Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

Leric flicked his hand in a wiping motion. “Can you two please get off her bed?”

King Zeller’s eyebrows quirked. “It’s damn comfortable.” A black boot patted my mattress. “And there’s nowhere else to sit.”

Elder Merrick only grunted, relaxing further, even fluffing a pillow behind the small of his back.

Silver eyes found mine, and he stated on a quiet growl, “My bedroom,”

“Is right next door. I remember.”

“—and the walls are thin.” His lips curved in a slow, cunning smile before glancing back out to the group, and I saw King Zeller’s shoulders shaking from the corner of my eye while I glared at Leric, but he ignored my expression, asking, “And the rest of you?”

Eventually, the rest stated they were staying, Elder Samson predictably last, but he was still staying, which I wanted him to. Wanted him to learn more, to learn to trust, and to learn what Elder Farrar had said was correct. Leric nodded, then stated, “I’ll tell you the elite Guardian is now dead who attempted to attack my Chosen. He wasn’t being coerced by anyone. His actions were all his own. He believed as the rioters do, that my Chosen will offset the balance, which she has explained what that is. He was a fanatical, and I’m sure he won’t be the last, so please, stay watchful.” His head dipped to Elder Farrar and Elder Merrick, and he stated calmly, “Thank you for catching him before he could harm her.”

Both nodded easily, the man nod, no words needed.

“And with that, I’ll leave you, unless you have any direct questions for me?”

My brows slammed together, the peace I had been sending him abruptly shutting down. “Where are you going?” He couldn’t be tired.

White brows lifted slowly. “I’m going to discuss with Roselle what actions we could take to make our people more inclined to you.” He tilted his head to the others. “I thought you would have your hands full, so I was going to handle this alone.”

“Right.” I tucked a hair behind my ear, brows still together, not liking this bond…jealousy…that had flared within me…a tiny thought that he might be going to see Lissa. “That sounds like a valid plan, since I’ve got more to speak on here.”

He hummed quietly, eyeing me through shaded lids, then peered back out to the group. “Any questions you need me to answer?”

When they shook their heads, Sin lifted his drink. “Actually, I have a question about the woman Caro was speaking with at the meeting.” A motion for him to proceed, and Sin asked, “I’d like to know her name and if she’s single?”

I blinked slowly, not really surprised.

Leric’s head cocked. “Are you working an angle?”

Sin’s lips curved, murmuring, “There are always many angles to work.”

I kept my mien blank, knowing Sin was, indeed, working an angle with that expression.

“Her name’s Hanna, and yes, she’s single.” Leric actually smiled a bit. “Good luck.”

Sin’s lips only lifted.

Leric tilted his head back to me, and I felt the brush of his warm lips at my temple before he pushed off the dresser, stating to everyone, “Do try to get some rest tonight. You don’t have to learn everything in one evening. We’ll be meeting in my study at eight am to head for breakfast, then going into a meeting directly afterward.”

My lips pinched again, that damn possessive jealousy flaring, and I whispered through our connection, “Remember…the walls are thin.”

He stumbled a step, glancing back over his shoulder, and lips trembling the barest bit, he exited my room, closing the door quietly behind him.

“Elder Farrar, spell my room for privacy.” Instantly, the walls shimmered golden, and brushing an agitated hand through my hair, I peered back to everyone, my tone a smidge snippy, asking, “What else would you like to learn tonight?”

Elder Bridges itched his nose, brows raising a smidge, but he asked steadily, “Where the hell are we exactly?”

And this was how the next two hours went as I found a map in the small collection of books pre-placed in my room on a large bookshelf that was only filled incrementally, my own books to go there eventually. I explained patiently, answering any and every question they felt the need to know immediately, and when I fell into bed that night, I was actually exhausted even with the time difference, and my mind eased to peaceful slumber as the scent of forests before a rainfall surrounded me from the pillow I was using, the one Elder Merrick had continued to use and rustled about earlier, with Sin curled up behind me after sneaking in, our guns beneath our pillows.

Chapter Nineteen

One week after arriving, I held my arms out, face—I was sure—priceless, as I eyed my Lajaks who had just entered my room that morning. I stated in exasperation, “I look like a fucking virginal offering.”

Bless them…their faces stayed—mostly—blank.

But King Zeller’s lip twitched, and he drawled slowly, “I believe to be a virginal offering…you’d have to be,” black arched brows raised, “a virgin.”

“Not the point.” I waved a hand up and down my scantily clad body. Roselle had arrived early with the attire I was to wear on our journey to the first city we were headed to in an effort for my people to approve of me. But my clothes—if you could call it that—consisted of a thin white satin piece of cloth tied around my breasts, the tie dangling down my bare back, and a white satin flowing skirt that hung low on my hips down to the tops of my bare feet, slits up each of my thighs, nails free of color, and my hair unspelled, no pink streaks—only white…and more white. “I feel damn ridiculous, not to mention, naked.” I scowled, pissed off, and spread my legs wide, the slits baring my legs all the way up, and I threw my hands down, pointing between my legs. “And I’m going to be riding a damn horse like this.”

And dammit, half my Lajaks faces cracked, some chuckling, some choking, putting fists in front of their mouths and coughing gruffly, trying to contain it.

“It’s not funny!” I damn near shouted, shaking my widespread fingers down. “A big, damn horse between my bare legs.” My tiger growled. “Roselle wouldn’t even let me wear underwear.” That…produced more choking.

Sin’s lips pinched together, doing his best to remain in control, but he was staring at my breasts. “And there’s the discomfort,” he flicked a finger to said breasts, “you’re…cold.”

“Jesus, Sin,” King Collins muttered, slapping him upside his head, then turning his back to me, head dipped and shoulders shaking, but silent in his mirth.

“What?” Sin asked innocently, still staring, and his pointed finger made a small circular motion. “It’s like you can see exactly,” He shut up when Elder Merrick knocked him upside his head, much less friendly than King Collins had while I crossed my arms over my chest.

Although, Elder Merrick’s expression was utterly blank, lids hooding his gaze, after that rough action, he asked, “It’s not bareback riding, right?” I ignored the few snickers, and shook my head, so he continued. “Just bring a soft and thin, but sturdy blanket to put between you and the saddle.”

I nodded once, humiliation quickly adding to my anger as my face dipped to view my attire again, but still…”It’s not just embarrassing.” I waved a hand at my attire, but quickly folded my arms over my chest again. “I can’t even carry a gun.”

Back still to me, King Collins lifted a finger in the air, choking, “That’s my Prodigy.”

Sin blinked, still rubbing the back of his head, not glaring at Elder Merrick, but still staring at me, then his eyes gleamed for a moment. “Shit.” A small smile. “I need to take a picture of this.”


“Oh, come on.” He was already darting to where he had stashed some of his stuff in my room. “I’ll be in it with you, and you know I won’t show anyone.”