Chosen One (Forever Evermore #6)

I giggled when Elder Venclaire blurred down, stopping my head from turning to see what the hullabaloo was about, wiping his tongue over my neck, and I slapped at his head. “That tickles. Stop it.”

Elder Merrick slammed a hand down on Elder Venclaire’s shoulder, yanking him back up, his tone gravelly, but sharp. “She said stop.”

Elder Venclaire licked his lips, brushing Elder Merrick’s hand off his shoulder. “I was just healing the wound.” He licked his lips again, blue eyes glowing dimly. “But,” he hummed softly, “she tastes fantastic.”

I waggled my finger at him. “No bets. No licks.” More waggling. “Got it, mister?”

King Collins muttered a curse under his breath, and then gently grabbed my shoulders, helping me to sit up straight.

The room spun a bit, and I put a hand to my forehead. “What happened?” I wiggled my shoulders a bit. “I feel great.”

“Get her over here to fix him,” Queen Ruckler shouted, her wolf growling loudly.

“There was a…boom…when King Zeller bit you,” Elder Farrar stated steadily, bending to stare me in the eyes. “And you both went down.”

“A boom?” I smiled, but rubbed my forehead, trying to remember. My head cocked, and I tilted my head to King Zeller where he lay on his back, eyes closed, appearing content to the world, even though he wasn’t waking as Bindi and Queen Ruckler tried to revive him. “Oh…yes.” I snickered, and patted my neck. “He’s got quite a bite.”

“Yes,” Elder Farrar rubbed at his ear, “and you have a pair of lungs that could rival warlords.” He pointed a finger at my hands. “And quite the…boom…or whatever the hell that was that knocked us all back against our seats.”

My shoulders bounced as I grinned merrily, joy suffusing my system. “Thanks.” My eyes teetered to Elder Merrick. “I don’t hate you right now.” In fact, he looked damn good. Curls dangling around his face, navy blue eyes fierce down on me, pouty red lips pursed in irritation. Kind of good enough to gobble up. Slowly…then in much larger portions.

His eyes widened marginally, and he barked gruffly to King Collins, “There’s something wrong with her.” He swung his head to Bindi, his wolf growling. “Get over here and check to see if she hit her head.”

“She’s awake,” Bindi muttered, her hands glowing over King Zeller’s head. “He’s not.”

I snapped my fingers, pulling my gaze away from Elder Merrick. “I know what to do.” I pushed Elder Venclaire aside, and crawled a few feet to King Zeller, shooing Queen Ruckler with a hand when she growled. I gripped his chin, pulling it down so his mouth parted. Inhaling heavily, I glowed brightly, setting my lips to his, thumping my hand on Queen Ruckler’s head when she started to dip down, her wolf growling loudly, barely holding her back as I exhaled deeply, the stars flying into his mouth as I whispered, “Wake.”

Instantly, he groaned quietly, a bit like a purr, and I hurriedly pulled my head back, smiling up at Queen Ruckler’s furious, but anxious face. “He’s good.” I patted his forehead, shutting my power down. “I didn’t hurt him, since you said no killing blows.”

Her wolf growled quietly at me, but she instantly started patting his cheek. “Wake up!”

He grinned…and I knew that wasn’t a smile meant for everyone to see, so I tilted a bit so those behind didn’t have a view, slapping a hand over his mouth when it opened ready to say who-knew-what-the-hell, stating on a laugh, “King Zeller?”

His eyes flew open wide, darting from me to Queen Ruckler.

I took my hand back waggling my fingers. “How you feeling?” My shoulders bounced. “I’m feeling fan-ta-a-stic.”

His lips curved drunkenly. “I’m good, Ms. Jules.” He chuckled quietly. “Damn good.”

“So,” I rolled a finger, and stood on wobbly legs, but couldn’t stop my smile, “who won?”

They all stared a bit.

I bounced happily on the balls of my feet. “Guess I did.” I pointed down to King Zeller. “Got your wallet and kicked your ass.” I chuckled merrily. “Criminal bitch take-down one.” My brows bounced as I peered back to the others. “Who’s next?”

Elder Farrar started snorting, and moving toward me. “Ms. Jules, I believe that was a tie, seeing as you knocked not only King Zeller out, but also yourself…with your own power.” He gripped my elbow lightly, guiding me through the Elders to the benches. “And I believe whatever you did made you a bit drunk or high. You should probably sit down until you’re thinking straight.”

“Ah, man!” I waved my free hand. “That was nothing.”

“Then I’d hate to see something,” Elder Jacobs muttered, taking my other elbow when I wobbled as I bounced on my feet. “I’m actually glad to say I won’t be facing off against you.”

“Thanks, mister Elder Jacobs,” I smiled grandly at him; sunshine flittering threw my veins like pure sunflowers blowing in the breeze, “cause, you know, you rock.”

Elder Jacobs started chuckling. “I do believe I could learn to like you as you are right now.”

“That is so sweet,” I murmured, jumping to kiss his cheek, watching his eyes widen in shock. “You are so cute. Did I ever tell you that?”

“Dear God, set her down and get the duct tape,” Queen Cooper muttered under her breath, grabbing one of the light jackets from the benches and draping it over my shoulders as they sat me down. My feet pattered on the ground, my eyebrows coming together as the scent on the enormous jacket engulfed me. I sniffed it a few times, plucking at the garment, telling King Collins easily, “Smells good. Like forests before a rainfall,” it was Elder Merrick’s scent, but my head cocked a bit, sniffing again, realizing he had changed colognes since the past, “and cologne, the expensive manly kind.” I grinned, somehow liking it even better, then glanced about as the few in front of me stood motionless. “Hey, can I get something to eat, maybe?”

“Whose jacket is that?” King Collins asked sharply, jerking around to the others, pointing at me, bouncing on his feet. “Please tell me that’s a Shifters coat!”

Elder Merrick tilted his head up, saying loudly from where he was helping King Zeller’s grinning ass up. “It’s mine.” His head cocked. “Why?”

King Collins blinked, and then jumped straight into the air, pumping a fist. “Yes, another spirit secret bites the dust.” My lips managed to pinch the barest bit as he waggled his finger at me, explaining, “She can scent not just the cologne, but,” his hands rubbed together greedily, ““a forest before a rainfall” scent.” He chuckled, brows bouncing. “An obviously abbreviated way to scent a Shifter, but spirit Elemental style.” He raised his hand to me. “Come on, Prodigy. Give me some.”

I high fived him, rolling my eyes. “I’m hungry.”

“And…I do believe she’s coming down,” Elder Farrar murmured, brushing a hair off my forehead that had fallen from my ponytail. “Did using that much—what had to be—inexperienced power make you need nourishment?”

I was coming down, blindingly fast, and I griped, “Dammit, I’m hungry.” My stomach growled. Loudly. “Hear that?” I pointed at my flat belly. “It’s saying, feed me now.”

King Zeller was placed directly next to me, and he threw an arm over my shoulder, knocking his head into mine, leaving it there. “This is good. Not as good as the protection. But, this is damn…joyful.”

“Glad to hear it.” I barely kept from falling over with his weight as everyone stared down at us. One hand bracing on the bench, I pointed a finger at my King. “I. Want. Food.” My finger swung to Elder Merrick, and I glared at him. “And I hate you.”

Elder Merrick sighed heavily, appearing relieved. “She’s back.” He tipped his head grandly, sneering, “And I hate you too.”

King Zeller chuckled quietly, and murmured, “Now, now…let’s all be friends, shall we? And besides, hate is such a relative term. So closely related to love.”

Queen Ruckler stood with her arms crossed. “If she does that shit to me while I face her, I’ll rip her damn head off.” She leaned forward, smacking King Zeller’s cheek lightly, her tone lightening. “Snap out of it.”