
“Damn it.” His mouth nipped at her chin, trailed hot, succulent kisses toward her ear that enraptured every part of her being. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her either. She gasped in surprise when he undid the zipper on her boot, tugged it off, and threw it down the hall, then stripped her pants down her legs, underwear and all.


He hooked her bare leg over his hip again. Her pants looped around the boot still on her other foot. But when his fingers found her wetness, she barely cared.


Yes, yes, yes. This was what she wanted. The only thing she wanted. Why had she waited so long?


He stroked her, slid two fingers deep inside. A tremor ran through her body as his thumb brushed her clit. “What kind of enchantment are you casting, female?”


He seemed as bewildered as she at the instant attraction. This was more than a quick fuck and both of them knew it—even if they’d never in a million years admit it.


“No enchantment,” she managed. “Need more.”


A low rumble echoed through the hall, one she wasn’t sure had come from him alone. She didn’t have long to ponder because his mouth was back at her ear again, his tongue doing wicked things to her lobe. His touch consumed her, drew the air from her lungs, promised her something she couldn’t see but needed. A zipper rasped. His fingers slipped free of her. She groaned at the emptiness but shuddered when he slid both hands under her ass and lifted. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Then nearly came out of her skin when the tip of his cock brushed her folds and he pressed her into the wall, filling her in one sharp thrust.


Pleasure rippled through every cell in her body, as if this was what she’d been seeking all her life. She tightened around him, cried out in protest when he drew away, then moaned all over again as he plunged deep. Those fireworks picked up in intensity until pinpricks of heat were all she felt. “Oh…”


“Like that?” He slid out, thrust back in again. Sweat slicked her skin as he plunged deep over and over until her eyes blurred.


“Yes, yes, more. Yes.” She dug her fingernails into his shoulders. Tried to take him even deeper.


Her release barreled toward her. He grew even thicker inside. But it wasn’t enough. Never enough. The climax she longed for was right there. Hovering out of her grasp. She shifted her hips, tried to find that one spot…


“Skata.” He changed the angle of his thrust. “Here?”


“Yes. I—” Before she could brace herself, fire exploded through her core, so unexpected it stole the breath from her lungs.


She groaned, kicked her head back into the wall, and tightened around him as waves of pleasure washed over her. Waves that went on and on and triggered a feeling so sublime, it seared deep in her chest and grabbed hold of her heart like a vise.


But it didn’t last. As the last wave dissipated, a sinkhole opened wide. She felt herself falling, tumbling into a black abyss of pain and suffering so intense she gasped. All around her, torment rang out like trumpets, and a grief she’d only experienced one other time settled in deep. Grabbed hold of her heart. Threatened to never let go.


A grief that had nearly killed her once. A grief she thought she’d left behind a lifetime ago.


Her eyes opened. His face was mere centimeters from hers, his jaw tight, his skin slicked with sweat, his eyes wide and unfocused. And reflected in those familiar gray pools she saw her past as clear as if it were the present. Felt the pain that had shaped her into the Siren she was today as sharply as if it had just happened.




Words dried up in her mouth. She couldn’t answer. Didn’t know what to say. Couldn’t believe the gods could be so cruel.


He couldn’t seem to stop his body from moving, and she knew he was right at the edge where control has fled and biology takes over. He clenched his jaw, thrust harder, deeper, jostled her against the wallboard. Too shocked to do anything but hold on, her muscles contracted, and as she felt him grow impossibly hard inside her, knew his release was consuming him. But hers was long gone.


Tears she wasn’t about to shed burned her eyes. He drove deep one last time and groaned, then held still, pinning her to the wall with his body. She tried to steady her racing heart. Couldn’t. Tried to convince herself what she’d just experienced wasn’t real.


But it was. Gods help her, it was. And a truth so horrendous she didn’t want to acknowledge it as real…became crystal clear.


He wasn’t just a rogue hybrid causing trouble for Zeus. He was more. And their meeting had not happened by chance.


He dropped his head against her shoulder, breathed deep. Braced one hand against the wall to steady them both. “My gods,” he mumbled against her, his hot breath tickling her oversensitive skin. “Who the hell are you?”


She couldn’t tell him. Not now. Not ever. But the déjà vu feeling she’d felt before now made a sick sort of sense.


Elisabeth Naughton's books