Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

Exiting to the back lawn of the Elemental section after breakfast, duffle over my shoulder, I paused for a moment. Everyone also stopping as they exited. It looked like a break in a zoo had occurred. Four gigantic lions, two small wolves, and two massive eagles were scattered about the lawn, all sitting proudly, waiting. Behaving…

“Told you,” Elder Farrar muttered, whistling loudly. A golden eagle launched into the air, flying and fluttering to land on his outstretched arm, and I watched in amazement as the eagle carefully kept from digging its claws in.

“He’s gorgeous,” I murmured honestly, staring in rapt fascination. I stepped closer, murmuring up to him in a voice I didn’t even recognize. “Aren’t you handsome?”

He squawked, a shrill piercing sound, and his chest puffed proudly.

“He likes you.” Elder Farrar grinned down at me. “He doesn’t like many people.”

“That’s because he’s handsome.” I nodded, smiling at the bird. “Yes, you are.” I paused, realizing everyone was staring. “What?”

Sin cleared his throat. “We’re going to ignore you just did the “baby talk” thing to probably one of the meanest Vizoacs in history,” a twirl of his finger, “and move along.”

I cleared my throat. “Right.” I peeked back up to the bird, and whispered quickly, “But you are handsome.” I waved an arm. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Everyone having said their good-byes already, we moved toward where Leric stood with Roselle and Reese off to the side, he having said it would be better to bring them through from outdoors, even with the protection I had given them, since there was so many. Vizoacs lumbered toward us, and I heard Elder Merrick’s wolf huff directly behind me, then he whistled loudly. I heard a piercing squawk, then the fluttering of wings behind me. I glanced back, and then stopped dead in my tracks, my jaw gaping.

I stared at the biggest eagle I had ever seen sitting proudly on Elder Merrick’s hand. He was pitch black, the morning light shimmering on its glistening feathers, appearing tinged with glistening blue it was so deep, its eyes a piercing gold that peered straight at me. “Oh, my,” I blinked slow, “You. Are. Striking.”

His head cocked, and he screeched loudly, fluttering his wings, damn near preening smugly.

“You’ll give him an even larger ego with comments like that, which he doesn’t need,” Elder Merrick muttered gruffly, and tilted his head behind me. “We should catch up.”

I cleared my throat, glancing back to see everyone had continued, and I turned, walking faster, but I couldn’t help but stare at the magnificent eagle. “What’s his name?”


I tripped, barely righting myself. “You can’t be serious?”

“He shits everywhere,” Elder Merrick grumbled. “So, therefore, Shithead.”

I stared at the eagle, who was glaring—and he was—at his owner. “You are better than Shithead.” His head bobbed. “See, even he agrees.”

Elder Merrick grunted. “Too bad he didn’t get to choose his name.” Navy eyes met golden ones, “Right, Shithead?”

Shithead’s wings fluttered in agitation.

“I can’t call him that,” I muttered. “It’s just not nice.”

“Better than what Elder Zeller called his for a while,” Elder Merrick mumbled quietly, and Shithead bobbed his head in, apparent, agreement.

“I’m not even going to ask.” I moved to catch up, making some headway to their longer strides, but I froze when I heard the fluttering of wings directly behind me, then stilled completely with my arms out to my side, a freaked as hell silent scream caught in my throat as I felt eagle feet land on my shoulder, and the soft brush of wings against the side of my face…as Shithead settled down heavily. And just sat there. My wide, frightened gaze stopped on King Zeller about twenty yards away where he had turned around, having arrived at Leric’s group first, and his own eyes widened marginally, seeing the enormous eagle on my shoulder, golden eyes peering down at me.

Elder Merrick made a choking noise behind me, but a second later, I heard him mutter a curse and he was swiftly standing next to me, holding his hand out, ordering on an extremely quiet growl, “Get back over here now, and don’t do that again.”

Feathers ruffled against my frozen face, but I felt Shithead’s feet walk down my shoulder with the barest kiss of his claws before he hopped to Elder Merrick’s outstretched hand…and he proceeded to shit, his wings ruffling in irritation as he glared at his owner.

“Yes…a Shithead you definitely are,” Elder Merrick drawled, and navy blue eyes found mine. “Are you alright?”

I patted my shoulder, my shirt not even torn. “Yes, he just scared me.” I eyed his Vizoac. “He’s just as screwed up as mine.”

Elder Merrick eyed Shithead. “Apparently.”

Elder Farrar called loudly, “The One is ready to go!”

I nodded, and started moving forward again, shaking my shoulders a bit, working the stiffness out of my frame from that fright, extremely glad I still had my eyes, not really relishing them to be pecked or scratched out. Inhaling, I moved to the center of my group and glanced to Leric, who had luckily missed that bit, talking with Roselle, and I stated, “I may use some of your power.”

He nodded once, white rolls swaying about his bronzed face. “With the Vizoacs, I’d imagine so.” Red lips tilted. “I’ll head over first, and warn the Guardians.” His eyes glowed a bit, and he was suddenly gone, Roselle and Reese glowing, and disappearing directly after him.

“Alright, gentlemen,” I waved at the Royals watching from the back of the manor, but continued speaking to those around me, “I’d like each of you to grab your Vizoac with one hand, keep a tight grip, and hold onto me with the other. Whatever you do…” I stressed the words, “do not let go of me.” I had no clue how long this would take with so many, and especially, through to the Temple. “And remember, when we arrive, try to wipe the look of wonder off your faces.” I adjusted my duffle’s strap over my head, and bent, picking up Isolde, holding her in one hand easily, then motioned for them. “Let’s go.”

They instantly moved in, their excitement barely contained, trying to appear professional, but each arm hooked around mine or around my waist was tight, cramped almost with their Vizoacs around us.

Letting my Core flare to life, I glowed brightly, stating, “Tell your Vizoacs not to freak out during this please.” That would not be a good thing, and smartly, each owner instantly did as I asked. “Now hang on. And remember, game faces, everyone.”

Instantly, I pushed my power to maximum strength, and everyone’s eyes glowed around me as I concentrated on so many connections…and we vanished…floating in the cosmos, brilliant beauty all around. I heard their gasps, saw their faces flying around, their grips on me instantly tightening. But it was hard, my body trembling with the effort, and I instantly pulled through my bond with Leric, needing his strength before I lost it. The power came, my glow brightening, and I shuddered, my Core filling again. Immediately, I started pulling their tethers in quick succession, making sure to grab up the slivers wrapping around them, their Vizoacs. Sweat beading down my face, I glanced up in the dark brilliance, stars and moon and comets all around, and saw Elder Merrick and Sin, both watching me, watching my glowing hands work, pulling the tethers from the hands on me. Chest pumping with the effort, I heaved with all my strength, lifting the tethers to my lips, my muscles trembling, exhaustion almost consuming and I pulled more power down my bond with Leric, my glow brightening, strengthening me, and I whispered on a gasp, “Temple, give us access.”