Cold Blooded

“Getting you to the Underworld is no small task,” Tally said. “It’s a huge ordeal that will take time and planning. We can’t send you unarmed, but only organic compounds can travel across the boundaries. There will be training involved.”



I couldn’t think straight. Grief pounded behind my temples.


As soon as Tyler had blipped out of existence on this plane, his connection to me had vanished. I hadn’t realized having him bound to me had become like second nature, like the best security blanket in the world. Without being aware, I’d known he was alive and functioning at every moment. It was a bond we should’ve forged a long time ago and I desperately missed it.


“I will go with you,” Naomi said, her voice thoughtful. “You need not battle the Underworld alone.”


“Me too,” Danny added. “I’m not going to let my best mate die down there without a fight. I’m in for whatever it takes to bring him back.”


“Count me in too,” Marcy said from across the room. “You just saved my life. I owe you. But more than that, I can help because I’m a witch.” After the Prince of Hell had struck her down, I had poured my power into her and eradicated the last of the blackness. But Tally had already been on it, spelling the mist out with her magic.


It was debatable who had saved whom.


“If she goes, I go,” James said. “There is no reason we can’t all accompany you, Jessica.”


“Okay, that’s enough,” Tally said, marching forward with her hand in the air, turning to address the entire group. “It’s all well and good everyone here is dying to jump on board. And by dying, I mean that literally. But none of you are going. Not one of you is powerful enough to survive the journey by circle, much less what you’ll find when you get there. They have pet beasts, demons in every size and color, and all of them can kill you with a small flick of their wrists. The Underworld has the home-court advantage and we have to play this smart if we actually want to bring the wolf back.”


Rourke stood, growling, his eyes blazing, arms folded.


Tally sized him up. “Well, except you. You’d survive the transition, but you still can’t go.”


“My daughter isn’t going alone,” my father interrupted, standing in front of his seat, before Rourke could tell Tally what he thought of her fantastic plan. “I will fight with everything I have to get my son back.”


“Sorry, but you can’t go either,” Tally said, dismissing him. “It’s a noble undertaking, but not advisable.”


“What?” My father’s voice jumped and power whipped around the room. Several of the wolves growled. “Are you saying I wouldn’t survive the transition?”


“No, Callum, you’d survive just fine. You’re a Pack Alpha,” Tally said in a patient tone. “Arguably the most powerful one in the world. But you know as well as I do that because of that, your signature is well documented. If you land in the Underworld, dinner bells will ring. The demons would have something delicious planned just for you. If we do this, and give Jessica the best shot at saving your son, she has to go in the back way. One with no alarms.”


My father nodded his head in agreement. “I hadn’t thought of that. But you can’t tell me my daughter isn’t documented as well,” he said. “And if that’s the case, she’ll be tossed into the same trap I would.”


“I believe it may be different in her case, which is a lucky break,” Tally answered. “The demons want her, and obviously have information about her signature, but from what I’ve seen firsthand, her powers are somewhat malleable. That gives her an edge the rest of us don’t have. With our help, she can learn to muddle her signature enough. And, no, she’s not documented in the Book … yet.” Tally glanced at me. “But I suspect she will be shortly. Power like that is not ignored by the Coalition for long.”


“How do you know she’s not in the Book?” my father asked. “It can take centuries to find out what’s in the Book of Records.”


“My daughter is an oracle,” Tally said patiently. “Every time there’s a new entry, she draws me a picture. There’s only been one in the last year. And it wasn’t female.”


Tally’s voice dared my father to disbelieve.


Instead, he nodded, satisfied.


I had no idea what the Book of Records was, but it was clear it noted powerful supes. “It doesn’t matter if I trigger their alarms. I’m going regardless,” I said. “And the demons already know I will go after Tyler, so surprising them may never be possible.”