Cold Blooded

My waist and shoulders began to inch through the opening. The bricks hadn’t moved. My body was literally seeping through the barrier. The entire thing must be an illusion. I pressed my face into the ward and found it was black like a void.


We’re almost inside. I gave one more internal shove, throwing the last of my power into the final nooks and crannies, and passed completely through the bricks with a loud pop. Absolute darkness consumed me. The Trows shrieked their displeasure on the other side. They sounded muted from in here. I was relieved they hadn’t been able to pass through. Surprisingly, it didn’t feel claustrophobic inside the ward, but I knew if I stayed much longer, a possible phobia might develop.


I extended my arms outward, testing.


My power was still all around me, keeping the space open, but the ward pressed down against us, trying to beat my power back. We’re in a no-man’s-land. We need to blast through to the other side and we have to do it before the ward chokes our power out.


I closed my eyes, even though it was dark, and concentrated on the energy around me. The only thing we can do is gather our power and try to force it back out in a blast and hope it’s enough. I exhaled, and in one motion, sucked all the power that I’d encased in the ward back into my body. It plunged back in like a shot, making me stumble. The ward compressed as I took my magic back, stealing the air out of my lungs.


I braced my hands in front of me.


As quickly as I could, before the ward crushed the life out of me, I shot a concentrated blast of power out in front of me. A big boom of thunder hit my ears and the next thing I knew, I was sprawled on a dirt ground panting.


I blinked and looked around.


I think we’re out.


I sat up slowly, dusting off my hands. I twisted my legs around and examined them for Trow damage. I’d been so amped up on adrenaline and power, I hadn’t felt the continued assault. My spandex was full of holes, but it was still intact. Everything is healed already. Thank goodness those little shits didn’t have any venom. I was in my Lycan form, and apparently my muscles were harder to ravage.


Brushing off my legs, I stood and tried to figure out where I was.


It was dark, and I took a step forward, right as something rammed into the back of my legs. I crashed to the ground, rolling once before I shot to my feet, crouching low, arms out to the sides in my fighting stance.


“It’s wonderful you could join us,” a voice whispered in my ear. “We’ve been waiting.”












There was no one in front of me. The tunnel was empty. It was not as dark as where I’d just been. My eyesight adjusted and I saw there was a slight incline leading uphill, which I assumed would eventually lead me out of this underground hell to freedom.


The breathy voice hit my ear again as soft prods, like invisible fingers, landed all over my body. “We need you, Jessica. Come help us.”


Another voice, this one childlike, cried, “You took too long. I want to see my mommy.”


My fur sprang on end as my skin erupted in millions of goose bumps.




Yuri had said the tunnels ran under a cemetery. No, no, no. Please don’t tell me we’re trapped underground with a healthy number of ghosts. My wolf’s ears were pinned back. Don’t panic, I told her—but really, I needed those words myself. I cringed at the thought of ghosts. How do you fight against something you can’t see? My wolf was equally freaked out. Her canines were exposed, her lips curled. It would be hard to defeat beings who had such little power and no magic.


I had no idea how to make them go away.


“What do you want?” I asked, taking a few steps forward. Currents of air continued to brush against my face and arms. There was no way to know how many were here with me.


“We want to be free,” a voice whispered right next to my ear.


“Outside. I want to go outside.”


“My mommy is calling. Can’t you hear?” Something shook my pant leg.


Baby ghosts?


Did I really need to be assaulted by infant specters? I tried to rack my brain for a reason why I deserved to have tiny invisible children haunting me, but I came up with nothing.


Vicious Trows were worse than being trapped in a tunnel with a few ghosts, right?


I needed some perspective. These ghosts obviously wanted something from me and I needed to find Naomi. Maybe they would make a trade and leave me alone. “I don’t know if I can help you,” I called around me, cautiously moving forward. “But if you help me, I will try and help you. That’s all I have to offer.”


“Power.” Something glided by my face, shifting the air currents around me. “So much … power.”


“Come with us.” The voices sounded far away yet close, like an invisible hand was toggling a huge volume control knob.


“We will show you the way.”


“You will take care of us.”


Invisible fingers prodded me forward and I let them guide me. I addressed the crowd at once. “I’m looking for a vampire named Naomi. Do you know where she is? Medium height, chestnut hair, pretty features, smart as a tack?”




“We know her.”