
He stroked her back, running his hands over her bottom before nudging his hips forward the tiniest bit. When she didn’t complain, he worked himself in farther.


Isobel hissed as Matteo forged path into her body. It burned slightly, but it wasn’t truly painful anymore. Holding her tight to his chest, he moved his hips up and down until he filled her completely, his body flush against hers.


The sensation was different now. It was as if he was heating her from the inside out. There was still a little discomfort, but it was overwhelmed by the strange ticklish pleasure that accompanied his every movement. She moaned aloud, digging her hands into his sides as he moved faster and faster. The sensation built and built and it felt like she was coming to the peak as before, but it remained elusive.


“Isabella, are you close?” Matteo rasped, his breath short and fast.


“Close?” she asked in confusion.


“To another climax, like before...”


She didn’t know what to say. The pleasure was there, but it wasn’t as intense as when he’d used his mouth. He didn’t wait for an answer, releasing her and urging her to sit up and straddle him again—guiding her until she was riding him in an irregular and slightly frenzied tempo.


“Oh!” she cried out as Matteo moved one hand to place where they were joined.


He rubbed and circled that mysterious little nubbin once more while his other hand pushed at her back, urging her down just enough to take her breast in his mouth. The dual stimulation was too much. Her channel fluttered and gripped Matteo inside her as she threw her head back and gasped.


His hands moved to her waist, holding her firmly against him as he rocked upward in repeated hard thrusts.


He ground into her almost painfully, but it didn’t matter. The pain only heightened the sensation. It was as if a fire was burning behind her eyes, red tinted flames obscuring her vision as a wave of pleasure rolled over her. He cried out, the sound muffled and distant as she felt a spreading warmth inside her. Gripping her tightly he pumped his seed inside of her.


When her awareness returned, she had collapsed on Matteo’s chest, which was moving up and down like a bellows. He was still inside her, hot and hard, but growing softer. His lips pressed against her forehead as his fingers traced patterns on her skin.


“Are you all right, cara?” he asked.


She nodded, but he didn’t say anything else, as if he was waiting for her to speak more.


“That wasn’t what I thought it was going to be like,” she whispered eventually.


“What were you expecting?”


“Something less...wet.”


Deep masculine laughter shook the bed. “I know you enjoyed it, even if it was more untidy than you expected,” he said smugly before rolling slightly until she was lying on the mattress.


She ignored him as he chuckled and moved out of the bed, returning quickly. She was about to ask him what he had done when he knelt over her, pressing a cloth between her legs, cleaning her and then himself before climbing back into bed.


He slipped his hands around her while murmuring his appreciation and affection. They talked long into the night, eventually falling asleep side-by-side.





Memories of the night before melded with images from her dream. Caught between those half-conscious illusions and the waking world, Isobel opened her body as large hands moved over her breasts and trailed down to her waist. Heat centered between her legs as she was carried by the rocking waves of a warm ocean.


Her eyes flew open as her husband began to push inside of her. He was behind her, the hand underneath her pulling her closer to him while the other moved between her legs, alternately stroking her sex or pulling her leg open a little wider to give him better access.


She gasped as she was filled, the position new and the pleasure intense. There was still a slight soreness from the night before, but her body was only too ready to accept him.


Time seemed to stop as Matteo wrapped his arms around her hips, his body pumping into hers again and again.


It didn’t seem possible that the same feelings and thrills could occur in the morning light, but there it was, building and building until she gave herself over to it. Calling out his name, she shuddered in his arms, her body pressing back hard against his.


She was in a daze when he turned her over, covering her body as he pushed her into the mattress, confident now that she wouldn’t tense and withdraw from him again.


Eyes closed, she felt him kiss her softened lips before he entered her from above, his broad manhood parting her sensitized flesh in a series of deeper and deeper thrusts...


Isobel opened her eyes to wrap her arms around him, but froze when she saw his face.


Matteo’s skin was warm against hers, and his smile sweet. But his eyes were black.






Chapter 19




Isobel pulled book after book from the battered black trunk. She was surrounded by piles of them, her new blue dress stained from wrestling open the dirt-covered chests.