Cold Blooded

Two vamps occupied the cramped quarters.


I turned to sucker punch Conan in the throat, but he was already slamming the door shut. Much more quickly than he’d opened it. Creep. I knew the door was spelled, but I put my fist against it just to be sure. A strong current pulsed beneath my skin. The spell had a strange signature. I’d felt something similar to it on the walk down here. It didn’t feel like witch magic. Witch magic was organic; this felt concrete.


“Put the chains around your wrists,” Conan ordered through the tiny window. “The ones hanging on the far wall.” A single, thick finger came through the bars to point me in the right direction. I growled. I wanted to tear the digit off his hand.


“I’m not staying in here with … them, so go tell your Queen the deal is off,” I snarled, bringing my face close to the window as he hastily withdrew his finger.


“If you don’t do what I say, I will kill the male vamp who they say is yours,” Conan sneered. The guy had one look. “I hope you refuse, because I need to feed and he looks like he’d put up quite a nice fight.”


Ray could likely hold his own, but if Conan drank my blood, it would be disastrous.


I turned and glanced around the dirty cell.


The two emaciated vamps hissed at me from their respective corners. It seemed they hadn’t fed in … years.


I was fresh meat.


The only light in the cell came from one lone torch hanging precariously from the seeping stone wall. It appeared in jeopardy of going out. “I didn’t realize your Queen was so sadistic. This is hard-core imprisonment. How long have they been in here?”


“That’s no concern of yours. Now put on the chains. The cuffs are spelled so you won’t be able to get free.”


We’d see about that.


I walked over to the chains dangling from the far wall.


The good thing was they weren’t silver, so they wouldn’t burn my skin. The bad thing was they were several inches thick and likely made from reinforced wolfram, one of the strongest rare metals on earth and extremely hard for a supe to break out of, hence the name.


Anything with pure natural qualities was tough for us to defeat.


I picked up a single shackle and glanced behind me at the two vamps. Defeating them and freeing myself at the same time was going to take some skill. I tried not to be too regretful of my decision to acquiesce to the Queen’s wishes. We have to be on our best game here, I told my wolf. We break the chains as soon as possible and keep the vamps from drinking us at all costs. She growled her agreement. She was laser focused on the two bloodsuckers. They were so gaunt their faces appeared permanently skeletal.


“I said put on the chains,” Conan snarled from the kiddy window. “But then again, I am getting pretty thirsty.”


“I’m going, I’m going,” I said. “And you better stay away from Naomi and Ray if you know what’s good for you. If I find out you’ve hurt them, or partake in a single drop of their blood, I’m coming after you.”


He laughed ominously. “You aren’t getting out, wolf. Meet Yuri and his wife, Alana. Our resident cave dwellers. They will rip you to shreds and leave you wishing you were dead, most likely before I can walk back to my office. This is the end of the line for you. Only the worst offenders are put here. Welcome to hell.”


My eyes darted to the vamps as I clicked both shackles around my wrists. I needed Conan to leave quickly. The vamps seemed to be waiting for him to leave, too, because they hadn’t moved. But it was hard to tell by their vacant stares. They were each slumped in a corner opposite me. I lifted my arms and wiggled the chains at him to prove it. “I’m in. You can leave now. I’m sure you have pressing business to attend to.”


“I might just stay and enjoy the show,” he said.


As the weight of the wrist cuffs settled on me, I felt the spell. It had the same weird signature as the door, but this spell had a taste, which was even more bizarre.


The two vamps perked up once they saw I was secure, rising to their knees on the dirty ground and starting to gyrate like a couple of snakes in the grass. Jesus, they’re completely deranged. It looks like they’ve been down here for centuries and get to drink only when they have naughty visitors. We need Musclehead to vacate the area. I’m going to throw some power into my words and see if I can send him away. If not, we’ll have company before we’re ready. You focus on breaking the spell or we’re going to be vamp dinner.


As she sent power into the spell, it manifested strangely in my mind. It was honey colored and tasted sour. It wasn’t nearly as powerful as what we’d tackled with Selene. The cuffs rang with it, but it hadn’t penetrated farther into my body, which was a bonus.


“I think your Queen is calling you, Lurch,” I said, throwing strength into my words, aiming it right where his face sat pinched in the window. “You better scurry away and see what she wants.”