re teasing me, Siren.”


Her dark, spiky lashes lifted to reveal amethyst eyes heavy with desire. “I was just wondering what happens if you come first. We didn’t factor that into our bet.”


He nearly came right then, just from the possibility in her words. It was his turn to swallow. “That won’t happen.”


“Why not?”


Elisabeth Naughton's books