Cold Blooded

I raked my fingers through his hair, twisting it in my hands. It was soft and thick. He pulled back slightly, studying me, making sure I was really okay before we started something that couldn’t be undone.


“I’m good, really,” I said, answering his gaze. “It was our first status fight and my wolf is happy with the outcome.” I leaned up and bit his bottom lip before he could reply.


He responded in kind by plunging his tongue deeply into my mouth while his lips locked around mine, and I took it, pulling greedily, finally fully tasting him.


I moaned, the pleasure of it overwhelming and maddening at the same time.


Power swirled around the circle as our kisses became fast and frenzied.


This was the perfect place for us to bond. Energy pushed and prodded against our skin, urging us along. The grass felt like velvet beneath my back and the cool air brushed deliciously against my naked skin.


I knew we were safe and protected, even if it was just for the moment.


Rourke broke the kiss and hovered over me anxiously, his eyes filled with the same longing as mine. “I haven’t cared about another living soul in longer than I can remember. I want this to be exactly right.”


“It will be.” I smiled.


Rourke arched one perfect eyebrow down at me and grinned. “It better be, or my manhood will be in serious question.”


“I don’t think your manhood will ever be in question.” I laughed, feeling his hard, and very adequate, length against me. “You’ve got that department all shored up.”


“When we finish this bonding, it will mark us both.” His chest pressed tightly to mine, and as he spoke the vibrations sent delicious currents dancing through my body. “Once it’s over we will be connected. Forever.”


“That sounds like heaven to me.” I ran a hand behind his neck and pulled him down, murmuring into his lips, “And just so you know, I think we should do this bonding thing over and over again, just to make sure it sticks.” I wiggled beneath him to show him my body was more than ready.


His breath hitched, and he grabbed on to my hips, rocking them forward in his grasp as he tilted his head up to the sky and roared. His fierce call echoed through the trees, and I was certain every animal in the forest turned tail and ran.




He took my mouth again with a savage snarl. His kiss held so much intent, my libido skyrocketed, flushing my body with liquid heat. His intensity made me insane with need, and I plunged my tongue against his, lapping and tasting and biting. He broke the kiss with a moan and ran his hot tongue over my jaw, down my neck, nipping and nibbling as he went.


My back arched and I groaned.


He took one of my hard peaks into his mouth, sucking hard.


I yelled as my hands shot to his hair again, grabbing thick handfuls, pressing him down against me as far as he could go. He snarled with pleasure and took more of me in his mouth, his fingers seeking the other tip, rubbing and pulling deliciously.


“Oh.” My spine bowed backward until it felt like it would break in half. But I didn’t let go. I wanted him closer—needed to feel him everywhere.


He obliged by pressing us together as he devoured me, his mouth greedy, his hands just as skilled.


Sensations I’d never felt swept over me, threatening to overload me. Nothing in my life had prepared me for something like this. As we moved together, our energy mingled, combining and weaving itself into one. The intensity mounted, climbing quickly.




His hand slid down my stomach, lingering for a moment before he teased open the inside of my thigh. Once there, a single fingertip feathered its way in, circling slowly. I thrashed, barely stifling a scream. At my reaction, Rourke slid his hand back up my thigh.


“No … please, you can’t stop,” I moaned. “Rourke, I know you want to take it slow, but maybe that can be round two … or three?” My eyes sought his, my pupils struggling to focus. “There’s no way I can do this slowly. I need you, and my body isn’t going to play nice.” I panted, shifting my legs toward his hand. “If you don’t want me to be early to the party, we need to move now.”


Without hesitation, Rourke reared up, grabbing on to my waist and rolling us both in one motion. He swung me into a sitting position on top of his rock-hard abs as his back hit the grass. His eyes locked onto mine the entire time.


I couldn’t break my gaze from his even as his hardness pressed against my backside. Anticipation raced along every nerve ending in my body and I panted. “I’m sorry.” My breath hitched. “I’d love to take this slow, but I’m a newborn and it’s too—”