
When Kheelan crushed her mouth with a kiss, Skye wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into his body. His hands pressed her back.


“Ouch!” she protested as the wings pinched her spine.


Kheelan held her at arm’s length. “I want to see you. Really see you.” His voice was gruff and deep and he kept her eyes locked with his as he slowly pulled the sweatshirt up over her head and tossed it to the floor. He arched a brow at the yards of Ace bandage wrapped around her chest and back.


Skye’s arms flew to her chest. How mortifying. She looked ridiculous. Still, she didn’t stop him when he drew her arms to her sides and carefully undid her binding.


The bandage slipped to the floor and her wings expanded and burst free with a life of their own. He gently twirled her around with one hand. She’d never felt so exposed in her life, or so nervous. Kheelan would be disgusted, he hated everything about fairies. And there was no denying now that she was half fae. She stiffened, squaring her shoulders in preparation for his rebuff.


“Beautiful,” he whispered.


“Really?” Her wings did a little flutter of relief.


He kissed her again, gently this time.


The tenderness undid her. It touched her in the dark abyss where her deepest insecurities were firmly entrenched. She cupped his face with her hands and pressed into the hard, stubborn line of his jaw, felt the bones that shaped the planes of his cheeks. He’d been through so much. Had lived such a sad life with no love or acceptance. Skye ached to show him love and shower him with affection and passion.


She broke from his kiss and took a step backward, reaching out a hand. “Let’s go to my room,” she said huskily, fighting back a sudden bout of shyness.


One eyebrow raised. “Does this mean what I think it means?”


She nodded, unable to speak.


“Are you sure that –”


“Yes.” She squeezed his hand and then turned and walked down the hallway.


He didn’t immediately follow.


Skye went to her room and sat on the edge of her bed, twisting her fingers in her lap. He doesn’t want me after all. I’ve made a fool of myself. Again. I’ll be mortified if . . .


He filled the doorway – tall and dark and so very solid and powerful. A spasm of self-doubt clawed her gut. He’d had many women, she was sure of it. What if she wasn’t as good, as desirable as the beautiful fairies he’d known?


“What is it?” He frowned and crossed over to her at once, sitting next to her on the bed. “Second thoughts? We don’t have to do anything.” Kheelan kissed her forehead. “It’s okay.”


“I want to.” Skye hung her head, embarrassed to meet his eyes. “I just hope I don’t disappoint you.”


“Hey look at me.” He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face. “You could never disappoint me, Skye. You’re so warm, so loving.”


What had she ever done to deserve such a man? She put her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the passion in her soul. He fell back on the bed and she lay on top of him, her hips pressing into his rigid manhood. Dear goddesses, she’d been made for this moment, made to become one with this man.


Skye stood and cast off the bottom half of her sweatpants. Too bad she hadn’t been wearing something sexier for the occasion, but she hadn’t known earlier that tonight would be The Night.


Kheelan rose from the bed and quickly shed his clothes, never taking his eyes off her body. She felt so powerful . . . so womanly.


He lay on the bed and beckoned her to join him.


With no hesitation, Skye sank down beside him, thrilling at the full-bodied naked contact. It was finally happening. Her heart raced and her nerves danced and tingled all over. He touched and kissed and probed and suckled until she was weak and desperate.


“Stop,” she whispered.


He went still. “What’s wrong? Changed your mind?”


Skye giggled. “Not a chance.”


“Then why –”


“It’s your turn.” Hesitantly, she reached down and touched his manhood. Kheelan moaned and sucked in his breath. Emboldened, she explored further.


And then he was on top of her, his face intense and strained. “Are you sure?” he asked.


“Yes.” A million times yes.


He entered and she tensed at the strange, filling sensation. It was overwhelming . . . it was even perhaps . . . pleasant. Skye wiggled her hips experimentally. Oh there. That was much, much better.


Kheelan pulled away and thrust back into her.


Yes, she liked this very much.


Afterward, she lay in his arms and stretched contentedly. The salt lamp cast a cheery orange glow on the indigo walls. Everything in her room was exactly as before; same floral comforter, same books and crystals, same familiar smell of frankincense.


But she was changed. She’d given her heart and body to a man and vowed she’d never regret a bit of it, come what may. Kheelan’s arm lay across her side and she lightly traced the tattoo. Her joy faded. “What they’ve done to you is so wrong.”


Debbie Herbert's books