Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

He hummed gutturally against my lips, keeping me close. “I can feel, and smell, you, like, when you climax.” I hadn’t known that, lost as I was when I went over the edge with him, and his lips curved the barest bit, breathless, kissing me lightly. “Guess I am that good.”

I gasped on a keening cry as he kept hitting my spots. “Don’t let it go to your head.” I groaned, my body trembling fiercely under his. “A little more, Cain. Just a little harder.”

His wolf huffed softly, and he pressed just a little harder, a bit faster, moaning, “Oh, fucking…hell.” He trembled over me, staring down at me fiercely. “Have it, honey.” Black, soft curls tickled my cheeks as he shook his head the barest bit, his breathing quickening. “I won’t be able to hold out much longer, and I want you going with me.”

Instant and breathless. “Not…an issue.” I shouted, my body tightening under him, warmth trembling like fired rain ran through my limbs, the gentle coaxing of our love making boiling inside me as he thrust deeply, rubbing the head of his cock back and forth over that delicious spot. My jaw fell as my gasping breath caught, my eyes on his, keeping them open, wanting to watch him as my body exploded in carnal pleasure, warmth transfusing me as I glowed brightly, tiny, brilliant stars flying into the vortex of our power, screaming, “Cain!”

Body not my own as I floated in flooding blissful, arresting warmth, I watched, barely able to keep my lids open, trembling and tumbling in ecstasy as he instantly shuddered over me, his expression of pleasure and pain, cheeks flushed on olive glistening skin, black curls dangling down around his gorgeous features, navy blue eyes glowing fiercely down on me between thick lashes, his cock thrusting swiftly, penetrating deep on my pulsing channel, all the way into my very being, hips flush against mine, and his lips parting on a deep shout, “Caro!”

Our gazes held as we fell so damn far, never experiencing anything quite like this as I continued to tremble against his relentlessly quaking frame, his cock pumping inside me, scalding hot cum scorching me, my channel gripping and pulsing against him, both of us groaning quietly while not just our bodies connected, but also, our gazes, and I know I saw the beginning of tenderness reflected in his eyes, more than likely the tenderness I was feeling for him, this fierce man who had taken me completely, showing in my own gaze, which I tried so hard to hide, but probably failed miserably in my pleasure-dazed state, as did he, while we ever so gradually came down from our sensuous paradise.

Groaning heavily, he slowly lowered his head on the pillow, face toward mine, his weight heavy and scrumptious over me. His panting breaths were heavy against my ear, sounding sweetly against the pounding in my ears from my heart that didn’t seem to want to slow against his chest, his own heart pounding furiously against mine. The steadying hand he’d had on my hip slid up my side slowly, sluggishly, running under my shoulder, holding softly, even as his hand on my face tipped my head toward his, gently pressing the side of my face against his, my own trembling legs unwrapping from his waist and sliding tiredly down the back of his legs, hooking around them, then going slack as I sucked air, arms like dead weight around his neck.

When I could breathe again semi-properly, I mumbled on a breath, “That was…nice.”

His hot, slick body started shaking over my heated one as he chuckled quietly, but it quickly stilled as we both groaned softly from the movement, both of us overly sensitive until he tipped his hips back, sliding from me slowly, and carefully, and he muttered on a raspy voice, “It’s possible I underestimated slow and soft.” He tensed a smidge, pausing, hesitating, and then tilted his head a bit, his lips brushing my cheek in a soft caress. “With you.” His head fell back to the pillow, our cheeks gliding, and my face still against his.

My lips quirked at his cautious sweetness, and I blew a piece of hair off my cheek, and murmured, “Definitely underestimated the benefits of slow and soft.” I tilted my own head tiredly, and kissed his cheek softly. “With you.” And I instantly felt the slight rigidness in him relax, and I shut my eyes, inhaling him.

I felt his jaw open wide as he yawned grandly, blindly pulling the white sheet over us, then placing his hand softly back on my cheek. “Wake me in ten minutes.” Another yawn. “I might be able to get up then.”

I grunted, understanding, snuggling further against his cheek and soft hair, my body utterly sated and dead weight, that climax ringing my bell to lazy perfection.

Chapter Twenty-Four

A poking on my arm in my half dozing slumber had my eyes shooting wide open in fright…staring blurrily into spring green eyes an inch from my face, and I screamed bloody murder, my arms wrapping like death’s grip around Cain’s throat. Instantly, Cain woke, his head trying to lift, his wolf already snarling furiously inside his chest as he threw his arm out blindly in the direction I was staring, since he couldn’t see past me hanging on to him as I was, his power erupting down his palm, the pulse of furious wild animal zapping the air, shoving the intruder away with his strength, tossing the individual through the air easily.

A deep grunt, “Fucking shit!”

And…I blinked…rubbing my eyes…seeing King Zeller—oh, no—hit the privacy spelled far wall, plaster and paint fall down around him as he tumbled to the couch with a groan. I quickly grabbed Cain’s arm, yanking on it, since he was still sending his power, muttering hurriedly, “Stop! It’s King Zeller!”

No longer strangled inside my hold, he shook his rumpled curls out of his face, eyes glowing in fury, peering off to the side, and instantly dropped his arm, relinquishing his powered hold on the King who was trying to get up, his fangs extended in fury, face…beautifully sharpened…but with that much-aged magic against him…well, it had to hurt like a son of a bitch, not to mention, it sounded as if Cain had broken bones.

An arm waving in my peripheral caught my attention, and my head darted that way around Cain, but Elder Farrar stated loudly, and clearly, “Don’t attack. It’s only me.” I stared wide-eyed even as Cain jerked the blanket over us even further; apparently, making sure everything was covered now that the threat was gone, even as Elder Farrar waved an irritated arm at King Zeller, muttering, “I told you not to do that. One day you will listen to me, dammit.” He started marching toward him. “Now, I’m going to have to fix your ribs, and no one’s here to offset the pain.”

King Zeller was standing now, but shaking his head hard. “Jesus,” more head shaking, fangs still extended, “Christ.”

“Yes, yes,” Elder Farrar mumbled, hands glowing over King Zeller’s ribs. “Just be happy he wasn’t trying to kill you since he wasn’t sure who you were.”

Cain tucked my head down against his chest, holding it there so all I could see was his olive skin, soft black curls tickling my cheek…even as he tucked the blanket around my damn head, burying me under him and the blanket, barking gruffly, clearly pissed, “What the fuck, Farrar?”

“Just a moment.” Elder Farrar’s voice sounded, since I couldn’t see a damn thing, Cain’s hold on me unbreakable under him. “I’ve got to fix,” bones cracking sounded harshly, “my goddamn, pain in the ass son-in-law,” more cracking with a deep grunt, “since he doesn’t listen to older and wiser reason.”

I stopped trying to move out from under Cain at that bit of knowledge…realizing he meant Queen Ruckler and King Zeller were married. “Huh.”

Elder Farrar snorted. “Please, Ms. Jules, as if you didn’t wonder. You were romantically involved with their daughter for close to a year, and you figured out who her parents are.”

Cain froze over me this time until he peeked under the cover, pulling my head back a bit, asking gruffly, “Isa was the woman you were in a committed relationship with?”