Cold Blooded

Shift? “I’m sorry, but I’m not going anywhere until I understand what you’re talking about,” I said firmly. “You’re a seer and blood-kin to the Queen, but she kept you locked up. Why did you continue to aid her?”



“It was necessary,” Alana replied. “After hundreds of years of cruelty at the hands of Valdov, my mind had shattered. A newly made vampire starved for blood becomes damaged beyond repair, but a fledgling vampire who is also a seer who is also half fae is irrevocably lost. Because the Queen is powerful, and my kin; she alone could coax me into intermittent sanity. But she could not stay with me twenty-four hours a day.”


I nodded, not because I understood, but because it was all so insane. “So the Queen knew Valdov was a spy.”


“Of course,” she said. “She knew his true nature when she found out about us. But she needed to keep him for this very day. So he lived.”


“The Queen orchestrated the events today. Why?”


“Valdov and Eudoxia would’ve ended you together if you had come when your oath demanded. When you showed up early and unannounced, it put their plans askew. She came down to consult with me once you were granted entrance into the mansion. I told her what must be done.”


“She wants my blood.”


“She needs your blood,” Alana said, holding up a single finger. “There is a distinction.”


My eyebrows arched. “She needs it like you needed it?”


“No,” she answered. “Your blood has cured my madness. It was necessary and the only thing that could bring me salvation, but your blood will bring her to godhood.”


I was stricken to silence.


“Vampires can’t attain godhood,” Rourke growled. “You’re lying. A god must be born, not made.” Vampires were “made” into supernaturals by powerfully magical blood, while shifters, witches, and most of the others were born.


Alana smiled. “Ah, but she was born a supernatural, was she not? Eudoxia’s destiny is vast. But what she does not know is … I have lied to her. Repeatedly. It was a shame, but necessary. If I had not, her path would have turned very dark, and even in my madness I still loved my niece.”


“Godhood?” I said. “No wonder she’s on a rampage. A vampire in line for true immortality is very rare.” Once a supe reached godhood, which only very few could, it meant the coupling of vast power and true immortality. A regular supernatural could live for thousands of years but could be killed a number of ways.


It was almost impossible to kill a god.


“Fate weaves a path for you at your birth, as it does for us all, and thus far you have stayed true to yours.” She stepped closer and I nodded to Rourke that it was okay. “If you continue to choose the right course, it will lead you to greatness. If you do not, it could be detrimental to us all.” She peered at me, her eyes hooded, like she was trying to see into my soul. “It is unclear how this will end, which is puzzling.”


That wasn’t exactly comforting. “How am I supposed to know which one is the right path?” I asked, frustrated. “That’s a lot of pressure, especially since making the wrong choice could be detrimental to all.”


“There is one path for each of us.” She held up a finger. It was free of wrinkles, but the nails were still yellowed. “But it comes with many detours. Some will circle back and some will not. It is fluid, yet set. The true mystery lies in all of us and what our hearts desire.”


“You mentioned salvation,” I said. “I need to know if my father will survive.”


She cocked her head. “His salvation depends on another. But it is ultimately up to you.”


“That wasn’t exactly helpful—”


Something rocked the mansion from the outside and the storage shelves clattered and dust fell from the rafters.


“It begins now,” she said, shuffling away from me. “We must part.”


“But you haven’t answered my question yet,” I complained.


“I can say no more.” Alana moved toward the far wall. “Just know that everything is up to you. And you must make choices true to your heart; if you do not, you will suffer the consequences.” Another explosion hit the ground. “Quickly, you must exit through here.”


I strode toward the grate she had just pulled open. “You want us to crawl through the venting?” I asked.


“It is necessary,” she said, her voice firm. Yuri had come to stand by her side. It was hard to disagree with a seer when my father’s life was on the line.


I turned to Rourke, who was already leaning in to take a look. “This must be a shortcut to the main part of the mansion.” The house shook again. We could feel the vibrations, but they weren’t direct hits. If they were, the walls would be coming down around us. That meant the Queen had put up her ward. I hoped my father made it in. It was time to get out of here. “We may as well take it. It looks maneuverable.”


“Okay,” I said. “Let’s do it.”


He eased his large frame into the small opening.


I turned to follow, right as Alana laid a hand on my arm. “Eudoxia will be resistant at first, but she must perform one last task before she is worthy of the power required. Make sure she agrees to it.”